On Adaptability of Guiyan 2 in Southwestern Guizhou Tobacco-growing Areas


Agricultural Science & Technology 2015年5期

Jie LUO,Yongke JIN,Di ZHU,Yuewei SHI,Chenglin JIN

1.Xingyi Branch of Qianxinan Tobacco Company,Xingyi 562400,China;

2.Tobacco Company of Qianxinan Prefecture of Guizhou Province,Xingyi 562400,China;

3.Guizhou Tobacco Institute,Guiyang 550081,China

Responsible editor:Nanling WANG Responsible proofreader:Xiaoyan WU

Variety is the basis of tobacco production and also an important intrinsic factor affecting quality,yield and production value of tobacco[1],and climatic conditions are important external causes affecting chemical component,aroma and taste of flue-cured tobacco leaves.Therefore,only combining variety characteristics with local natural conditions,can the potential productivity of fine varieties be fully developed,thereby producing high-quality tobacco[2].Guiyan 2 is a self-fertile strain which passed Guizhou Provincial Agriculture Assessment,it was reported[3-6]that its economic indicators of yield and production value were obviously better than these of Yunyan 97 based on the regional trial or demonstration planting in Zunyi,Liupanshui,etc.,it also had appropriate intrinsic chemical components and proportion,as well as better curing characteristics,and got generally better evaluation from tobacco growers,moreover,its smoking quality,aroma of the smoke and taste were all better than these of Yunyan 97.To optimize local breed structure,select reserved varieties for production and formulate matching techniques,the paper studied the production adaptability of Guiyan 2 in Southwestern Guizhou tobacco-growing areas and its economic value.

Materials and Methods

Basic situation of experimental field

The experiment was carried out in Siqiu Field of Daimo Group,Chami Village,Baiwanyao Town,Xingyi City.The annual mean temperature there was among 13.6-18.0 ℃,annual mean precipitation was among 1 251.6-1 577 mm,the frost-free period reached about 300 d,the altitude was about 1 588 m and the annual sunshine duration was above 1 400 h,therefore,it was suitable for flue-cured tobacco planting.The soil of the experimental land was yellow brown soil,it had even fertility,flat terrain,convenient irrigation and drainage,moreover,it hadn’t any root and stem diseases in recent years,the previous crop was pea,main physical and chemical properties of the soil were:7.75 pH,43.81 g/kg organic matter,146.9 mg/kg available N,28.11 mg/kg available P and 372.17 mg/kg available K.

Experimental varieties(lines)

The demonstration variety (line):Guiyan 2 (a new self-fertile variety which passed the Guizhou Provincial Agriculture Assessment) ; check variety:Yunyan 97(local leading cultivar).

Experimental design

The experiment adopted field comparative trail,the row spacing was 120 cm × 50 cm and the transplanting density was 15 750 plant/hm2,the concentrated scaled planting area of Guiyan 2 was more than 20 hectares,the check variety (CK)was local leading cultivar - Yunyan 97; the transplanting date was during April 26-30,compound fertilizer,farmyard manure and flour of colza seed were applied once as base fertilizer before transplanting; then 225 kg/hm2compound mixed fertilizer (N:P2O5:K2O=12:0:33)would be applied on May 15,and the furrows were ditched deeply; after the flowering of 50% central flowers,sprout inhibition,top-cutting and branch-cutting using chemical methods were carried out,and the leaves must be left reasonably; ripe tobacco of demonstration group and control group should be separately harvested,marked and baked,in addition,the cured tobacco leaf should be sold based on 42 classes of Flue-cured Tobacco GB/T2635-1992.What’s more,farm operations of transplanting pattern,fertilizing amount and field management should be carried out according to the production technology specification of local characteristic sound tobacco.

Measuring items and methods

Growth period and agronomic traitsThe stage of growth and development of each material must be investigated and recorded periodically,and 20 plants of tobaccoes chosen from each material must be tagged,then agronomic traits of each plant should be measured.Plant height,stem girth and node distance should be measured after picking middle leaves of tobacco,leaf length and leaf width of lumbar leaves (the 8thleaf from the top down)should be measured before picking,the specific methods should obey the standard of Investigating and Measuring Methods of Agronomical Character of Tobacco(YC/T142-2010).

