

中国气象科学研究院年报 2014年0期

作者Author (rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期号) Year, Volume (Issue)备注Notes Che Huizheng, et al. Aerosol optical properties retrieved from a prede skyradiometer over an urban site of Beijing, China Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2014,92A SCI Che Huizheng, et al. Aerosol optical properties under the condition of heavy haze over an urban site of Beijing, China Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2014,22(2) SCI Che Huizheng, et al. Column aerosol optical properties and aerosol radiative forcing during a serious haze-fog month over North China Plain in 2013 based on ground-based sunphotometer measurements Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2014,14(4) SCI Che Huizheng, et al.(2nd) Column-integrated aerosol optical and physical properties at a regional background atmosphere in North China Plain Atmospheric Environment 2014,84(1) SCI Che Huizheng, et al.(2nd) Establishment of integrating sphere calibration method of China aerosol remote sensing network cimel sunphotometer Particuology 2014,13(c) SCI Che Huizheng, et al.(2nd) Study of aerosol optical properties based on ground measurements over Sichuan Basin, China Aerosol and Air Quality Research 2014,14(1) SCI Che Huizheng, et al.(3rd) Dust aerosol drives upward trend of surface solar radiation during 1980–2009 in the Taklimakan Desert Atmospheric Science Letters 2014,15(4) SCI Chen Haoming, et al.(2nd) Simulations of stratus clouds over Eastern China in CAM5: Sensitivity to horizontal resolution Journal of Climate 2014,27(18) SCI Chen Haoming, et al.(2nd) Vertical structures and physical properties of the cold-season stratus clouds downstream of the Tibetan Plateau: Differences between daytime and nighttime Journal of Climate 2014,27(18) SCI Chen Haoming, et al.(3rd) Topographic effects on spatiotemporal variations of shortduration rainfall events in warm season of central North China Journal of Geophysical Research 2014,119(19) SCI Ding Minghu, et al.(3rd) Temporal variations in marine chemical concentrations in coastal areas of eastern Antarctica and associated climatic causes Quaternary International 2014,352(1) Ding Minghu, et al.(3rd) Variations in stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in atmospheric water vapor in the marine boundary layer across a wide latitude range Journal of Environmental Sciences 2014,26(11) SCI Fang Shibo, et al.(2nd) Vegetation coverage changes and their response to meteorological variables from 2000 to 2009 in Naqu Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 2014,40(1) Fang Shuangxi, et al. In situ measurement of atmospheric CO2 at the four WMO/ GAW stations in China Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2014,14(5) SCI Gao Wenhua A study of macrophysical and microphysical properties of warm clouds over the Northern Hemisphere using CloudSat/ CALIPSO data Journal of Geophysical Research 2014,119(3) SCI Guo Jianping(2nd) A new statistic approach towards landslide hazard risk assessment International Journal of Geosciences 2014,5(1) Guo Jianping,et al. Attribution of maize yield increase in China to climate change and technological advancement between 1980 and 2010 Journal of Meteorological Research 2014,28(6) SCIE Guo Jianping,et al. Diurnal variation and the inf uential factors of precipitation from surface and satellite measurements in Tibet International Journal of Climatology 2014,34(9) SCI Guo Jianping,et al. Precipitation and air pollution at mountain and plain stations in Northern China: Insights gained from observations and modeling Journal of Geophysical Research 2014,119(8) SCI Guo Jianping, et al.(2nd) Satellite observed aerosol-induced variability in warm cloud properties under different meteorological conditions over Eastern China Atmospheric Environment 2014,84(2) SCI

