After The Walking Dead1,What Is Left to Scare Us?


英语学习(上半月) 2014年8期

By Lisa Schwarzbaum

∷钟凡凡 选译



Is there anyone left who still flinches when a zombie is dispatched with the violent application of a knife, sword,bullet, stick, boulder, crossbow or other brain-piercing instrument to a bloodspurting head?2. flinch: (从困难、危险或令人害怕的事情)退缩,畏缩;dispatch: 除去,除掉;application: 应用,实施;spurt: 喷出,迸出。The Walking Dead, the stylish American drama, has inspired endless speculation about exactly what caused the majority of the citizenry to become flesheating zombies.3. stylish: 时髦的,流行的;citizenry:市民,公民。There is, no doubt, some great allegorical4. allegorical: 包含寓意的,寓言的。signi ficance to it all for those who want to look for it, something to fit our times. And for those not seeking symbolism, there is always the entertainment of being pleasurably spooked, not least by all that gore.5. spook: 受惊吓;not least: 尤其,相当重要地;gore: 杀戮,暴力。Yet, four seasons intoThe Walking Dead, we watch as those still living kill the zombi fied deceased and accept the skewering of skulls as a matter-of-fact activity akin to the brushing of teeth.6. zombi fied: 僵尸化的,失去思维能力的;the deceased: 死者;skewer:刺穿,叉住;matter-of-fact: 不带感情的,平淡的;akin to: 近乎,类似。


Has the zombie genre become routine? And if so,are we now in need of the Next Great Scare? What is out there to frighten us silly7. silly: 惊呆了的,昏了头的。? Because whatever scares us as a form of entertainment is never just the thing itself—the vampire, the axe murderer, the mutant lizard or extraterrestrial—but also a manifestation of zeitgeist anxiety, a clue inside our society’s deepest fears at a particular moment.8. the mutant lizard: 变异的蜥蜴,此处暗指2014年即将上映的《哥斯拉》电影,哥斯拉是日本创造的影响力最广的怪兽形象之一;extraterrestrial: 外星人,外星生物;zeitgeist:(来源于德语)时代思潮,时代精神。The original 1956Invasion of theBody Snatchersis not merely about extraterrestrial ‘pods’ that turn humans into emotionless replicants, but also a critique ofconformity.Rosemary’s Babyis not simply about a pregnant woman and the devil, but also an allegory about women being denied reproductive freedom.


So, what can possibly scare us next?

What’s old is new

These days our zeitgeist anxiety is focused, with good reason, on technology in general and on the Internet in particular. Secrets spilled by Edward Snowden about the extent to which the US National Security Agency covertly monitors the world have drawn refocused attention on the terrifying power of computerised intelligence9. spill: 泄露,道出(秘密);Edward Snowden:爱德华·斯诺登,前美国中央情报局职员,于2013年6月在香港将美国国家安全局关于棱镜计划监听项目的秘密文档披露给了英国《卫报》和美国《华盛顿邮报》;US National Security Agency: 美国国家安全局,美国政府机构中最大的情报部门,专门负责收集和分析外国及本国通讯资料,隶属于美国国防部;covertly: 秘密地,偷摸地。—an old fear becomes new again. We’re suddenly back to the Orwellian10. Orwellian: 奥威尔主义的。指现代政权利用宣传、误报、监控等来执行社会控制,一个明显的表现就是侵犯个人隐私,到处都是直接或间接的监视。attitudes of the 1940s‘50s and ‘60s that had a massive in fluence on popular culture, so to make a prediction about what to expect for the future of horror, it helps to look back.



