

中国医学创新 2014年18期

乔义强 朱凤节 崔淑霞

【摘要】 目的:本研究使用三维影像CBCT进行评价旨在提高正畸治疗中牙根吸收的精确性。方法:选取进行正畸拔牙治疗的患者10例,并在治疗前和治疗12个月分别拍摄CBCT,测量治疗前后上颌6个牙齿的长度(双侧中切牙、侧切牙和尖牙),计算得出牙根吸收的数值。结果:所有测量牙齿治疗前后牙根长度比较均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。牙吸收量最大为上颌侧切,左右侧分别为:1.13 mm和1.14 mm;其次为上颌双侧中切牙,左右侧分别为:0.97 mm和0.96 mm;上颌双侧尖牙吸收最少,左右侧分别为0.87 mm和0.95 mm。结论:(1)结果显示正畸拔牙矫正患者治疗中有一个明显的牙根吸收。(2)本研究证实使用CBCT评价牙根吸收是一个有效而且精确的方法。

【关键词】 成人正畸; 牙根吸收; CBCT; 正畸治疗

【Abstract】 Objective:To evaluate the correlations between root resorption during orthodontic treatment using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT).Method:10 patients who treated for orthodontic tooth were selected, and measured the root resorption around six teeth (bilateral maxillary central incisors, lateral incisors, and canines) by using CBCT, before orthodontic treatment and after 12 months treatment, the correlation was calculated between root resorption.Result:The length of all measuring tooth root were compared before and after treatment, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). The root resorption was largest in the maxillary lateral incisors, the left and right lateral incisors were 1.13 mm and 1.14 mm respectively; followed by the maxillary central incisors, the left and right central incisors were 0.97 mm and 0.96 mm; and then was the maxillary canines, the left and right canines were 0.87 mm and 0.95 mm.Conclusion:(1)The patients have an obvious root absorption in the treatment of orthodontic tooth orthodontic.(2)This study has demonstrated that CBCT is a useful approach for evaluating apical root resorption after orthodontic treatment.

【Key words】 Adult orthodontics; Root resorption; Cone beam computed tomography; Treatment of orthodontics

First-authors address:Oral Medicine College of Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450052,China



1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料 选取18岁以上经固定矫治器拔除第一双尖牙矫治的正畸患者10例,男4例,女6例;年龄18~30岁,平均20.6岁。均符合以下要求:(1)完整的病例资料记录。包括病史、临床检查、治疗前和治疗中(治疗12个月,间隙关闭后或基本关闭)的CBCT(cone-beam computed)影像、记存模型等。(2)每份病例记录包括年龄、性别、错合类型、所用矫治器类型、治疗时间(以月为单位)等。(3)每份治疗前后CBCT影像必须清晰可辨,所有X线片为一部机器所拍摄(机器型号Koda k9000c)拍摄距离、条件都采用统一标准。(4)排除样本中出现弯曲牙根的牙齿,排除作过根管治疗、有牙周病病史的病例。(5)所有患者均来自同一位正畸医师,采用直丝弓矫治器治疗。

1.2 牙根长度测量方法 所有治疗前、治疗后的CBCT影像均在同一坐标,重建一个计算机影像模型,将治疗前后每例患者的影像输入医学影像软件(Kodak image software)。在每例患者治疗前后的3D模型上定点测量治疗前后牙冠至牙根的距离,包括BAT:治疗前根尖点;ATAT:治疗后根尖点;BCT:治疗前牙冠顶点;ACT:治疗后牙冠顶点(图1~2)。对6个上前牙(3---3)进行测量,每一项测量后间隔1周重新测量一次取平均值。endprint

1.3 统计学处理 使用SPSS 10.0统计学软件对数据进行处理,计量资料以(x±s)表示,比较采用t检验,以P<0.05表示差异有统计学意义。

2 结果

所有测量牙齿治疗前后牙根长度比较均有统计学意义(P<0.05),见表1。其中上颌侧切牙牙根吸收量最多,左右侧分别为:1.13 mm和1.14 mm;其次为上颌双侧中切牙,左右侧分别为:0.97 mm和0.96 mm;上颌双侧尖牙吸收最少,左右侧分别为0.87 mm和0.95 mm。

