国际人才交流 2015年11期
国内三大电信运营商正式对外开放手机套餐内单月流量不清零业务。从10月1日起,手机用户无须申请,即可开通此项服务。开通后,套餐内的流量当月内用不完,可以转存至次月优先使用。例如,10月套餐内剩余流量可延期结转至11月底前使用,后续月份以此类推。该服务面向所有手机月套餐用户,系统默认开通该服务。这一服务措施将惠及4G /3G/2G 手机月套餐用户。
China’s three major domestic telecom operators have official introduced roll-over services for data purchased in monthly packages. Roll-over for monthly packages began on October 1. It was automatic- users do not need to subscribe. Any leftover data from one month can be used in the next month. For example, any remainder from October can be used in November. Users with 2G, 3G, and 4G packages can benefit from the new regulations.