A Smooth Estimator of Mean Residual LifeFunction for Length-biased Data
(School of Mathematics and Statistics ,Hainan Normal University, Haikou 571158, China)
1 Introduction
Suppose thatX1,…,Xnare nonnegative independent and identically distributed random variables with density functiong(x), whereg(x) is determined by underlying densityf(x) such that
Survival analysis is a branch of statistics. In engineering, economics or sociology, it is referred as to reliability theory. In survival analysis, the MRL function
also has some important applications[1]. In some situations, it is more useful than hazard function[2]. The standard nonparametric estimator of MRL function is based on the kernel density estimator. Since the kernel density has a fallacy of boundary issue, which is partially caused by symmetric kernels, the kernel method might not be proper to be applied to estimate the MRL function using length- biased data. Inspired by Hille’s lemma 1.1, we will proposed a smooth MRL function estimator with Poisson weights.
The paper is organized as the following. In section 2, we will present the smooth estimator and investigate its asymptotic properties. Some demonstration examples and conclusions are given in the section 3.
2 Smooth Estimator of Mean Residual Life Function
In this section, we propose a smooth estimator of MRL function and investigate its asymptotic properties, one being its strong consistency and the other being its asymptotic normality.
If we define
then the mean residual life function is given by
The empirical estimators ofSG(x) andSF(x)/μare given by, respectively,
Using Hille’s lemma, we can obtain the following two smooth estimators
The strong consistency and asymptotic normality of are given by the following two theorems. First of all, we consider the strong consistency.
ProofThe proof is straightforward. According to Hille’s lemma, asλn↑∞, we have
By (2.9) and (2.10), we have
The asymptotic normality is given by the following theorem.
Actually, we can write
So, by (2.12), we have
On the other hand, we have
Calculating the integration inS1and rearranging the sum give us
By Hiller’s lemma, we can claim that, asλn↑∞,
Next, we will show thatS2→ 0.
then we can write
At the same time, we have
By (2.22) and (2.28), we have
Similarly, we have
By (2.16), (2.19), (2.29),(2.30) and (2.31) and a little work of algebra, we have
3 Demonstration Examples
In this section, we demonstrate some examples based on weibull distribution, which is usually used as parametric model in survival analysis and whose underlying density is given by
The generation of length-biased data for weibull distribution is that, first we generate samplesYs with gamma distribution which has a density
Figure 1 Plots of MRL function and its smooth estimator
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