Economic traits of tobaccoTobacco fields with better growth conditions were chosen respectively,then their tobacco varieties were picked and baked separately,the yield of the cured tobacco leaf should be counted based on 42 classes of Flue-cured Tobacco GB/T2635-1992.According to the tobacco grade and quality as well as current year’s purchasing price of our country,such economic indicators as production value,average price,grade index and rate of firstclass tobacco were calculated,in which grade index=average price/C1F price.

Survey on field resistanceTobacco fields with better growth conditions were chosen separately,then the number of infected plants and morbidity degree of such common diseases as mosaic disease,black shank,bacterial wilt,brown spot,climate scab and powdery mildew of tobacco leaves were investigated during the mature period of middle leaves,thus rate of diseased plants and disease index were calculated respectively,the specific methods should follow Grade and Investigation Method of Tobacco Diseases and Insect Pests(GB/T23222-2008).

Identification of physical property and chemical quality of tobaccoThe physical properties of tobacco were identified by Guizhou Tobacco Institute who used X2F,C3Fand B2F grades of two varieties(lines),the identification contents contained leaf length,leaf width,simple leaf weight,stem ratio and foliage density.The chemical quality of tobacco was analyzed by Key Laboratory of Guizhou Tobacco Quality Research who referred to the methods proposed by Wang Ruixin et al.[7],the analysis items included nicotine,total sugar,reducing sugar,total nitrogen(N),potassium(K)and chlorine(Cl),etc.

Results and Analyses

Main growth periods

The main growth periods of tested materials were in Table1.The flowering stage of central flowers of demonstration material Guiyan 2 was 4 d earlier than Yunyan 97,and the mature period of uppermost leaves was 2 d later than Yunyan 97,as well as the growth duration after transplant was 2 d longer than Yunyan 97 and the field uniformity was superior to Yunyan 97.

Main agronomic traits

The main agronomic traits of tested materials were in Table1.The optimum node pitch was generally 5 cm,Guiyan 2 had a little large node pitch,while Yunyan 97 had suitable node pitch; the optimum number of productive leaves of flue-cured tobacco was generally 18-22,Guiyan 2 had suitable number of productive leaves,while that of Yunyan 97 was a little more; for topping plant height,Guiyan 2 was higher than Yunyan 97; lengthto-width ratio of lumbar leaves of Guiyan 2 was suitable.

Field resistance

Disease-resistance and yielding ability are not only important evaluation indexes of new variety selection for tobacco production managers and new technique popularizers of tobacco-growing areas,but also the aim breeding workers of flue-cured tobacco are working at to promote[8].As shown in Table3,the disease indexes of mosaic disease,black shank,bacterial wilt,brown spot,climate scab and powdery mildew of Guiyan 2 were among 0.1 -20,and its resistance evaluation belonged to disease-resis-tance according to Identification of Disease Resistance in Tobacco Cultivars (GB/T23224-2008); the disease indexes of mosaic disease,bacterial wilt and powdery mildew of Yunyan 97 were among 0.1-20,thus its resistance evaluation also belonged to disease-resistance,but its disease indexes of brown spot and climate scab were 33.33 and 26.67,respectively,and the resistance evaluation was moderate resistance.Therefore,the overall field resistance of Guiyan 2 was superior to that of Yunyan 97.

Table1 Investigation results of main growth periods

Table2 Investigation results of main agronomic traits

Table3 Investigation results of field resistance

Table4 Statistical results of main economic traits

Table5 Main physical properties of tobacco

Table6 Main intrinsic chemical components of initial flue-cured tobacco

Main economic traits

As seen in Table4,yield,production value and rate of first-class tobacco of Guiyan 2 were respectively higher than Yunyan 97 by 349.2 kg/hm2,4 746.3 yuan/hm2and 6%,conversely,average price and grade index of that were respectively lower than Yunyan 97 by 1.13 yuan/kg and 0.06.Rate of first-class tobacco is an important indicator reflecting the appearance quality of tobacco directly,the higher the rate of first-class tobacco,the better the quality of tobacco,it was thus clear that the appearance quality and economic value of crude tobacco of Guiyan 2 were both superior to these of Yunyan 97.

