Screening of Resistance to Main Diseases in Tomato Cultivars


Agricultural Science & Technology 2015年2期

Pengsheng YE ,Hualan ZENG *,Lian HE ,Zhaohui LIU ,Shugu WEI ,Qianfang ZHANG ,Qiongying LI ,Shundong DAI ,Jing ZENG

1.Industrial Crop Research Institute,Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Chengdu 610300,China;

2.Key Laboratory of Integrated Pest Management on Crops in Southwest,Ministry of Agriculture,Chengdu 610066,China

Responsible editor:Tingting XU Responsible proofreader:Xiaoyan WU

Tomato(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill,Solanaceae:Solanum) is a kind of vegetable that is native to Central and South America.It is introduced to China in the late Qing Dynasty.Tomato is not only tasted delicious but also nutritious.Tomato is rich in carotene,vitamin C,B vitamins,calcium,phosphorus,potassium,magnesium,iron,zinc,copper,iodine and other elements,as well as proteins,sugars,organic acids,and cellulose.At the same time,modern medical researches show tomato also has functions of reducing blood fat,reducing blood pressure,anti-aging,reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease,anti-cancer,anti-bacteria,antiinflammatory and medical functions of reducing fever,relieving sore throat,control high blood pressure and treating skin diseases and anemia.Due to the pharmacological effects and nutritional value,tomato,as edible vegetable and fruit,has been widely planted worldwide.At present,the annual cultivation area of tomato in China has been stabilized around 1.1×106hm2,ranking first in Asia and second around the world[1].

With the extended cultivation area of tomato in production,the occurrence and damage of tomato diseases and pests have been more and more serious.Fusarium wilt,Botrytis cinerea,viral disease and late blight are main diseases in tomato production[1-6].The annual yield losses range from 30% to 50%.In severe cases,harvest failure may occur,affecting seriously the yield and quality of tomato.There have been no effective chemicals for the diseases above.Even worse,Fusarium wilt,Botrytis cinerea and bacterial wilt are all soil-borne diseases.Their pathogenic bacteria can survive in soil for many years,resulting in the long-term accumulation of pathogenic bacteria in soil.Thus the control difficulty is increased.Production practices show the breeding and cultivation of disease-resistant cultivars are the most effective means to control these diseases[7].The resistance identification of breeding material can help to clarify its resistance in the early breeding stage.Thus the resistant cultivars can be screened out more efficiently,thereby shortening the breeding cycle.In 2009-2012,the resistance to Fusarium wilt,Botrytis cinerea,early blight,viral disease and other main diseases in the 30 tomato cultivars,bred by the Industrial Crop Research Institute of Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,was identified in a disease nursery so as to screen out disease-resistant tomato cultivars for production.

Material and Methods


The 30 tomato cultivars bred by the Industrial Crop Research Institute of Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences were used as the test material.Among the 30 tomato cultivars,12,8,5 and 5 cultivars were bred in 2009,2010,2011 and 2012,respectively.The test was carried out in a continuous tomato-cropping field,and the resistance of tomato cultivars in a serious disease nursery was identified.The field cultivation and fertilizer and water management of tomato were in according to routine methods.The tomato cultivars were arranged in field randomly.There were 3 replicates for each cultivar,and 20 -25 plants for each replicate.The resistance identification and screening were conducted at the peak incidence of each disease.

Resistance screening methods

Fusarium wiltThe grading standards of disease damage were as follows[8]:Grade 0,no symptoms; Grade 1,1-2 leaf blades turning yellow apparently and even falling down; Grade 2,1-2 true leaves turning yellow or whole plant turning yellow,and leaves drooping and slightly wilting; Grade 3,whole plant apparently wilting or all leaves seriously turning yellow,and growth being inhibited;Grade 4,whole plant seriously wilting and withering.The grading standards of resistance,based on disease index (X),were as follows[8]:High resistance(HR):0 <X ≤5.00;Resistance (R),5.00 <X ≤20.00;Tolerance (T),20.00 <X ≤40.00;Sensitivity(S),X >40.00.

