Meetings and Courses
Meetings and Courses
Announcements for this section should be submitted in the correct format at least 3 months before the required date of publication. This list is provided as a service to readers; inclusion does not imply endorsement by the Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International.
Section editor
Shui-Ying Lei
April, 2015
AACR annual meeting 2015
April 18-22, 2015; Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, USA
Program committee chairperson is Lewis C. Cantley, Sandra and Edward Meyer Cancer Center at Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY, USA. The AACR annual meeting is the most comprehensive cancer research meeting in the world, where the latest and most exciting basic, translational, and clinical discoveries are presented. It is a unique opportunity for members of the cancer research community to learn about cuttingedge advances, obtain feedback on their own research, and make connections that will foster future collaborations. The program covers every aspect of cancer-from epidemiology, molecular biology, clinical studies, and prevention to survivorship and patient advocacy. For more information, please visit: Meetings/Pages/MeetingDetail.aspx?EventItemID=25#. VBfhQ9KSywU.
50th the international liver congress 2015 EASL
April 22-26, 2015; Vienna, Austria
The European Association for the Study of the Liver has selected the city of Vienna for its 50th annual congress “The International Liver Congress™“, which will take place on April 22-26, 2015 at Reed Messe, Vienna, Austria. State-of-the-art scientifc programme includes Symposia, Workshops, Postgraduate Courses, Basic Science Seminar, Forums, Young Investigator Dedicated Sessions, Nurse & Associates Forum, and Abdominal Sonography Course. For Registration/housing, please contact:; for general enquiries, please contact:
2015 international congress on ultrasonics (ICU) May 10-14, 2015; Metz, FranceThe congress will be held at l'Arsenal and is hosted by Georgia Tech Lorraine in collaboration with the French Acoustical Society. The 2015 ICU will gather the very top researchers in the feld of ultrasonics and will present a modern scientifc program combining established research topics in combination with the newest emerging subjects. For more information, please visit:
AACR precision medicine series: integrating clinical genomics and cancer therapy
June 13-16, 2015; Grand America Hotel, Salt Lake City, Utah
Conference co-chairpersons are Charles L. Sawyers, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York; Elaine R. Mardis, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri; and Arul M. Chinnaiyan, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. This conference will focus on the rapid advances made in clinical genomics, integrated DNA and RNA analysis, and the management and operability of these critical data for cancer therapy. For further information, please visit aspx?EventItemID=42#.VQfaadJmS4J.
The global viral hepatitis summit--15th international symposium on viral hepatitis and liver disease June 26-28, 2015; Berlin, Germany
The 15th international symposium on viral hepatitis and liver disease will be held together with the 12th annual meeting of the German national network of competence on viral hepatitis (Hep-Net) and the 1st international symposium of the hepatitis section of the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF). This symposium is organized every three years moving around the continents. Basic scientists and clinicians will discuss the most recent advances to combat this very important global health burden caused by all hepatitis viruses. For more information, please visit:
ILTS 21st annual international congress
July 8-11, 2015; Chicago, IL, USA
The goal of this congress is to broaden the education of scientists, surgeons, anesthesiologists, physicians, nurses, and organ procurement personnel in the care and treatment of liver transplant patients. Abstractscan be submitted in the following categories: acute liver failure; anesthesia/critical care medicine; basic science; extended criteria donor/disease transmission; hepatitis B/C; immunosuppression; living donor; malignancies; outcomes; patient selection/organ allocation/organ recovery; pediatrics; radiology/interventional radiology; recurrent disease/pathology; surgical techniques/complications; and surgical videos. Abstracts will be accepted to be presented in the following formats: Rising Star Symposium; Plenary; Concurrent; Poster; and Surgical Videos. The offcial language of the congress is English. For more information, please visit:
27th European congress of pathology (Pathologybreaking barriers in medicine)
September 5-9, 2015; Sava Center, Belgrade, Seria
The theme for the 2015 ECP congress pathology-breaking barriers in medicine is therefore very timely: pathologists have many interactions with other disciplines and its developments have infuences on medical decision in everyday practice. The congress will have the organbased session as programmed by working groups, the special session on teaching, quality assessment and public awareness, and of course the key-note lectures enlighten pathologists on developments outside pathology, but infuencing pathologists very much. The offcial language of the congress is English. For more information, please visit:
Chromatin and epigenetics in cancer
September 24-27, 2015; Loews Atlanta, Atlanta, GeorgiaConference co-chairpersons are Peter A. Jones, Van Andel Research Institute, Grand Rapids, Michigan; Sharon Y.R. Dent, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas; and Charles W.M. Roberts, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, Massachusetts. The focus of this special conference is to bring together outstanding basic, translational, and clinical cancer researchers to discuss their latest fndings in the felds of chromatin and epigenetic regulation, transcription initiation, enhancers, control of transcriptional elongation, and more. And how these fndings are being investigated and applied as therapies for cancer treatment will also be discussed in this conference. Continuing Medical Education Activity AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM is available. The deadline for submission of abstract is July 16, 2015. For further information, please visit: aspx?EventItemID=48#.VQfkuNJmS4I.
The European cancer congress 2015
September 25-29, 2015; Messe Wien Exhibition & Congress Centre, Vienna, Austria
The 18th ECCO-40th ESMO European cancer congress will combine the united efforts of all partner organisations to continue positioning multidisciplinarity as the way forward for improving the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care of cancer patients-placing the patient at the heart of all our efforts and discussions. For more information, please contact: Congress Secretariat, c/o ECCO-the European CanCer Organisation, Avenue E. Mounier 83, B-1200 Brussels. Tel: +32-2-775-02-01; Fax: +32-2-775-02-00; Email: Website:
CRI-CIMT-EATI-AACR - the inaugural international cancer immunotherapy conference: translating science into survival
September 27-30, 2015; Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel, New York, USA
The inaugural meeting will take place at the Sheraton Times Square in New York City on September 27-30, 2015. Entitled “Translating Science into Survival,“ it will cover all areas of inquiry in cancer immunology and immunotherapy, including: immune regulation of T cell responsiveness, genomic methods for identifying tumor antigens, the tumor microenvironment, T cell therapies, checkpoint blockade, biomarkers, combinations, and the microbiome. More than 60 talks by acknowledged leaders in these areas will be given. This joint meeting will provide an unparalleled opportunity for teaching, learning, and networking among all stakeholders in the feld: scientists, clinicians, regulators, drug developers, and patient advocates. Continuing Medical Education Activity-AMA PRA Category 1 Credits is available. For further information, please visit: Meetings/Pages/MeetingDetail.aspx?EventItemID=54#. VQfmJtJmS4I.
Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International的其它文章
- Current strategies for preventing the recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma after livertransplantation
- Glypican-3 as a specifc biomarker for hepatocellular carcinoma
- Inhibition of pancreatic stellate cell activity by adipose-derived stem cells
- Mutations in thep16gene in DMBA-induced pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia and pancreatic cancer in rats
- Contrast-enhanced ultrasound in diagnosis of gallbladder adenoma
- Pentoxifylline enhances the protective effects of hypertonic saline solution on liver ischemia reperfusion injury through inhibition of oxidative stress