阅读是吸收和积累,写作是表达和支出,阅读和写作是密不可分的, 教师应把阅读和写作结合起来。
1. 记叙文
A.在记叙文的人物传记类中,引导学生抓住文章的关键数字和时间,从而了解到人物的人生大事。学生通过对文章的阅读和理解,把握好人物传记的写作特征,自己写起人物传记的文章也就得心应手。如Module 1 Unit 5 “Nelson Mandela—— a modern hero” Reading 1 “Eliasstory”
Date Event
1940 Elias was born.
1946 Elias began school.
1948 Elias left school.
1952 Elias met Mandela.
1963 Elias helped Mandela blow up some government buildings.
B.在记叙文的故事类中,引导学生抓住五要素的内容,即When、where、who、what、how。如Module 7 Unit 3 “Listening Old Tom the Killer Whale”
When: I was 16 when I began work in June 1902.
On the afternoon I arrived at the station.
Where: At the whaling station.
On the boat at the sea.
Who: George, Jack, James and I.
What: Part1: An hunting experience about how the killer Whale helped the whalers to hunt a whale.
Part2: How the killer whale protected and saved James, the whaler.
How: Old Tom let the whalers know that there was a baleen whale nearby; he showed them the way to the whale.
2. 议论文
在议论性文章中,引导学生找出提出问题、分析问题、解决问题这三部分构成。如Module 6 Unit 4 Reading 1 “The Earth Is Becoming Warmer——But does it matter?”
提出问题:There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer——but does it matter?
分析问题:Many scientists believe that people have caused the increase in the earth temperature through the burning of fossil fuels.
Some scientists think it is just a natural phenomenon.
解决问题:Many scientists suggest we should reduce using fossil fuels.
Some scientists think we should not worry about it.
3. 说明文
在说明性文章中,引导学生找出导言、正文和结束语这三个部分。 导言规定全篇的说明对象,正文展开说明,可采取不同的说明顺序: 如时间顺序、地点顺序、特征顺序、 和类别顺序等等。结束语是文章的收尾部分,并非所有的文章都有结束语。 如Module 6 Unit 1 “Arts” Reading 1 “A Short History of Western Painting” 一文是分类说明文,也以时间顺序来说明西方艺术的历史,文章由四个小标题串成: The middle ages(5th to 15th century AD), The renaissance(15th to 16th century), Impressionism(late 19th to early 20th century) Modern art(20th century to today).
在Module 6 Unit 4 Reading 1 “The Earth Is Getting Warmer- But does it matter?” 中,首段就是文章的主题段。下文第一部分(第一段)呼应文章的话题——The earth is getting warmer;文章的第二部分(第二段到四段)呼应首段提到的How does it come about? ;第三部分(第五段到九段)呼应首段的Does it matter? 。教师可引导学生利用首段对文章进行30个词概括练习。如: The passage is mainly about the earth that is becoming warmer and the possible causes of it. Some think it is very serious while some dont think so.
责任编辑 邱 丽endprint