3 讨论


本研究选择患者的年龄为18~30岁,主要是考虑一些青少年的牙齿萌出年龄差异,一般牙齿萌出后3~5年根尖孔才能完全闭合,所以18岁以上的患者完全可以排出此类因素。一些研究表明,性别与牙根吸收之间没有相关性,因此本研究选择病例时没有区分男女[4-5]。Blake等[6]通过63例患者的牙根测量结果显示,上前牙的牙根吸收程度要大于下前牙。Sameshima等[5]通过868例患者的研究指出多数正畸患者的牙根吸收主要发生在上颌前牙,这也是本研究选择上颌前牙的考虑。另外,有研究表明,上颌牙齿牙根吸收和正畸治疗持续的时间有相关性[7-8]。Baumrind等[8]研究了牙根吸收(通过测量根尖片)和牙齿移动(通过测量侧位片)的相关性,研究发现根尖吸收的平均值、根尖水平移动和垂直移动的平均值分别是1.36、0.83、0.19 mm,有统计学意义的发现是内收方向上牙齿移动和根尖吸收的量具有相关性;也发现牙根吸收在压低、升高、前移过程中没有统计学意义。Dimitrio等[9]通过对正畸治疗6个月后与正畸治疗结束的牙根吸收CBCT研究发现,正畸治疗3~6个月拍摄X线检测牙根吸收为时过早,随着治疗的时间吸收将进一步加重。所以本研究所有病例的CBCT拍摄时间均为治疗前和治疗中12个月,这就最大程度的避免了治疗时间的不同带来的可变性。


(0.66 ±0.81)和(0.72±0.79)mm。Mohandesan等[11]同样也报道了上颌侧切牙的牙根吸收大于中切牙,分别为(0.88±0.51)mm和(0.7±0.42)mm。本研究结果与这些研究基本类似,但相对普遍吸收量略大一些,其中上颌侧切牙吸收量最多,左右侧分别为:1.13 mm和1.14 mm.其次为上颌双侧中切牙,左右侧分别为:0.97 mm和0.96 mm。这可能与本研究的样本量小有关。

Zahed Zahedani等[12]研究了标准方丝弓矫治器和直丝弓矫治器的牙根吸收情况,发现直丝弓矫治器治疗后的牙根吸收量多于标准方丝弓矫治器,差异具有统计学意义。原因归纳于MBT直丝弓矫治器轴倾度预成于托槽内从而使牙根有了更多的移动。而Liu等[13]对传统托槽与自锁托槽在拔牙病例中牙根吸收做了对比研究,得出结论使用传统托槽与自锁托槽在拔牙病例的矫治中无统计学意义差异。Evangelia等[14]对24例尖牙埋伏阻生患者与24例对照组无尖牙埋伏阻生的牙根吸收进行了研究,虽然尖牙埋伏阻生组的牙根吸收比对照组平均多吸收了0.38 mm,但是无统计学意义,这个结果说明了埋伏尖牙正畸治疗中诱发牙根吸收的证据是不充分的。

David等[15]做了全口根尖片长期评价正畸治疗期间牙根的吸收,研究选取了100例患者,其中男27例,女73例,每例患者均收集了治疗前、治疗后、治疗平均14.1年后的全口根尖片,通过等级衡量分数评价了牙根吸收的程度。依照牙根吸收的不同程度给每一个牙齿打分,0分:正常牙根轮廓,长度和治疗前一样;1分:根尖出现不规则,但长度和治疗前一样;2分:根尖吸收2 mm以内;3分:根尖吸收大于2 mm但小于1/3牙根长度;4分:根尖吸收大于1/3牙根长度。结果显示,0~1分占52%,2分占40%,3分占7%,仅有1例为4分。长期评价显示征集治疗结束后没有出现进一步的吸收,因此说明正畸治疗后牙根表面重塑的过程是明显的。而本研究样本只涉及到牙齿间隙关闭后,如有条件笔者将对正畸治疗结束后的牙根长度作进一步的研究。




[1] Brezniak N,Wasserstein A.Root resorption after orthodontic treatment: part 1. Literature review[J].Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop,1993,103(1):62-66.

[2] Iury O C,Ana H.G,Alencar D,et al.Apical root resorption due to orthodontic treatment detected by cone beam computed tomography[J].Angle Orthod,2013,83(2):196-203.