作者Author (rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期号) Year, Volume (Issue)备注Notes Guo Jianping, et al.(2nd) Scenario analysis on the adaptation of different maize varieties to future climate change in Northeast China Journal of Meteorological Research 2014,28(3) SCIE Guo Xueliang A case study of aerosol impacts on summer convective clouds and precipitation over Northern China Atmospheric Research 2014,142(2) SCI Guo Xueliang, et al.(2nd) Observation analysis on characteristics of formation, evolution and transition of a long-lasting severe fog and haze episode in North China Science China: Earth Sciences 2014,57(4) SCI Hu Zhiqun,et al. Applications of wavelet analysis in differential propagation phase shift data de-noising Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2014,31(4) SCI Li Jian,et al. A method to linearly evaluate rainfall frequency-intensity distribution Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 2014,53(4) SCI Li Jian,et al. Characteristics of cold season rainfall over the Yungui Plateau Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 2014,53(7) SCI Li Lun,et al. Diurnal variation in the occurrence frequency of the Tibetan Plateau Vortices Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 2014,125(3-4) SCI Li Lun,et al. Effect of the atmospheric heat source on the development and eastward movement of the Tibetan Plateau Vortices Tellus A 2014,66 SCI Liu Ge A dipole pattern of summer precipitation over mid-high latitude Asia and related snow cover anomalies in the preceding spring Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters 2014,7(4) Liu Ge,et al. Persistence of snow cover anomalies over the Tibetan Plateau and the implications for forecasting summer precipitation over the Meiyu-Baiu region Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters 2014,7(2) Liu Ge,et al. The summer snow cover anomaly over the Tibetan Plateau and its association with simultaneous precipitation over the Meiyu-Baiu region Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2014,31(4) SCI Liu Ge,et al.(2nd) Contrasting Eurasian spring and summer climate anomalies associated with western and eastern Eurasian spring snow cover changes Journal of Geophysical Research 2014,119(1) SCI Liu Liping, et al.(2nd) Comparison of the observation capability of an X-band phased-array radar with an X-band doppler radar and S-band operational radar Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2014,31(4) SCI Liu Liping, et al.(2nd) Test pattern identif cation algorithm and its application to CINRAD/SA(B) data Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2014,31(2) SCI Liu Lixin,et al. Background variations of atmospheric CO2 and carbon-stable isotopes at Waliguan and Shangdianzi stations in China Journal of Geophysical Research 2014,119(9) SCI Liu Ying,et al. Implication of negative entropy f ow for local rainfall Entropy 2014,15(9) SCIE Luo Yali Initiation and organizational modes of an extreme-rainproducing mesoscale convective system along a Mei-Yu front in East China Monthly Weather Review 2014,142(1) SCI Luo Yali The persistent heavy rainfall over Southern China in June 2010: Evolution of synoptic systems and the effects of the Tibetan Plateau heating Journal of Meteorological Research 2014,28(4) SCIE Luo Yali,et al.