

中国气象科学研究院年报 2014年0期

课题名称Title项目类别Project/Fund执行期间Duration负责人Principal Investigator登陆台风精细结构的观测、预报与影响评估The observation, forecasting and impact evaluation of a landfall tropical cyclone f ne structure MOST: national basic research program 2015—2019 端义宏Duan Yihong科技部:973计划项目我国雾-霾监测与不同分辨率数值预报业务系统研究Research on the haze-fog monitoring and its numerical forecasting system at different resolutions in China MOST: technology support program 2014—2016 周春红Zhou Chunhong科技部:科技支撑计划项目雾-霾观测研究Study on haze-fog observations MOST: technology support program 2014—2016 郭建平Guo Jianping科技部:科技支撑计划项目青藏高原与太平洋/大西洋热力作用对北半球陆地夏季风年际变化的协同影响Collaborative inf uences of the Tibetan Plateau and Pacif c/Atlantic thermodynamic functions on interannual variations of summer land monsoon over the Northern Hemisphere基金委:重大研究计划重点项目NSFC: key program 2015—2018赵平Zhao Ping青藏高原科学试验关键区物理协调大气分析模型与数据集的构建研究The constrained variational analysis model and its dataset for the f eld experiment regions over the Tibetan Plateau基金委:重大研究计划重点项目NSFC: key program 2015—2018 王东海Wang Donghai多种设备联合探测资料研究青藏高原对流云的微物理参数化方案Study on the microphysical parameterization for convective clouds over the Tibetan Plateau by combining multiple observation data基金委:重大研究计划培育项目NSFC: key program 2015—2017 高文华Gao Wenhua青藏高原热力作用对我国南方持续性强降水影响机制研究Study on mechanisms governing inf uence of the Tibetan Plateau,s 基金委:重大研究计划培育项目heating effect on the persistent heavy rainfall over southern China NSFC: key program 2015—2017 罗亚丽Luo Yali青藏高原大气绕流和爬流三维结构异常变化对下游地区暴雨天气的影响研究Impacts of abnormal 3D structures of f ow around and f ow over the Tibetan Plateau on rainstorms over its downstream areas基金委:重大研究计划培育项目NSFC: key program 2015—2017 姚文清Yao Wenqing青藏高原复杂地形优化网格与多源信息同化研究Study on the optimization grid meshes of complex terrain and the multivariate information assimilation in the Tibetan Plateau基金委:重大研究计划培育项目NSFC: key program 2015—2017 王光辉Wang Guanghui中国雾-霾及其对暖云降水垂直分布影响的立体观测及建模研究Study of the three-dimensional observation and modelling of hazefog and its impact on the vertical structure of warm cloud and precipitation in China NSFC: general program 2015—2018 郭建平Guo Jianping基金委:面上项目下行梯级先导诱发的上行先导的观测与研究Observation and study of the upward leader induced by the downward stepped leader NSFC: general program 2015—2018 吕伟涛Lǚ Weitao基金委:面上项目C波段调频连续波雷达降水云结构研究及降水参数反演Precipitation cloud structure analysis and micro-physical parameters retrieval using C-FMCW radar NSFC: general program 2015—2018 阮征Ruan Zheng基金委:面上项目南亚季风区近地层向平流层大气输送“烟囱”的三维结构及其形成和维持机制Three-dimensional structures and formation/maintenance mechanisms of the “chimney” in atmospheric transport from boundary layer into the stratosphere over the South Asian monsoon region NSFC: general program 2015—2018 陈斌Chen Bin基金委:面上项目基于超级集合预报的定量降水概率预报方法研究The method of probabilistic quantitative precipitation forecasts based on super ensemble prediction system NSFC: general program 2015—2018 赵琳娜Zhao Linna基金委:面上项目