[3] Estrela C,Bueno M R,Leles C R,et al.Accuracy of cone beam computed tomography and panoramic and periapical radiography for detection of apical periodontitis[J].J Endod,2008,34(3):273-279.

[4] Kurol J,Owman-Moll P,Lundgren D.Time-related root resorption after application of a controlled continuous orthodontic force[J].Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop,1996,110(3):303-310.

[5] Sameshima G T,Sinclair P M.Predicting and preventing root resorption: part I, diagnostic factors[J].Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop,2001,119(5):505-510.

[6] Blake M,Woodside D G,Pharoah M J.A radiographic comparison of apical root resorption after orthodontic treatment with the edgewise and speed appliances[J].Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop,1995,108(1):76-84.

[7] Sameshima G T,Sinclair P M.Predicting and preventing root resorption: part II, treatment factors[J].Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop,2001,119(1):511-515.

[8] Baumrind S,Korn E L,Boyd R L.Apical root resorption in orthodontically treated adults[J].Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop,1996,110(3):311-320.

[9] Dimitrio M,Henrik L,Ken H.Root resorption diagnosed with cone beam computed tomography after 6 months and at the end of orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances[J].Angle Orthod,2013,83(3):389-393.

[10] Artun J, Smale I,Behbehani F,et al.Apical root resorption six and 12 months after initiation of fixed orthodontic appliance therapy[J].Angle Orthod,2005,75(6):919-926.

[11] Mohandesan H,Ravanmehr H,Valaei N.A radiographic analysis of external apical root resorption of maxillary incisors during active orthodontic treatment[J].Eur J Orthod,2007,29(2):134-139.

[12] Zahed Zahedani S M,Oshagh M,Momeni D S.Roeinpeikar SMM: a comparison of apical root resorption in incisors after fixed orthodontic treatment with standard edgewise and straight wire (MBT) method[J].J Dent Shiraz Univ Med Sci,2013,14(3):103-110.

[13] Liu X Q,Sun X L,Yang Q,et al.Comparative study on the apical root resorption between self-ligating and conventional brackets in extraction patients[J].Shanghai Journal of Stomatology,2012,21(4):460-465.

[14] Evangelia L,Nikolaos P,Padhraig S.Fleming and maria mavragani:a comparison of apical root resorption after orthodontic treatment with surgical exposure and traction of maxillary impacted canines versus that without impactions[J].Eur J Ortho,2014,16(6):2-8.

[15] David N,Donald R,Timmons K,et al.Long-term evaluation of root resorption occurring during othodontic treatment[J].Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop,1989,96(1):43-46.

(收稿日期:2014-04-11) (本文编辑:蔡元元)endprint


[1] Brezniak N,Wasserstein A.Root resorption after orthodontic treatment: part 1. Literature review[J].Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop,1993,103(1):62-66.

[2] Iury O C,Ana H.G,Alencar D,et al.Apical root resorption due to orthodontic treatment detected by cone beam computed tomography[J].Angle Orthod,2013,83(2):196-203.

[3] Estrela C,Bueno M R,Leles C R,et al.Accuracy of cone beam computed tomography and panoramic and periapical radiography for detection of apical periodontitis[J].J Endod,2008,34(3):273-279.

[4] Kurol J,Owman-Moll P,Lundgren D.Time-related root resorption after application of a controlled continuous orthodontic force[J].Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop,1996,110(3):303-310.

[5] Sameshima G T,Sinclair P M.Predicting and preventing root resorption: part I, diagnostic factors[J].Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop,2001,119(5):505-510.

[6] Blake M,Woodside D G,Pharoah M J.A radiographic comparison of apical root resorption after orthodontic treatment with the edgewise and speed appliances[J].Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop,1995,108(1):76-84.

[7] Sameshima G T,Sinclair P M.Predicting and preventing root resorption: part II, treatment factors[J].Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop,2001,119(1):511-515.

[8] Baumrind S,Korn E L,Boyd R L.Apical root resorption in orthodontically treated adults[J].Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop,1996,110(3):311-320.

[9] Dimitrio M,Henrik L,Ken H.Root resorption diagnosed with cone beam computed tomography after 6 months and at the end of orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances[J].Angle Orthod,2013,83(3):389-393.

[10] Artun J, Smale I,Behbehani F,et al.Apical root resorption six and 12 months after initiation of fixed orthodontic appliance therapy[J].Angle Orthod,2005,75(6):919-926.