Main physical properties of tobacco

The physical property of tobacco is an important research content of tobacco quality evaluation,also the result of the combination of genetic factors,ecological environment and cultivation techniques.It was generally acknowledged that the optimum simple leaf weight of domestic flue-cured tobacco was about 6-15 g[9],moreover,the suitable stem ratios of lower,middle and upper parts of flue-cured tobacco leaves were 32%-35%,30%-33% and 27%-30%,respectively[10],leaf specific weight of high-quality fluecured tobacco was about 80 g/m2[11].As demonstrated in Table5,from upper leaf of view,simple leaf weight of Guiyan 2 was greater than that of Yunyan 97,but its stem ratio was lower than that of Yunyan 97,leaf density of Guiyan 2 was obviously greater than that of Yunyan 97,and leaf length and width of Guiyan 2 were almost the same as these of Yunyan 97;from the view of middle leaf,there was little difference on main physical characteristics between Guiyan 2 and Yunyan 97;and from lower leaf of view,only leaf density of Guiyan 2 was lower than that of Yunyan 97,on the contrary,leaf length,leaf width,simple leaf weight and stem ratio of Guiyan 2 were all greater than these of Yunyan 97.In general,leaf density of upper leaf of Guiyan 2 was greater,and the other physical characteristics had little difference with those of Yunyan 97,moreover,they were all within the suitable range which required by sound tobacco.

Intrinsic chemical components of tobacco

As indicated in Table6,for chemical components in lower parts(X2F),middle parts (C3F) and upper parts(B2F) of initial flue-cured tobacco of two materials,from the view of Guiyan 2,its nicotine content was among 1.26%-3.23%(nicotine content in highquality flue-cured tobacco was generally among 1.5%-3.5%[12]),moreover,nicotine contents in upper,middle and lower parts of tobacco were all lower than these of Yunyan 97,total sugar and reducing sugar contents were respectively among 19.58%-34.63%and 13.45%-24.67% (reducing sugar content in high-quality flue-cured tobacco was generally among 16%-18% ),total N content was among 1.54%-2.81%(total N content in highquality flue-cured tobacco was generally among 1.5%-3%),K content was among 1.72%-2.36% (K content in high-quality flue-cured tobacco was generally >1.5% ),moreover,K contents in upper,middle and lower parts of tobacco were all higher than these of Yunyan 97,Cl content was around 0.17%,ratio of total sugar to nicotine was among 4.16%-19.55%,and ratio of nitrogen to nicotine was about 1.All above indicators indicated that intrinsic chemical components of Guiyan 2 were similar to these of Yunyan 97,and part of its indicators were superior to those of Yunyan 97,moreover,its intrinsic chemical components were suitable and the proportion was harmonious.


Compared with CK Yunyan 97,Guiyan 2 showed the following advantages:1)it had moderate growth duration after transplant,strong field growing power,good uniformity and moderate comprehensive agronomic traits,thus according with the requirements of sound tobacco for growth conditions in field; 2)it had better comprehensive resistance than Yunyan 97,and its resistance to brown spot and climate scab was more prominent and the superiority was more obvious; 3)its yield,production value and rate of first-class tobacco were all higher than these of Yunyan 97,furthermore,its appearance quality and economic value of crude tobacco were both superior to these of Yunyan 97; 4)its leaf density of upper leaf was greater,and the other physical characteristics had little difference with those of Yunyan 97,moreover,they were all within the suitable range which required by sound tobacco; 5)its intrinsic chemical components were similar to these of Yunyan 97,and part of its indicators were superior to those of Yunyan 97,moreover,its intrinsic chemical components were suitable and the proportion was harmonious.

In conclusion,seen from the indicators of growth period,botanical characters,field resistance,economic traits of tobacco,physical properties of tobacco and intrinsic chemical components of tobacco,Guiyan 2 had better agronomic traits,better field resistance,higher economic value,suitable intrinsic chemical component content and appropriate proportion,what’s more,its had higher utility value for cigarette industry,thus it was suitable for further demonstration planting or generalized planting in this area.

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