

疯狂英语·初中天地 2015年10期

Track 4

by Tehrene Firman



Get Ready for Vampire Diaries Bad Boy Chris Wood to Steal Your Heart

Track 4

by Tehrene Firman



If you’re looking for a guy who’s the total package, we found him: 26-year-old Chris Wood, whose most recent role as thevillainous[邪恶的]Kai Parker in The Vampire Diaries has turned him into Hollywood’s hottest new bad boy.In real life, he’s a marathon-running, theater-loving,baseball[棒球]-playingheartthrob[万人迷]who has a whole lot more to him than you’ll ever see on screen.


The Ohio native isn’t new to the acting scene.Before his roles on The Carrie Diaries and Girls, you’d have to buy tickets to the theater to see him put on his best performance.“My first role was a rat in Pied Piper of Hamelin when I was six years old,”he tells us.“My older sister was really intotheater[电影院]and dance, so there’s always thesibling rivalry[手足之争]element of growing up.I fell into it that way.It’s something I’ve done my whole life.”

That frst role was just the beginning.After growing up makingstop-motion[定格摄影]home movies with friends, plus ashort-lived[短期的]series[连续剧]in high school called Chris Wood: Action Man, it was pretty clear being an actor was in hisgenes[基因].“I grew up in Ohio and my family members weren’t artists or anything, so you have to find some sort of path to get to where you want to be,” Chris says.“I didn’t know anyone who had gone from Ohio and worked in Hollywood, so at a very early age I sort of had to fgure it out.”

Chris decided to go to Elon University in North Carolina to get his foot in the door, and it didn’t take long for him to catch hisbig break[重大转机].“I knew you neededtraining[培训]to become a skilled theater actor, and to get training you had to go to school,” he says.




After several roles during college, Chrisscored[获得]thepart[角色]of Melchoir in the national tour of Spring Awakening, where he performed in eight shows a week in over 60 cities.Then a couple years later, it was on to TV.We loved him as Adam in The Carrie Diaries, but his new role as the leadantagonist[反派角色]in Vampire Diaries is his most fun one yet.“Kai is totally different from my other roles—being the bad guy is always great.The bad guys have all the fun.We get all the best lines,” he says.“Especially getting to play apsychotic[神经病的]character! He’s so different from me.”

Fans of the show who meet Chris in real life are surprised by thedown-to-earth[现实的]sweetheart they fnd,given[考虑到]his crazy character.“I was in Florida at thisconvention[大会]and the thing I heard most often was ‘You’re not at all what I was expecting you to be like.’ I’m always thinking, ‘Well I hope not.I hope you didn’t think I was going to be anut[难对付的人],’” Chris says.

When he gets a break from filming, the entirecast[演员阵容]has a handful of things they like to do off set in Atlanta, Georgia.“They have this thing called thebeltline[环形]in Atlanta.It’s a bike path that goes around the entire city,” Chris says.“It’s veryscenic[风景优美的].They have all these cool local art projects along the side of the path: big sculptures,windmills[风车], andpendulums[钟摆].So we bike that some weekends when it’s nice.We also love game nights—we play a lot ofcharades[猜字游戏]and Cards Against Humanity.”


基于克里斯在剧中饰演的疯狂角色,《吸血鬼日记》的粉丝们却惊讶地发现克里斯在现实生活中非常贴心。“当我在佛罗里达开会的时候,听到最多的莫过于‘你根本就不是我想象中的那样’。我就一直在想,‘我也希望不是,我不希望你们都认为我会是一个难搞的人,’” 克里斯说道。


Being a baseball fan for basically his entire life, Chris also makes time to keep playing.“I playrec[娱乐休闲]softball sort ofreligiously[十分认真地].I’m a huge baseball fan,” he tells us.“When I lived in New York City, I’d go to a Yankees game every week.I played until college, so I joined a couple leagues when I moved to Atlanta.That’s been fun when I’m not working.”

If you haven’t noticed, this guy’s pretty cool: From acting to singing and being an athlete, there’s not much he doesn’t do.So if you just became even more of a fan, don’t worry.This is just the beginning for theadorable[可爱的]Pied Piper rat who’s on his way to becoming one of Hollywood’s mostcoveted[垂涎的]stars.



