王慧涛 薛妍 柴向斌
[摘要] 目的 探讨呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)、腺病毒(ADV)在鼻息肉组织中的表达及其与鼻息肉发病的相关性。 方法 利用免疫组织化学方法检测40例鼻息肉患者组织中RSV、ADV的表达情况,另检测20例鼻中隔偏曲患者正常的鼻黏膜组织中RSV、ADV表达情况。结果 正常鼻黏膜中的RSV、ADV表达的阳性率分别为35.0%、35.0%;鼻息肉组织中RSV的阳性表达率为67.5%,ADV的阳性表达率为75.0%。结论 RSV、ADV感染与鼻息肉的发病密切相关。
[关键词] 鼻息肉;呼吸道合胞病毒;腺病毒;免疫组织化学
[中图分类号] R725.6 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 2095-0616(2014)10-17-03
[Abstract] Objective To investigate the expression of RespiratorySyncytialVirus(RSV), Adenovirus(ADV)in nasal polyps tissue,andtheir relevance to the pathog enesis of human nasal polyps. Methods Immunohistochemistry was used to detect the expression ofRespiratorySyncytialVirus(RSV),Adenovirus(ADV),in excisiona l nasal polyps t issue from 40 patients with nasal polyps. In addition,the ex pression of RSV,ADV were also detected in normal nasal mucosa from 20 patients with the nasal septum deviation. Results In the normal nasal mucosa,the positive rates of RSV,ADVexpression were 35.0%,35.0% respectively.In the nasal polyps tissues,RSV positive rate was 67.5%,ADV positive rate was 75.0%. Conclusion RSV and ADV infectionpostive expression suggest that they closely correlate with the pathogenesis ofhuman nasal polyps.
[Key words] Nasal polyps;RSV;ADV;Immunohistochemical analysis
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
鼻息肉标本40例,来自2012年7月~2013年7月我院住院鼻息肉患者手术标本。所有患者3个月内未使用任何激素类药物。所有鼻息肉患者均已经经过CT、鼻内窥镜的确认,所有鼻息肉组织均已经病理确认。3 讨论
呼吸道合胞病毒(respiratory syncytil virus,RSV)属副黏病病毒科,肺炎病毒属,病毒颗粒直径150~300nm。主要编码11个蛋白质,其中F蛋白和G蛋白是两个主要的结构蛋白[15],可能诱导机体产生抗体和细胞免疫[1]。RSV是引起支气管肺炎、哮喘以及严重下呼吸道疾病的致病原因之一。RSV在引起呼吸道疾病中,NF-κB通道是起了重要的作用。众所周知,RSV影响着NF-κB各种基因的表达[2]。它们在局部微环境的炎症反应中起着十分重要作用[3]。近年来,上下呼吸道是一个气道,一个炎症已形成共识,同时上下呼吸道炎症也相互影响,变异性鼻炎和哮喘的发病机理相同,在呼吸道变应性炎症反应中,有一系列的炎症细胞,黏附因子,趋化因子以转录调节因子参与了炎症反应[4]。RSV在气道黏膜上复制,可以通过简单的上呼吸道感染传播远端下呼吸道,引起严重的下呼吸道感染。感染RSV的住院患儿在外周血单核细胞表达TH1细胞因子IL-2、IFN-γ、TH2细胞因子IL-4、IL-5、IL-6、IL-10、IL-13较非感染RSV的住院患儿明显增高[5],而IL、IFN对鼻息肉的产生和发展有着重要和不可逆转的作用[6]。本实验中,我们发现,RSV在鼻息肉组织中上皮细胞和腺体上皮细胞的阳性表达明显高于正常的鼻黏膜组织。
[1] Wood AJ,Antoszewska H,Fraser J,et al. Is chronic rhinosinusitis caused by persistent respiratory virus infection?[J].J int Forum Allergy,2011,1(2):95-100.
[2] Choudhary S,Boldogy S,Garofalo R,et al.Respiratory syncytial virus inluences NF-κB-dependent gene expression through a novel pathway involving MAP3K14/NIK expression and nuclear complex formation with WF-kB2[J].J Virol,2005,79(14):8948-8959.
[3] 朱俊,沙泉.核因子κB与鼻息肉[J].国际耳鼻咽喉头颈外科学杂志,2006,30(5):313-316.