(2nd) Initiation, maintenance, and properties of convection in an extreme rainfall event during SCMREX: Observational analysis Journal of Geophysical Research 2014,119(23) SCI Luo Yali,et al.(3rd) Changes of summer precipitation in China: The dominance of frequency and intensity and linkage with changes in moisture and air temperature Journal of Geophysical Research 2014,119(10) SCI Luo Yali,et al.(3rd) The atmospheric anomalies associated with the drought over the Yangtze River Basin during spring 2011 Journal of Geophysical Research 2014,119(10) SCI Lü Junmei, et al.(2nd) The southern annular mode (SAM) in PMIP2 simulationsof the last glacial maximum Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2014,31(4) SCI Lü Weitao,et al. Four ways of how downward and upward leaders make connection during the lightning attachment process ICAE2014(论文集) 2014,6

作者Author (rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期号) Year, Volume (Issue)备注Notes Lü Weitao,et al. Three-dimensional propagation characteristics of leaders in a downward negative lightning f ash ICLP2014(论文集) 2014,10 Lü Weitao, et al.(2nd) Three-dimensional propagation characteristics of the upward connecting leaders in six negative tall-object f ashes in Guangzhou Atmospheric Research 2014,149(1) SCI Ma Jianzhong, et al.(3rd) Lidar-observed enhancement of aerosols in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere over the Tibetan Plateau induced by the Nabro volcano eruption Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2014,14(21) SCI Meng Zhaoyang, et al. Seasonal variation of ammonia and ammonium aerosol at a background station in the Yangtze River Delta Region, China Aerosol and Air Quality Research 2014,14(3) SCI Ren Fumin Characteristics of the regional meteorological drought events in Southwest China during 1960—2010 Journal of Meteorological Research 2014,28(3) SCIE Ruan Zheng Analysis of microphysical properties within the stratiform region using spectra of L-band prof le radar Journal of Meteorological Research 2014,28(2) SCIE Ruan Zheng Spectrum analysis of wind prof ling radar measurements Journal of Meteorological Research 2014,28(4) SCIE Su Jingzhi,et al. Abrupt termination of the 2012 Pacif c warming and its implication on ENSO prediction Geophysical Research Letters 2014,41(24) SCI Su Jingzhi,et al. The initiation and developing mechanisms of central Pacif c El Niños Journal of Climate 2014,27(12) SCI Su Jingzhi, et al.(2nd) The natural oscillation of two types of ENSO events based on analyses of CMIP5 model control runs Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2014,31(3) SCI Wang Donghai, et al. In-situ measurements of cloud-precipitaion microphysics in East Asia monsoon region since 1960 Journal of Meteorological Research 2014,28(2) SCIE Wang Donghai, et al.(3rd) An orthogonal terrain-following coordinate and its preliminary tests using 2-D idealized advection experiments Geoscientif c Model Development 2014,7(4) Wang Guanghui, et al.