Botrytis cinereaThe grading standards of disease damage were as follows[9]:Grade 0,no symptoms; Grade 1,lesions area accounting for lower than 5% of the total leaves area;Grade 3,lesions area accounting for 6% -15% of the total leaves area;Grade 5,lesions area accounting for 16% -25% of the total leaves area;Grade 7,lesions area accounting for 26% -50% of the total leaves area;Grade 9,lesions area accounting for higher than 50% of the total leaves area.The grading standards of resistance,based on disease index (X),were as follows[8]:High resistance(HR):0<X≤2.00; Resistance (R),2.00<X≤15.00;Tolerance(T),15.00<X≤30.00;Sensitivity(S),X>30.00.

Viral diseaseThe grading standards of disease damage were as follow[10]:Grade 0,no symptoms;Grade 1,veins turning apparent and leaves turning mosaic slightly; Grade 3,heart leaves and central leaves turning mosaic;Grade 5,heart leaves and central leaves turning mosaic,and few leaves malformed and wrinkled or plant dwarfed; Grade 7,leaves turning mosaic severely,and most leaves malformed and wrinkled or plant dwarfed;Grade 9,leaves turning mosaic and malformed severely,and plant dwarfed and even dead.The grading standards of resistance,based on disease index (X),were as follows [10]:High resistance (HR):0<X≤2.00; Resistance (R),2.00 <X ≤15.00; Tolerance (T),15.00<X≤30.00;Sensitivity(S),X>30.00.

Late blightThe grading standards of disease damage were as follow[11]:Grade 0,no symptoms; Grade 1,few lesions shown on leaves; Grade 2,lesions shown on ≤1/3 of the total leaves;Grade 3,lesions shown on 1/3-1/2 leaves; Grade 4,lesions shown on >1/2 of the total leaves and leaves seriously falling down; Grade 5,plant being dead.The grading standards of resistance were as follow[11]:High resistance (HR):0 <X ≤10.00; Resistance (R),10.00<X≤20.00; Moderate resistance (MR),20.00 <X ≤40.00;Moderate sensitivity (MS),40.00<X≤60.00; Sensitivity (S),60.00 <X ≤90.00;High sensitivity,X>90.00.

Results and Analysis

Resistance to different diseases

Table1 Multi-resistance of tomato material

As shown in Table1 and Fig.1,tomato cultivars had the highest resistance to Fusarium wilt.Among the 30 tested tomato cultivars,22 cultivars were resistant,accounting for 73.33%of the total tomato cultivars;8 cultivars were tolerant,accounting for 26.67%of the total cultivars; there were no tomato cultivars immune to or infected with Fusarium wilt.In terms of Botrytis cinerea,most tomato cultivars were tolerant.Among the 30 tested tomato cultivars,12 cultivars were resistant,accounting for 40.00%of the total cultivars; 15 cultivars were tolerant,accounting for 50.00% ; there were 3 tomato cultivars infected with Botrytis cinerea.Considering late blight,most tomato cultivars were moderately resistant.Among the 30 tomato cultivars,there were 5,22 and 3 cultivars resistant,moderately resistant and moderately sensitive,respectively,accounting for 16.67%,73.33%and 10.00%of the total cultivars.The tomato cultivars had a poor resistance to viral disease.There were only 4 out 30 tomato cultivars resistant to viral disease,accounting for 13.33% of the total cultivars.And there were 12 and 14 cultivars tolerant and sensitive to viral disease,accounting for 40.00% and 46.67% of the total cultivars,respectively.

Among the 30 tomato cultivars,the resistance of 12-1,12-3 and 12-5 to Fusarium wilt was excellent with disease indexes of 5.02,5.77 and 6.25;the resistance of 196-7,180-4 and B-127 to Botrytis cinerea was excellent with disease indexes of 6.39,7.47 and 8.42;the resistance of B127 and 12-2 to viral disease was excellent with disease indexes of 10.42 and 12.50; the resistance of 12-2 and B65 to late blight was excellent with disease indexes of 13.46 and 13.61.


