张超权 唐胜达 秦永松
Levy过程是应用概率领域内的重要随机过程之一,但是Levy过程的平稳性使其在实际应用中受到一定的局限性.在实际建模中,过程会因长时间的演变、外界随机因素的干扰等原因而不再具有平稳性,如价格的季节性,行为的模式化等.由此,可将Levy过程推广为机制转换模型(regime-switching model):连续时间的Markov加过程(Markov additive process),简称MAP,这是Levy过程的一个自然推广,MAP已成为随机复杂系统的重要建模工具之一,它已被广泛应用于网络通讯、存储论、交通管理、风险过程、金融工程等领域[1-2].
许多学者对MAP的相关性质作了深入的研究,Cinlar,Ney,Asmussen [3-5]给出了MAP的基本结构及性质,Ivanovs[6]给出了MAP的指数矩阵特征值的性质,DAuria等[7]给出了MAP首达时过程的转移率矩阵的结构,并将其应用于单边反射MAP及双边MMBM[8],Breuer[9]给出了首达时过程的转移率矩阵的迭代计算方法,Ivanovs[10]给出了MAP的scale 矩阵,Kypianou等[11]对MAP波动理论进行了研究.
Avram[12]在研究风险过程中得出破产时刻的Laplace变换等价于指数随机时间内的破产概率,Asmussen等[13]采用fluid embedding方法将这一结果推广并得出服从Erlang(n,q)分布的随机时刻内的破产概率,当给定分布期望不变时,随着分布的阶数趋于无穷,这一随机时刻趋于它的期望定值,利用这一方法,Asmussen等得到了在有限时刻内破产的趋近算法,且这一算法具有良好的稳定性且收敛速度快,这一方法称为Erlangization方法;Stanford[14]将这一方法推广为PH分布情形;Ramaswami等[15]将这一方法应用于随机流体理论,用于各种有限时刻内的各种首达时的研究,Woolford等[16]将这一方法用于分析山火的控制研究.
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[10]IVANOVS J. PALMOWSKI Z. Occupation densities in solving exit problems for Markov additive processes and their reflections[J]. Stochastic Processes Appl, 2012,122(9):3342-3360.
[11]KYPRIANOU A, PALMOWSKI Z. Fluctuations of spectrally negative Markov additive processes[C]//Séminaire de Probabilités XL[M]. Springer: Berlin, 2008,121-135.
[12]AVRAM F, USABEL M. Finite time ruin probabilities of processes with phase type jumps[J]. Insurance, Math Economics, 2003, 32(3):371-377.
[13]ASMUSSEN S, AVRAM F, USABEL M. Erlangian approximations for finite horizon ruin probabilities[J].Astin Bull, 2002,32(2):267-281.
[14]STANFORD D A, AVRAM F, BADESCU A B, et al. Phase-type approximations to finite-time ruin probabilities in the Sparre Andersen and stationary renewal risk models[J]. Astin Bull, 2005,35(1):131-144.
[15]RAMASWAMI V, DOUGLAS G, WOOLFORD D, et al. The erlangization method for Markovian fluid flows [J]. Ann Oper Res, 2008,160(1):215-225.
[16]STANFORD D L, ATOUCHE G, WOOLFORD D, et al. Erlangized fluid queues with application to uncontrolled fire perimeter[J]. Stochastic Models, 2005,21(23):631-642.
[17]JAGERMAN D L. An inversion technique for the Laplace transform with application to approximation[J]. Bell Syst Tech J, 1978,57(3):669-710.
[18]JAGERMAN D L. An inversion technique for the Laplace transform[J]. Bell Syst Tech J, 1982,61(8):1995-2002.
[19]ASMUSSEN S, KELLA O. A multi-dimensional martingale for Markov additive processes and its applications[J]. Adv Appl Probab, 2000,32(2):376-393.
[10]IVANOVS J. PALMOWSKI Z. Occupation densities in solving exit problems for Markov additive processes and their reflections[J]. Stochastic Processes Appl, 2012,122(9):3342-3360.
[11]KYPRIANOU A, PALMOWSKI Z. Fluctuations of spectrally negative Markov additive processes[C]//Séminaire de Probabilités XL[M]. Springer: Berlin, 2008,121-135.
[12]AVRAM F, USABEL M. Finite time ruin probabilities of processes with phase type jumps[J]. Insurance, Math Economics, 2003, 32(3):371-377.
[13]ASMUSSEN S, AVRAM F, USABEL M. Erlangian approximations for finite horizon ruin probabilities[J].Astin Bull, 2002,32(2):267-281.
[14]STANFORD D A, AVRAM F, BADESCU A B, et al. Phase-type approximations to finite-time ruin probabilities in the Sparre Andersen and stationary renewal risk models[J]. Astin Bull, 2005,35(1):131-144.
[15]RAMASWAMI V, DOUGLAS G, WOOLFORD D, et al. The erlangization method for Markovian fluid flows [J]. Ann Oper Res, 2008,160(1):215-225.
[16]STANFORD D L, ATOUCHE G, WOOLFORD D, et al. Erlangized fluid queues with application to uncontrolled fire perimeter[J]. Stochastic Models, 2005,21(23):631-642.
[17]JAGERMAN D L. An inversion technique for the Laplace transform with application to approximation[J]. Bell Syst Tech J, 1978,57(3):669-710.
[18]JAGERMAN D L. An inversion technique for the Laplace transform[J]. Bell Syst Tech J, 1982,61(8):1995-2002.
[19]ASMUSSEN S, KELLA O. A multi-dimensional martingale for Markov additive processes and its applications[J]. Adv Appl Probab, 2000,32(2):376-393.