“过期”的第一个意思指“商品,包括食品和药品,超过保质期”。英语动词可以译为to expire, to pass the expiration date/expiry date/sell-by date;形容词可以译为 expired, out-of-date。例如:1.你绝不要服用过期药品,因为它们可能不安全或者无效用。You mustn't take medicines after they've expired because they may not be safe or may not work.2. 这位专家认为我们不可食用过期食品。The expert holds that we cannot eat the food that has passed its expiry date.3. 我们小区的居委会设有一个专门箱子收集过期药品,以便回收处理。The neighborhood committee of our residential area has set up a special box to collect expired/out-of-date medicines for disposal and recycling.“过期”的第二个意思指“文件、合同、证件以及各种票超过有效期”。英语动词可以译为to expire; 作为时间状语,可以译为after the specified time。例如:4. 他们两年前签订的合同已经过期。The contract that they signed two years ago has expired.5. 您的月票在一个月内有效,过期作废。Your monthly ticket is valid within one month, and it becomes invalid after the specified time.“过期”的第三个意思指“超过规定的期限”。英语动词可以译为 to be overdue。例如:6. 你借的书已经过期了。The book you borrowed is overdue for return.“过期”的第四个意思指“先前出版发行的报纸杂志”。英语可以译为 back numbers, back/older/previous issue。例如:7. 他喜欢收集过期的连环漫画杂志。He likes to collect back numbers of comic magazines.8. 他正在研究抗日战争的历史,需要一些过期报纸作为参考。He is studying the history of the War of Resistance Against Japan, and needs some older issues of newspapers for reference.“过期”的第五个意思指“信息已经过时”。英语动词可以译为 to go out-of-date;形容词可以译为out-of-date, outdated。例如:9. 信息可能很快就过期,尤其是在一些科学领域。Information can go out-of-date quickly, particularly in some areas of science.10. 由于使用了过期的时间表,他没有赶上火车。He missed the train as a result of using an out-of-date/outdated timetable.▲(本栏目供稿:王逢鑫教授)