(2nd) Numerical solution foe a parabolic obstacle problem with nonsmooth initial data Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 2014,30(5) SCI Wang Hong,et al. A multisource observation study of the severe prolonged regional haze episode over eastern China in January 2013 Atmospheric Environment 2014,89 SCI Wang Hong,et al. A study of the meteorological causes of a prolonged and severe haze episode in January 2013 over central-eastern China Atmospheric Environment 2014,98 SCI Wang Hong, et al.(2nd) The transport and deposition of dust and its impact on phytoplankton growth in the Yellow Sea Atmospheric Environment 2014,99 SCI Wang Peijuan Operational data fusion framework for building frequent landsat-like imagery IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2014,52(11) SCI Wang Yafei, et al.(2nd) Impact of preceding El Niño and the Indian Ocean dipole on the southern China precipitation in early summer Advances in Meteorology 2014,450691 Wang Yafei, et al.(3rd) Large-scale dynamics, anomalous f ows, and teleconnections Advances in Meteorology 2014,207413 Wang Yaqiang MeteoInfo: GIS software for meteorological data visualization and analysis Meteorological Applications 2014,21(2) SCI Wang Ying,et al. Coupling of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with quadrupole mass spectrometry (GC×GC-qMS): Application to the identif cation of atmospheric volatile organic compounds Journal of Chromatography A 2014,1361(1) SCI Wang Yue Precessional forced extratropical North Pacif c mode and associated atmospheric dynamics Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 2014,119(6) SCI Wang Zhili,et al. Black carbon reduction will weaken the aerosol net cooling effect Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2014,14(23) SCI Wang Zhili,et al. Improvement of cloud microphysics in the aerosol-climate model BCC_AGCM2.0.1_CUACE/Aero, evaluation against observations, and updated aerosol indirect effect Journal of Geophysical Research 2014,119(13) SCI

作者Author (rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期号) Year, Volume (Issue)备注Notes Wu Bingyi Dominant patterns of winter arctic surface wind variability Advances in Polar Sciences 2014,25(4) Xiao Dong,et al. Millennial-scale phase relationship between North Atlantic deep-level temperature and Qinghai-Tibet Plateau temperature and its evolution since the Last Interglaciation Chinese Science Bulletin 2014,59(1) SCI Xin Yufei,et al. Individual variations of winter surface air temperature over Northwest and Northeast China and their respective preceding factors Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters 2014,7(4) Xu Xiangde,et al. An important mechanism sustaining the atmospheric “water tower” over the Tibetan Plateau Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2014,14(14) SCI Xu Xiaobin, et al.(2nd) Two-year measurements of surface ozone at Dangxiong, a remote highland site in the Tibetan Plateau Journl of Environmental Sciences 2014,26(1) SCI Xu Xiaobin, et al.(2nd) Wintertime peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) in the megacity Beijing: The role of photochemical and meteorological processes Journal of Environmental Sciences 2014,26(1) SCI Xu Xiaobin, et al.