Stanley Kubrick’s minimalist-majestic movie2001: A Space Odyssey, in which the computer called HAL develops an insidious lip-reading intelligence of its own, feels as startlingly relevant now as it did 45 years ago.11. Stanley Kubrick: 斯坦利·库布里克(1928—1999),美国电影导演,代表作有《2001太空漫游》、《发条橙》和《闪灵》等,都是电影史上的经典之作;insidious: 暗中为害的,伺机陷害的;relevant: 与当前重大问题密切相关的,有重大意义的。HAL was built to liberate the astronauts from menial12. menial: 乏味的,枯燥的。tasks, but ultimately ends up threatening them: that’s the danger of convenience, both then and now. Kubrick’s prophetic warning was twofold. He suggested that humanity might be flirting with disaster by relying too heavily on technology,and also that we’d all better watch out lest we become like machines ourselves; Snowden warns against the same pitfalls.13. flirt with: 不认真对待,不严肃对待;lest: 唯恐,以免;pitfall: 诱惑,易犯的错误。


Now, a new variation14. variation: 变化,变体。on these 1960s ideas arrived in cinemas this April. The sci- fithrillerTranscendencestars Johnny Depp as a brilliant arti ficial intelligence researcher who transcends physical limitations to merge his “consciousness” with that of the machine he has built to process collective intelligence.15. Johnny Depp: 约翰尼·德普,美国电影演员,代表作有《加勒比海盗》系列和《查理和巧克力工厂》等;transcend: 超越,超过限度;collective intelligence: 集体智能,一种共享的或者群体的智能,以及集结众人的意见进而转化为决策的一种过程。集体智能在细菌、动物、人类以及计算机网络中形成。The results, let us just say, are not on the side of societal good. As the uploaded human’s consciousness expands within a computer, the disembodied mind learns to disregard the ethical distinctions that humans are capable of making between right and wrong.16. disembodied: 脱离实体的,无实体的;disregard: 无视,置之度外。And the means of defence,by the alarmed few humans who recognise the danger,are drastic.

The catharsis of terror

Looking back to the era of the atom bomb and the Cold War we’ll also find another source of terror that is likely to appear on movie screens again soon.Our shared terrors of radiation sickness, mutation,brainwashing and mass annihilation brought audiences together in the ‘50s to enjoyGodzilla,Invasion of the Body SnatchersandOn the Beach. Today’s fears about the effects of pollution, global warming, nuclear disasters, scienti fically-modi fied food and unethical genetic experimentation already have been transformed into good entertainment in movies about mutant monsters—Bong Joon-ho’s excellent 2006 monster parableThe Hostand the stylish 2009 sci- fithrillerSplice, about genetic engineering gone terribly wrong are among them. But now on 16 May Warner Bros is firing the first salvo to bring back the mutant monster movie in grand, big-budget Hollywood fashion:Godzilla.17. Warner Bros: 华纳兄弟娱乐公司,全球最大的电影和电视娱乐制作公司之一;salvo: 礼炮齐鸣。The giant, city-stomping lizard isn’t just a monster;he’s also a walking embodiment of nuclear destruction,conceived by Japanese storytellers not too long after the US dropped bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.18. stomp: 跺脚,践踏;walking embodiment: 化身;conceive: 想象,构想出;Hiroshima: 广岛市,日本西部著名的工业城市,是世界上第一个被核武器轰炸的城市;Nagasaki: 长崎市,日本西部一个重要的港湾城市,是继广岛市之后世界上第二个、也是目前最后一个遭到核武器攻击的城市。In this new version it seems likely he will be something else: a parable for a planet made sick by pollution.


The newGodzillaproves that in the movie industry it is never so much that we overcome our fears and move on to new terrors. It’s that filmmakers recycle the old ones. But rather than that being a sign of Hollywood running out of ideas, our recurring19. recurring: (往事等)再次发生的,再现的。zeitgeist fears reveal the immense capacity of the human race to repeat itself.Indeed, I predict many more horror movie and television plots based on technological anxieties—regarding fears of surveillance, control and conformity, and biological disruptions that result in mutant monsters. The 1950s and ‘60s are back, but with a distinct 21st Century twist.And after we’ve exhausted these sources of terror?ExpectMad Max-style movies about societies rebuilding themselves from the ashes of destruction, deprived of Internet assistance.20. Mad Max:《疯狂的麦克斯》,一部1979年澳大利亚反乌托邦动作片。讲述了在原油耗尽的澳大利亚,能源短缺使法律与秩序开始被打破,一个普通人麦克斯和一群绰号“黑暗骑士”的凶残飞车党对抗的故事;deprived of: 剥夺,失去。We will be terri fied, our horror lit by the ghoulishness of moviegoers texting in the darkened cinema, the distracting lights of their electronic devices making zombies of us all.












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