Table1 showed the tomato cultivars bred by the Industrial Crop Research Institute of Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences showed certain resistance to the four kinds of diseases that occurred in Sichuan Province.Few tomato cultivars were even multi-resistant to 2-3 kinds of diseases simultaneously,indicating a good application and promotion prospect.Among the 30 tomato cultivars,11 cultivars were resistant to only 1 kind of disease,accounting for 36.67%of the total tested cultivars;10 cultivars were resistant to 2 kinds of diseases,accounting for 33.33%of the total cultivars;B127,03LG,B65,12-2 were resistant simultaneously to 3 kinds of diseases,accounting for 13.33% of the total cultivars; there were 5 tomato cultivars resistant to none of Fusarium wilt,Botrytis cinerea,viral disease and late blight,accounting for 16.67% of the total tested tomato cultivars.It is indicated that B127,03LG,B65 and 12-2 have a good multi-resistance property.

Conclusions and Discussion

Tomato is a kind of worldwideplanted vegetable.It is also one of the major vegetables planted in Sichuan Province,as well as in China.The perennial cultivation area of tomato in Sichuan Province is maintained at about 3 500 hm2.Tomato is an important source of income for farmers.The investigation on disease occurrence in tomato production has shown that Fusarium wilt,Botrytis cinerea,viral disease and late blight are the major diseases in tomato in Sichuan Province.

The disease-resistance of tomato cultivars will directly affect the yield and quality of tomato.Therefore,the resistance identification and screening play an important role in the breeding of disease-resistant cultivars,improvement of yield and quality and enhancing of market competitiveness of tomato.So the disease-resistance of cultivars has attracted more attention from domestic and foreign breeders.In this context,Maiqiu,Quanmeizhou,Xingjin No.1-6,Qiuguang,Qianglilingguang,Hongza 18 and Dongnong 71 that are resistant to Fusarium wilt have been; BWN-2,Haiwangxing,CL5915-223D4-2-1-0,Ls89,Kangqing No.1,Fengshun,Hongkang No.1 and Xiangfanqie No.1 that are resistant to bacterial wilt have been bred[12];WPH-700,TS33 and L370 that are resistant to late blight have been bred[13].However,the resistant material above cannot meet the demand for diseaseresistant cultivars,especially multi-disease-resistant cultivars by production.Therefore,in recent years,various breeding units have not only strengthened the studies on the molecular marking of resistance genes in tomato and the application of molecular marking in disease-resistant tomato breeding,aiming at breeding tomato cultivars that have broad-spectrum resistance[14-19],but also carried out screening and breeding of multi-disease-resistant cultivars[20].

The identification method of resistance to single disease in tomato has been reported at home and abroad[21-26].In 2010,the Ministry of Agriculture developed the technical regulations for identification of resistance to late blight,leaf mould,Fusarium wilt,bacterial wilt,cucumber mosaic virus disease and tomato mosaic virus disease in tomato[27].In order to meet the demand for multi-disease-resistant tomato cultivars by breeding units and to simplify the screening program,the resistance of tomato cultivars to Fusarium wilt,Botrytis cinerea,viral disease and late blight was investigated in the same open plot,in which the diseases had occurred most seriously over the years,within the same cultivation cycle due to Fusarium wilt,Botrytis cinerea,viral disease and late blight belonging to different types of diseases.Different grading standards for disease damage and cultivar resistance were adopted for different diseases[8-11],providing a basis for the screening of diseaseresistant cultivars.

The resistance evaluation showed most of the tomato cultivars bred by the Industrial Crop Research Institute of Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences have certain resistance to major diseases,and few cultivars are even resistant to 2-3 kinds of diseases simultaneously.It is indicated the tomato cultivars have a good application and promotion prospect.However,in this study,the resistance of tomato cultivars to only Fusarium wilt,Botrytis cinerea,viral disease and late blight that usually seriously occur in Sichuan Province is investigated,and the resistance of tomato cultivars to other diseases needs to be further studied in future research.

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