[11] Mohandesan H,Ravanmehr H,Valaei N.A radiographic analysis of external apical root resorption of maxillary incisors during active orthodontic treatment[J].Eur J Orthod,2007,29(2):134-139.

[12] Zahed Zahedani S M,Oshagh M,Momeni D S.Roeinpeikar SMM: a comparison of apical root resorption in incisors after fixed orthodontic treatment with standard edgewise and straight wire (MBT) method[J].J Dent Shiraz Univ Med Sci,2013,14(3):103-110.

[13] Liu X Q,Sun X L,Yang Q,et al.Comparative study on the apical root resorption between self-ligating and conventional brackets in extraction patients[J].Shanghai Journal of Stomatology,2012,21(4):460-465.

[14] Evangelia L,Nikolaos P,Padhraig S.Fleming and maria mavragani:a comparison of apical root resorption after orthodontic treatment with surgical exposure and traction of maxillary impacted canines versus that without impactions[J].Eur J Ortho,2014,16(6):2-8.

[15] David N,Donald R,Timmons K,et al.Long-term evaluation of root resorption occurring during othodontic treatment[J].Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop,1989,96(1):43-46.

(收稿日期:2014-04-11) (本文编辑:蔡元元)endprint


[1] Brezniak N,Wasserstein A.Root resorption after orthodontic treatment: part 1. Literature review[J].Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop,1993,103(1):62-66.

[2] Iury O C,Ana H.G,Alencar D,et al.Apical root resorption due to orthodontic treatment detected by cone beam computed tomography[J].Angle Orthod,2013,83(2):196-203.

[3] Estrela C,Bueno M R,Leles C R,et al.Accuracy of cone beam computed tomography and panoramic and periapical radiography for detection of apical periodontitis[J].J Endod,2008,34(3):273-279.

[4] Kurol J,Owman-Moll P,Lundgren D.Time-related root resorption after application of a controlled continuous orthodontic force[J].Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop,1996,110(3):303-310.

[5] Sameshima G T,Sinclair P M.Predicting and preventing root resorption: part I, diagnostic factors[J].Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop,2001,119(5):505-510.

[6] Blake M,Woodside D G,Pharoah M J.A radiographic comparison of apical root resorption after orthodontic treatment with the edgewise and speed appliances[J].Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop,1995,108(1):76-84.

[7] Sameshima G T,Sinclair P M.Predicting and preventing root resorption: part II, treatment factors[J].Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop,2001,119(1):511-515.

[8] Baumrind S,Korn E L,Boyd R L.Apical root resorption in orthodontically treated adults[J].Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop,1996,110(3):311-320.

[9] Dimitrio M,Henrik L,Ken H.Root resorption diagnosed with cone beam computed tomography after 6 months and at the end of orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances[J].Angle Orthod,2013,83(3):389-393.

[10] Artun J, Smale I,Behbehani F,et al.Apical root resorption six and 12 months after initiation of fixed orthodontic appliance therapy[J].Angle Orthod,2005,75(6):919-926.

[11] Mohandesan H,Ravanmehr H,Valaei N.A radiographic analysis of external apical root resorption of maxillary incisors during active orthodontic treatment[J].Eur J Orthod,2007,29(2):134-139.

[12] Zahed Zahedani S M,Oshagh M,Momeni D S.Roeinpeikar SMM: a comparison of apical root resorption in incisors after fixed orthodontic treatment with standard edgewise and straight wire (MBT) method[J].J Dent Shiraz Univ Med Sci,2013,14(3):103-110.

[13] Liu X Q,Sun X L,Yang Q,et al.Comparative study on the apical root resorption between self-ligating and conventional brackets in extraction patients[J].Shanghai Journal of Stomatology,2012,21(4):460-465.

[14] Evangelia L,Nikolaos P,Padhraig S.Fleming and maria mavragani:a comparison of apical root resorption after orthodontic treatment with surgical exposure and traction of maxillary impacted canines versus that without impactions[J].Eur J Ortho,2014,16(6):2-8.

[15] David N,Donald R,Timmons K,et al.Long-term evaluation of root resorption occurring during othodontic treatment[J].Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop,1989,96(1):43-46.

(收稿日期:2014-04-11) (本文编辑:蔡元元)endprint