课题名称Title项目类别Project/Fund执行期间Duration负责人Principal Investigator西北太平洋高空冷涡对台风路径突变影响的机理研究Study on impacts of upper tropospheric cold lows on sudden changes of typhoon motion over the Northwest Pacif c NSFC: general program 2015—2018 李英Li Ying基金委:面上项目北半球冬季中高纬大气环流低频变率成因的低维随机学动力学研究Low-order stochastic dynamical study on the formation of the boreal winter extratropical low-frequency variability NSFC: general program 2015—2018 赵南Zhao Nan基金委:面上项目东亚夏季风环流的齿轮耦合模态年际变化对中国降水多样性的影响The impacts of coupling wheels of East Asian summer monsoon on the interannual diversity of rainfall in China NSFC: general program 2015—2018 祝从文Zhu Congwen基金委:面上项目北极海冰消融与欧亚大陆中、高纬度地区盛行天气型以及极端天气之间的联系Linkages between Arctic sea ice loss and dominant weather patterns and extreme weather events over the mid-high latitudes of Eurasia NSFC: general program 2015—2018 武炳义Wu Bingyi基金委:面上项目基于光学特性测量的气溶胶吸湿增长因子观测研究Hygroscopic growth factor measurement based on the aerosol scattering coeff cient NSFC: general program 2015—2018 孙俊英Sun Junying基金委:面上项目多源数据淮河流域水稻洪涝灾害遥感监测方法与应用研究How remote sensing is applied to rice f ood monitoring based on multi-source data: A case study of Huaihe River Basin基金委:青年科学基金项目NSFC: youth program 2015—2017王慧芳Wang Huifang西北太平洋热带气旋眼壁闪电爆发特征研究Characteristics of eyewall lightning outbreaks in tropical cyclones over the Northwest Pacif c基金委:青年科学基金项目NSFC: youth program 2015—2017 张文娟Zhang Wenjuan闪电始发过程高低频同步观测及放电特征研究Study about the features of lightning initial breakdown process by using synchronous VHF and VLF/LF dual band location observation基金委:青年科学基金项目NSFC: youth program 2015—2017 刘恒毅Liu Hengyi高污染区大气冰核活化参数化方法及对强降水影响的研究Study of the ice nuclei activation and its inf uence on heavy precipitation under a high ice nuclei concentration condition基金委:青年科学基金项目NSFC: youth program 2015—2017 尹金方Yin Jinfang多种下垫面湍流扩散特征的对比研究Study on turbulent dispersion on various complex underlying surfaces by a comparison between experiments基金委:青年科学基金项目NSFC: youth program 2015—2017 全利红Quan Lihong基于EnKF资料同化方法的华南前汛期暖区暴雨集合数值模拟Ensemble numerical simulation of warm-sector heavy rainfall during early summer rainy season over South China based on EnKF data assimilation基金委:青年科学基金项目NSFC: youth program 2015—2017 宝兴华Bao Xinghua青藏高原低涡环流场与加热场之间的相互作用及其对低涡演变东移的影响Interaction between the circulation related to the Tibetan Plateau vortex and the heating f eld and its effect on the evolution and eastward movement of the vortex基金委:青年科学基金项目NSFC: youth program 2015—2017 李论Li Lun气候变率中长期记忆性信号的提取及其在中国气候预测中的应用On the extraction of long-term climate memory signals in climate variability and their application to the climate prediction in China基金委:青年科学基金项目NSFC: youth program 2015—2017 袁乃明Yuan Naiming近30年北半球平均费雷尔环流强度变化及其在东亚夏季风演变中的作用Variation of the intensity of Northern Hemisphere Mean Ferrel Cell and its role in the evolvement of East Asia summer monsoon during past 30 years基金委:青年科学基金项目NSFC: youth program 2015—2017 肖栋Xiao Dong基于求解反问题改进数值天气预报的一个新方法A new method for numerical weather prediction improvement based on solving an inverse problem基金委:青年科学基金项目NSFC: youth program 2015—2017 薛海乐Xue Haile

MOST: Ministry of Science and Technology(科技部)NSFC: National Natural Science Foundation of China (国家自然科学基金)SHRM: State Human Resource Ministry(国家人事部)CMA: China Meteorological Administration(中国气象局)


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