(3rd) Wet deposition of acidifying substances in different regions of China and the rest of East Asia: Modeling with updated NAQPMS Environmental Pollution 2014,187(4) SCI Yao Bo,et al. Atmospheric sulfur hexaf uoride in-situ measurements at the Shangdianzi regional background station in China Journal of Environmental Sciences 2014,26(12) SCI Yin Jinfang,et al. An attempt to improve the microphysical parameterization of the Kessler-type warm cloud conversion process using CloudSat observation Journal of Meteorological Research 2014,29(1) SCIE Yin Jinfang,et al. An investigation into the relationship between liquid water content and cloud number concentration in the stratiform clouds over North China Atmospheric Research 2014,139(1-2) SCI Yu Rucong,et al. Progress in studies of the precipitation diurnal variation over contiguous China Journal of Meteorological Research 2014,28(5) SCIE Yu Rucong, et al.(2nd) Study of different diurnal variations of summer long-duration rainfall between the southern and northern parts of the Huai River Chinese Journal of Geophysics 2014,57(2) SCI Yuan Naiming, et al. Century-scale intensity modulation of large-scale variability in long historical temperature records Journal of Climate 2014,27(1) SCI Yuan Naiming, et al. Different spatial cross-correlation patterns of temperature records over China: A DCCA study on different time scales Physica A 2014,400(1) SCI Yuan Naiming, et al. Extracting climate memory using fractional integrated statistical model: A new perspective on climate prediction Scientif c Reports 2014,4(1) SCI Zhai Panmao,et al.(2nd) Changes in climate regionalization indices in China during 1961–2010 Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2014,31(4) SCI Zhang Gen,et al. Seasonal and diurnal variations of atmospheric peroxyacetyl nitrate Journal of Environmental Sciences 2014,26(1) SCI Zhang Renhe Meteorological conditions for the persistent severe fog and haze event over eastern China in January 2013 Science China: Earth Sciences 2014,57(1) SCI Zhang Renhe, et al.(2nd) Impact of East Asian winter and Australian summer monsoons on the enhanced surface westerlies over the western tropical Pacif c Ocean preceding the El Niño onset Journal of Climate 2014,27(5) SCI Zhang Renhe, et al.(2nd) Impact of Indian summer monsoon on the South Asian High and its inf uence on summer rainfall over China Climate Dynamics 2014,43(5-6) SCI Zhang Renhe, et al.(2nd) Intercomparison of spring soil moisture among multiple reanalysis datasets over eastern China Journal of Geophysical Research 2014,119(1) SCI Zhang Shengjun, et al. Three-dimensional variational data assimilation experiments for a heavy rainfall case in the downstream Yangtze River valley using automatic weather station and global positioning system data in southeastern Tibetan Plateau Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2014,92(5) SCI Zhang Xiaoye Asian dust, eolian iron and black carbon—connections to climate changes Developments in Paleoenvironmental Research 2014,16

