[摘要] 目的 为了探究抗青光眼药物的使用对于青光眼患者泪液MUC5AC含量及眼表改变的实践影响,从而为青光眼的临床治疗提供借鉴和依据。 方法 本次研究选取我院2009年12月~2010年12月期间收治并实施药物治疗的青光眼患者48例(48眼)为青光眼患者组,同时选取同期体检的无青光眼的健康人群48例为健康对照组。观察并比较两组人群的泪液MUC5AC含量以及眼表功能评分结果。 结果 (1)健康对照组研究对象的MUC5AC含量明显高于青光眼患者组实施治疗3个月以及6个月后的水平,且组间数据比较差异具有显著的统计学意义(t=2.4519,P=0.0161;t=3.7697,P=0.0003);青光眼患者治疗6个月后的MUC5AC含量显著低于治疗3个月后的水平,且数据差异具有显著的统计学意义(t=2.1543,P=0.0338);(2)健康对照组研究对象的眼表功能评分结果明显低于青光眼患者组实施治疗3个月以及6个月后的水平,且组间数据比较差异具有显著的统计学意义(z=-7.013,P=0.000;z=-8.485,P=0.000);青光眼患者治疗6个月后的眼表功能评分显著高于治疗3个月后的水平,且数据差异具有显著的统计学意义(z=-3.578,P=0.000)。 结论 长期的抗青光眼药物治疗可导致患者的泪液MUC5AC减少及眼表损害,并且随着药物治疗时间的延长,损害也不断加剧。
[关键词] 抗青光眼药物;泪液MUC5AC;眼表改变
[中图分类号] R775 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2014)32-0124-02
Study on the effects of MUC5AC content and tear and ocular surface changes of anti-glaucoma drugs
Department of Ophthalmology, Luohu Hospital of Shenzhen City, Shenzhen 518000,China
[Abstract] Objective In order to explore the practice effect of the MUC5AC content of tear and ocular surface changes of the glaucoma patient who used anti-glaucoma drug treatment, to provide reference and basis for the clinical treatment of glaucoma. Methods Selected 48 patients with glaucoma who received the implementation of drug treatment in our hospital from December 2009 to December 2010 as glaucoma group, and selected 48 healthy people as healthy control group at the same time. Evaluation results were compared between the two groups in tear MUC5AC content and ocular surface function. Results (1) MUC5AC in control group was significantly higher than that of healthy subjects with glaucoma group three or six months after treatment, with significant statistical significance between group differences and data (t=2.4519, P=0.0161; t=3.7697, P=0.0003); The content of MUC5AC in glaucoma patients after treatment was significantly lower than that of three or six months after treatment, a statistically significant difference (t=2.1543, P=0.0338); (2)Healthy ocular surface function group study score was significantly lower than in patients with glaucoma group treatment three or six months after treatment, with significant statistical significance between group data and compared the difference (z=-7.013,P=0.000;z=-8.485,P=0.000); Ocular surface function in patients with glaucoma treatment six years later, the scores were significantly higher than the scores three months after treatment, the difference was statistically significant(z=-3.578,P=0.000). Conclusion Anti-glaucoma medication for a long time can lead to the decrease of tear MUC5AC and the damage of ocular surface,and the bad situation will get worse while the drug treatment prolonged.endprint