NYU, MS in Management and Systems Personal Statement


留学 2014年8期

主持人_ 王众 邓茗文

NYU, MS in Management and Systems Personal Statement

主持人_ 王众 邓茗文


I worked as a Project Manager at Beijing Founder Securities, one of the biggest security companies in China. In the last two years at Founder Securities, my excellent performance at my job brought me both the recognition of the management and a rewarding package. However, I felt that I need to further hone my management skills related to both the application of advanced information technology and the management of people. For improvement, I’ve read books, studied online and even attended the MBA bridge program at California State University, Fresno. However, all these efforts only allowed me to see more clearly that I do need systematic study on management skills related to technology. I wish to pursue a master degree in Management and Systems in the US in order to further my career, whether to become a professional IT Project Manager, or develop my own start-up in the future.

I did my internship at a well-known e-business company ‘Fishing Supplies Online Shopping’. My work involved in analyzing users’ products, designing the website frame according to users’requirement, developing website structure, maintaining website development, operation, and programming. This three-month internship exposed me to the management of website development projects. My abilities in development, design, and maintenance improved greatly by working with experienced French colleagues.

When I worked at Founder Securities, I got an opportunity to lead the project -Monitoring System for Securities Transactions and Funds Settlement. To complete this project within its short time limit of six months, I conducted a lot of researches on project management to prepare myself for this task.

Firstly, I developed personnel profiles to know my team members and their expertise and developed a process to engage customers to identify their needs. I also picked up the brains of experienced colleagues from other teams. Then I organized the kick-off meeting, laid out the team management structure that consisted of people from three different departments, and developed work plans and breakdown plans so each one know their roles clearly. I also tried to set up a regular communication plan among our team to ensure that problems were dealt with in a timely manner.

With a cross-functional project team that consisted of people from product design, development, testing, DBA and operation maintenance functions, we took a flexible development process and divided the development stage into twelve two-week segments. The overall task was broken down to allow more efficient execution. We also adopted an interactive approach to engage project stakeholders and get their feedback so as to adjust our work to their suggestions more efficiently. We also moved the debugging and quality control process into earlier segments to shorten the entire development cycle.

During the development process, we encountered many disagreements but because the multistakeholder way we manage our decision-making process, our team worked smoothly and the project was successfully completed within the time limit.This success was a great motivation for me and it also triggered my enthusiasm to manage and lead. However, I felt that I need some formal management training before I can shift up another gear in my career path. With my previous experience and academic preparation, I believe that I am qualified, both in terms of experience and in terms of mentality, to pursue a higher degree of education in Management and Systems.

The program at New York University can provide me with an opportunity to gain management skills in Management and Systems. It would be an important step on my career path from a developer to a manager. I consider my master’s study in information technology as another opportunity to further enhance my abilities so that I can become more competitive. For these reasons, I deeply urge your consideration of my academic achievements and research skills, as well as my passion and dedication in furthering my career. Also, I am sure that with my background, I will benefit your graduate program with my diverse cultural background and experience. I am looking forward to starting a new journey towards success with the Management and Systems program at New York University.



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