作者Author (rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期号) Year, Volume (Issue)备注Notes Zhang Yang,et al. Lightning discharges accompanied by initial breakdown pulses 2014 International Conference on Lightning Protection 2014,10 Zhang Yang,et al. Research on chaotic leader in cloud-to-ground lightning XV International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity 2014,6 Zhang Yangmei, et al. Chemical composition and mass size distribution of PM1 at an elevated site in central east China Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2014,14(22) SCI Zhang Yangmei, et al.(2nd) Variability, formation and acidity of water-soluble ions in PM2.5 in Beijing based on the semi-continuous observations Atmospheric Research 2014,145 SCI Zhang Yijun,et al. Experiments of artif cially triggered lightning and its application in Conghua, Guangdong, China Atmospheric Research 2014,135(1) SCI Zhang Yijun, et al.(2nd) Simulation of the electrif cation of a tropical cyclone using the WRF-ARW model: An idealized case Journal of Meteorological Research 2014,28(3) SCI Zhao Junfang,et al.(3rd) Eff ciency enhancement of a process-based rainfall-runoff model using a new modif ed AdaBoost.RT technique Shuang Applied Soft Computing 2014,23 SCI Zheng Xiangdong,et al.(2nd) Atmospheric pollutants transport tracks revealed from 131I, 137Cs, and 134Cs leaked from Fukushima accident and 7Be and 210Pb observed at Guiyang of China Chinese Journal of Geochemistry 2014,33(3) SCI Zheng Xiangdong, et al.(2nd) Validation of aura microwave limb sounder water vapor and ozone prof les over the Tibetan Plateau and its adjacent region during boreal summer Science China: Earth Sciences 2014,57(1) SCI Zheng Xiangdong, et al.(3rd) Inf uence of air mass downward transport on the variability of surface ozone at Xianggelila Regional Atmosphere Background Station, Southwest China Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2014,14(4) SCI Zhou Guangsheng, et al.(2nd) Analysis of the variability of canopy resistance over a desert steppe site in Inner Mongolia, China Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2014,31 SCI Zhou Guangsheng, et al.(2nd) Climatic suitability of the potential geographic distribution of Fagus longipetiolata in China Environmental Earth Sciences 2014,73(3) SCI Zhou Guangsheng,et al.(2nd) Determination of green aboveground biomass in desert steppe using litter-soil-adjusted vegetation index European Journal of Remote Sensing 2014,47 SCI Zhou Guangsheng, et al.(2nd) Drivers of lightning- and human-caused f re regimes in the Great Xing Forest Ecology and Management 2014,329 SCI Zhou Guangsheng, et al.(2nd) Estimating aboveground green biomass in desert steppe using band depth indices Biosystems Engineering 2014,127 SCI Zhou Guangsheng, et al.(2nd) Impacts of climate change on rice yield in China from 1961–2010 based on provincial data Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2014,13(7) SCI Zhou Guangsheng, et al.(2nd) Remote estimation of the fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation for a maize canopy in Northeast China Journal of Plant Ecology 2014,3 Zhou Guangsheng, et al.(3rd) Composition and structure of Pinus Koraiensis mixed forest respond to spatial climatic changes PLoS ONE 2014,9(5) SCI Zhou Guangsheng, et al.(3rd) Estimating canopy characteristics of Inner Mongolia’s grasslands from f eld spectrometry Remote Sensing 2014,6(3) SCI Zhou Guangsheng, et al.(3rd) Assessment of the redistribution of soil carbon using a new index—a case study in the Haihe River Basin, North China Environmengtal Monitoring Assessment 2014,186 SCI Zhou Lingxi, et al.(2nd) Preliminary study of atmospheric carbon dioxide in a glacial area of the Qilian Mountains, West China Atmospheric Environment 2014,99 SCI Zhou Xiuji, et al.(2nd) On the relationship between direct and anisotropic diffuse radiation Infrared Physics & Technology 2014,65(5) SCI

作者Author (rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期号) Year, Volume (Issue)备注Notes安兴琴等 利用FlEXPART模式反演中国区域SF6 环境科学学报 2014,34(5)安兴琴等(第2) 上甸子本底站卤代温室气体大气浓度短期波动的个例分析 大气科学学报 2014,37(4)安兴琴等(第2) 不同时刻污染减排对北京市PM2.5浓度的影响 中国环境科学 2014,34(6)安兴琴等(第2) 珠江三角洲近地层CO2通量模拟分析与评估验证 中国环境科学 2014,34(8)安兴琴等(第3) 基于碳源汇模式系统Carbon Tracker的广东省近地层典型CO2过程模拟研究环境科学学报 2014,34(7)安兴琴等(第3) 基于卫星遥感的广东地区对流层二氧化碳时空变化特征 中国环境科学 2014,34(5)车慧正等(第3) 区域污染对本底地区气溶胶光学特性及辐射强迫影响的地基和卫星遥感观测研究环境科学 2014,35(7)程艳丽等(第3) 气候变化下热浪对人群健康的风险及健康经济损失预估研究进展中华预防医学杂志 2014,48(9)俄有浩 中国内陆干旱、半干旱区苦咸水分布特征 中国沙漠 2014,34(2)俄有浩等(第3) CO2浓度升高对冬小麦叶片特性及蒸散影响研究初报 科学技术与工程 2014,14(2)方双喜等 浙江临安大气本底站CO浓度及变化特征 环境科学 2014,35(7)房世波等 1961—2010年中国主要麦区冬春气象干旱趋势及其可能影响 中国农业科学 2014,47(9)郭建平等(第2) 基于极端气象灾害影响的苹果主产国产量预测 陕西农业科学 2014,60(3)郭建平等(第2) 气候变化下东北水稻冷害时空分布变化 中国生态农业学报 2014,22(5)郭建平等(第3) SRES B2气候情景下东北玉米产量变化数值模拟 应用气象学报 2014,25(3)郭学良等(第2) 下垫面对雹云形成发展的影响 气候与环境研究 2014,19(4)郭学良等(第2) 华北积层混合云中冰晶形状、分布与增长过程的飞机探测研究气象学报 2014,72(2)郭学良等(第3) 探测大气温湿廓线的35通道微波辐射计设计原理与特点 气象科技 2014,42(2)韩晋平 北太平洋增暖对我国西北秋雨的影响 应用气象学报 2014,25(3)胡志群等 C波段偏振雷达几种系统误差标定方法对比分析 高原气象 2014,33(1)霍治国等(第2) 20种非寄主植物挥发物对褐飞虱拒避与引诱行为的影响 华南农业大学学报 2014,35(3)霍治国等(第2) 海南瓜菜春季干旱风险分析与区划 生态学杂志 2014,33(9)霍治国等(第2) 南方晚稻寒露风风险要素的地理分布特征 生态学杂志 2014,33(10)霍治国等(第2) 中国稻飞虱发生的大气环流指示指标 生态学杂志 2014,33(4)霍治国等(第2) 抽穗扬花期淹涝胁迫对杂交稻的影响 中国农学通报 2014,30(9)霍治国等(第2) 海南冬季主要瓜菜寒害风险区划 中国生态农业学报 2014,22(10)霍治国等(第2) 孕穗期低温对水稻产量的影响及其生理机制 中国水稻科学 2014,28(3)霍治国等(第3) 拔节期淹涝胁迫对水稻形态和产量构成因素的影响 生态学杂志 2014,33(7)李丰等 C波段多普勒天气雷达地物识别方法 应用气象学报 2014,25(2)李宏宇等(第3) 对流云人工增雨效果检验技术方法及应用 气象科技 2014,42(6)李宏宇等(第3) 基于BJ-RUC系统的人影冷云催化潜力识别模式平台设计 热带气象学报 2014,40(8)李英等(第2) 辽东半岛热带气旋暴雨的中尺度结构及复杂地形的影响 高原气象 2014,33(4)李英等(第2) 登陆台湾热带气旋的研究现状 浙江气象 2014,34(2)

作者Author (rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期号) Year, Volume (Issue)备注Notes李英等(第3) 热带气旋结构和强度变化研究进展 气象与环境学报 2014,30(4)李英等(第3) 西北太平洋热带气旋运动及其突变的若干统计特征 热带气象学报 2014,30(1)梁钊明等 一次台风变性并入东北冷涡过程的动力诊断分析 大气科学 2014,38(2)梁钊明等 京津冀地区与海风锋相互作用的对流系统的发展预判分析 气象学报 2014,72(1)梁钊明等(第3) 渤海湾海风锋触发雷暴的观测和模拟分析 高原气象 2014,33(3)林永辉等(第2) 华南暖区暴雨中一次飑线的中尺度分析 暴雨灾害 2014,33(2)刘舸等(第2) 中国东部冬季温度异常偶极型模态的一个前兆信号 大气科学 2014,38(4)刘建栋等(第2) 华北冬小麦开花及成熟期变化特征分析 干旱地区农业研究 2014,32(3)刘黎平等 X波段相控阵天气雷达对流过程观测外场试验及初步结果分析大气科学 2014,38(6)刘黎平等 毫米波云雷达功率谱密度数据的检验和在弱降水滴谱反演中的应用研究大气科学 2014,38(2)刘黎平等(第2) 基于飞机观测资料的降水粒子发射率因子阈值分析 大气科学学报 2014,37(4)刘黎平等(第2) 影响浙江地区降水估测几个因素的分析 气象 2014,40(5)刘黎平等(第2) S波段相控阵天气雷达与新一代多普勒天气雷达定量对比方法及其初步应用气象学报 2014,72(2)刘黎平等(第2) 基于雷达组网拼图的定量降水估测算法业务应用及效果评估 气象学报 2014,72(4)刘黎平等(第2) 利用雷达回波三维拼图资料识别雷暴大风统计研究 气象学报 2014,72(1)刘黎平等(第2) 一次高原涡和西南涡作用下强降水的回波结构和演变分析 气象学报 2014,72(3)刘黎平等(第2) 相控阵雷达扫描方式对回波强度测量的影响 应用气象学报 2014,25(4)刘黎平等(第3) 新一代天气雷达三维组网产品在人工防雹的应用 高原气象 2014,33(5)刘黎平等(第3) 基于模糊逻辑的冰雹天气雷达识别算法 应用气象学报 2014,25(4)刘立新等 本底大气CO2观测分析过程中QA/QC方法的建立与评估 环境科学 2014,35(12)刘玲等 云南山地太阳总辐射的分布式模拟 气象与环境科学 2014,30(1)刘煜等(第2) 对流层气溶胶的直接气候效应对平流层的影响 应用气象学报 2014,25(1)刘煜等(第3) 沙尘气溶胶的跨亚欧大陆传输对东亚地区大气环境 环境科学学报 2014,34(12)楼小凤等 减弱对流云降水的AgI催化原理的数值模拟研究 气象学报 2014,72(4)吕俊梅等 近百年中国东部夏季降水年代际变化特征及其原因 大气科学 2014,38(4)吕伟涛等(第2) 3种阈值方法在闪电通道图像识别中的应用 应用气象学报 2014,25(4)吕伟涛等(第2) 改进的互功率谱相位法在雷声声源定位中的应用 应用气象学报 2014,25(2)罗亚丽 梅雨锋前线状中尺度对流系统成熟阶段的空气垂直运动分析热带气象学报 2014,30(4)罗亚丽等(第2) 2010年6月中国南方持续性强降水过程:天气系统演变和青藏高原热力作用的影响 气象学报 2014,72(3)

作者Author (rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期号) Year, Volume (Issue)备注Notes马建中等 华北地区上空污染烟羽:IPAC-NC外场实验飞机航测结果 科学通报 2014,59(2)马玉平等(第3) 气候变化对宁夏固原地区胡麻发育进程和产量的影响 应用生态学报 2014,25(10)牛涛等(第2) 2011年9月中国华西致灾暴雨环流特征及地形强迫效应分析 气象与环境学报 2014,30(4)齐艳军等 次季节-季节预测的应用前景与展望 气象科技进展 2014,4(3)任福民 极端天气气候事件监测与预测研究进展及其应用综述 气象 2014,40(7)任福民等(第3) 广义线性统计降尺度方法模拟日降水量的应用研究 气象学报 2014,72(1)阮征等(第2) 机场风廓线雷达参数选择和安装位置分析 现代雷达 2014,36(8)沈小静等 北京上甸子典型天气个例的大气气溶胶数谱分布特征 气象科技进展 2014,4(1)施晓晖 青藏高原东缘对流云和水汽观测试验简介 气象科技进展 2014,4(5)陶玥等(第3) 山西春季层状云系数值模拟及与飞机探测对比 应用气象学报 2014,25(1)王东海等 1960年以来东亚季风区云-降水微物理的直接观测研究 气象学报 2014,72(4)王东海等(第2) 基于CloudSat资料的青藏高原地区云微物理特征分析 气象 2014,40(2)王东海等(第2) 基于WRF/CALMET的近地面精细化风场的动力模拟试验研究 气象 2014,40(1)王改利等(第2) 基于雷达回波外推和中尺度模式预报的短时降水对比分析 高原气象 2014,33(3)王红艳等 浙江省山区新一代天气雷达波束遮挡分析 高原气象 2014,33(6)王红艳等(第2) 华南一次强飑线过程的三维变分风场反演效果分析 暴雨灾害 2014,33(4)王宏等(第2) NASA/Goddard长波辐射方案在GRAPES Meso 模式中的应用研究大气科学 2014,38(3)王培娟 气候变暖对华北冬小麦返青前热量条件的影响 麦类作物学报 2014,34(1)王培娟 基于分期播种的气候变暖对东北春玉米生长发育与产量的影响研究中国农学通报 2014,30(18)王培娟等(第2) 1960—2011年东北地区热量资源时空变化特征 自然资源学报 2014,29(3)王培娟等(第3) 漓江上游山区水源林叶面积指数变化的遥感监测 农业工程学报 2014,30(2)王亚非等(第2) 构建描述两种ENSO类型的新指数 气象学报 2014,72(3)王亚强等(第2) 泰山PM10及其中化学成分变化特征 气候变化研究进展 2014,10(6)魏婷等(第3) 谁为气候变化负责? 环球科学 2014,11邬定荣等 基于DEM的广东山地高分辨率太阳辐射模拟研究 热带气象学报 2014,30(4)武炳义等(第2) 冬季欧亚中高纬度大气低频振荡的传播及其与欧亚遥相关型的关系大气科学 2014,38(1)辛羽飞 一个区域气候模式对南极2 m气温的模拟及其评估 中国科学:地球科学 2014,44(4)徐洪雄等 台风韦森特对季风水汽流的“转运”效应及其对北京“7.21”暴雨的影响大气科学 2014,38(3)徐祥德 特殊大地形背景下塔里木盆地夏季降水过程及其大气水分循环结构沙漠与绿洲气象 2014,8(2)

作者Author (rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期号) Year, Volume (Issue)备注Notes徐祥德等 高原东南缘大气近地层湍能特征与边界层动力、热力结构相关特征气象 2014,40(10)徐祥德等 青藏高原大气水分循环特征 气象学报 2014,72(6)徐祥德等(第3) 中国东部夏季主要降水型与高原春季热力因子间的关系 气象科学 2014,34(4)徐祥德等(第3) MM5和ETA相似理论近地层方案对农田下垫面通量模拟比较研究气象学报 2014,72(4)徐晓斌等(第2) 北京及周边地区3个典型站点NOx和CO的变化 安全与环境学报 2014,14(6)姚波等 北京上甸子区域大气本底站甲基氯仿在线观测研究 环境科学 2014,35(7)尹金方等 区域中尺度模式云微物理参数化方案特征及其在中国的适用性地球科学进展 2014,29(2)尹金方等(第2) 单双参数云微物理方案对华南暴雨的模拟对比分析 高原气象 2014,33(5)宇如聪等 中国大陆降水日变化研究进展 气象学报 2014,72(5)宇如聪等(第2) 中国东部夏季持续性降水日变化在淮河南北的差异分析 地球物理学报 2014,57(3)张人禾 1 月中国东部持续性强雾霾天气产生的气象条件分析 中国科学:地球科学 2014,44(1)张人禾等(第2) 中国冬季多种积雪参数的时空特征及差异性 气候与环境研究 2014,19(5)张人禾等(第2) 中国雨季的一种客观定量划分 气象学报 2014,72(6)张胜军等(第2) 强台风“海葵”(1211)近海急剧增强的数值研究 热带气象学报 2014,30(6)张小曳 中国不同区域大气气溶胶化学成分浓度、组成与来源特征 气象学报 2014,72(6)张小曳等 对 IPCC 第五次评估报告气溶胶-云对气候变化影响与响应结论的解读气候变化研究进展 2014,10(1)张阳等(第2) 负地闪CPT放电事件的发生规律研究 物理学报 2014,63(1) SCI张阳等(第2) 地闪不规则先导的多尺度熵特征 应用气象学报 2014,25(3)张义军等 强风暴中反极性电荷结构研究进展 应用气象学报 2014,25(2)张义军等(第2) 人工触发闪电连续电流过程与M分量特征 应用气象学报 2014,25(3)赵俊芳等(第2) 近30年东北春玉米发育期对气候变化的响应 应用气象学报 2014,25(6)赵琳娜 集合数值预报在洪水预报中的应用进展 应用气象学报 2014,25(6)赵琳娜等(第3) 通用线性模型在气象水文集合预报后处理中的应用 大气科学学报 2014,37(2)郑栋等(第2) 上海及周边地区地闪活动特征及海陆差异 气象科技 2014,42(1)郑栋等(第2) 一次雹暴过程的闪电活动特征及其与雹暴结构的关系 热带气象学报 2014,30(6)郑栋等(第2) 基于大气层结和雷暴演变的闪电和降水关系 应用气象学报 2014,25(1)周广胜等(第2) 短花针茅(Stipa Brevif ora)功能性状对水热协同作用的敏感性和适应性科学通报 2014,59(34)周广胜等(第2) 干旱指标研究进展 生态学报 2014,34(5)周广胜等(第2) 中国兴安落叶松天然林地理分布及其气候适宜性 生态学杂志 2014,33(6)

作者Author (rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期号) Year, Volume (Issue)备注Notes周广胜等(第2) 玉米农田冠层光合参数的多光谱遥感反演 植物生态学报 2014,38(7)周广胜等(第2) 1961—2010年阿拉善左旗气温和地温的变化特征分析 自然资源学报 2014,29(1)周海光 2008年1月26日南京暴雪中尺度风场结构双雷达反演研究 热带气象学报 2014,30(4)周凌晞等 城市排放与输送对北京上甸子站温室气体本底观测的影响分析气象科技进展 2014,4(3)周凌晞等(第2) 龙凤山本底站大气CO2数据筛分及浓度特征研究 环境科学 2014,35(8)周毓荃等 高炮火箭和飞机催化扩散规律和作业设计的研究 气象 2014,40(8)周毓荃等(第2) 一次超级单体雹暴观测分析和成雹区识别研究2 大气科学 2014,38(5)周毓荃等(第2) 一次积层混合云降水不同尺度结构的数值模拟 大气科学学报 2014,37(4)周毓荃等(第2) 一次西风槽过程过冷水分布特征观测研究 气象学报 2014,72(3)周毓荃等(第3) L波段探空判别云区方法的研究 大气科学 2014,38(2)周毓荃等(第3) 一次超级单体雹暴观测分析和成雹区识别研究 大气科学 2014,38(5)祝从文等(第2) 华北水资源年代际变化及其与全球变暖之间的关联 大气科学 2014,38(5)祝从文等(第2) 中国夏季降水异常EOF 模态的时间稳定性分析 大气科学 2014,38(6)祝从文等(第2) 2011年春夏季长江中下游旱涝急转可能成因 气象与环境学报 2014,30(4)