[4] Collins PL,Chanock RM,Murphy BR.Respiratory syncytial viruses,In:Knipe DM,Hawley PM,eds.Fields virology[M]. 4thed.Vol.philade/phia:Lippincott-Raren,2001:1443-1485.
[5] RalphA Tripp,Deborah Moore,Albert Barskey IV,et al.Peripheral Blood Mononuclear cells from Infants Hospitalized Because of respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection Express T Helper-1 and T Helper-2 Cytokines and CC chemokine messenger RNA [J].J Infect Dis,2002,185(15):1388-1394.
[6] 岳丽艳,郑永波,赵军.鼻息肉发病机制研究进展[J].国际耳鼻咽喉头颈外科学杂志,2012,36(3):157-162.
[7] Ebner K,Rauch M,Preuner S,et al.Typing of human adenoviruses in specimens from immunosuppressed patients by PCR-fragment length analysis and real-time quantitative PCR[J].J Journal of Clinical Microbiology,2006,44(8):2808-2815.
[8] 张梦雯,倪淑媛,李煜生.腺病毒5型和7型感染诱导呼吸道上皮细胞黏膜蛋白1表达的差异性研究[J].中华微生物学和免疫学杂志,2012,32(2):172-177.
[9] Schnurr D,Dondero ME.Two new candidate adenovirus serotypes[J].Intervirology,1993,36:79-83.
[10] Jones MS,Harrach B,Ganac RD,et al.New adenovirus species found in a patient presenting with gastroenteritis[J]. Journal of Virology,2007,81:5978-5984.
[11] Robinson CM,Singh G,Henquell C,et al.Computational analysis and identification of an emergent human adenovirus pathogen implicated in a respiratory fatality[J].Virology,2010,492:141-147.
[12] Walsh MP,Seto J,Liu EB,et al.Computational analysis of two species C human adenoviruses provides evidence of a novel virus[J].Journal of Clinical Microbiology,2011,49(10):3489-3490.
[13] 朱汝南 ,邓洁,王芳,等.2000年秋冬至2002年夏北京地区急性呼吸道感染病毒病原学研究[J].临床儿科杂志,2003(1):25-28.
[14] Guadalupe Carballal,Cristina M.Videla,M. AlejandraEspinosa,et al. Multicentered study of viral acute lower respiratory infections in children from four cities of Argentina,1993-1994[J].J Med Rirol,2001,64(2):167-174.
[15] Gower TL,Peeples ME,Collins PL,et al.RhoA is activated during respiratory syncytial virus infection [J].Virology,2001,283(2):188-196.
[1] Wood AJ,Antoszewska H,Fraser J,et al. Is chronic rhinosinusitis caused by persistent respiratory virus infection?[J].J int Forum Allergy,2011,1(2):95-100.
[2] Choudhary S,Boldogy S,Garofalo R,et al.Respiratory syncytial virus inluences NF-κB-dependent gene expression through a novel pathway involving MAP3K14/NIK expression and nuclear complex formation with WF-kB2[J].J Virol,2005,79(14):8948-8959.
[3] 朱俊,沙泉.核因子κB与鼻息肉[J].国际耳鼻咽喉头颈外科学杂志,2006,30(5):313-316.
[4] Collins PL,Chanock RM,Murphy BR.Respiratory syncytial viruses,In:Knipe DM,Hawley PM,eds.Fields virology[M]. 4thed.Vol.philade/phia:Lippincott-Raren,2001:1443-1485.
[5] RalphA Tripp,Deborah Moore,Albert Barskey IV,et al.Peripheral Blood Mononuclear cells from Infants Hospitalized Because of respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection Express T Helper-1 and T Helper-2 Cytokines and CC chemokine messenger RNA [J].J Infect Dis,2002,185(15):1388-1394.
[6] 岳丽艳,郑永波,赵军.鼻息肉发病机制研究进展[J].国际耳鼻咽喉头颈外科学杂志,2012,36(3):157-162.
[7] Ebner K,Rauch M,Preuner S,et al.Typing of human adenoviruses in specimens from immunosuppressed patients by PCR-fragment length analysis and real-time quantitative PCR[J].J Journal of Clinical Microbiology,2006,44(8):2808-2815.
[8] 张梦雯,倪淑媛,李煜生.腺病毒5型和7型感染诱导呼吸道上皮细胞黏膜蛋白1表达的差异性研究[J].中华微生物学和免疫学杂志,2012,32(2):172-177.
[9] Schnurr D,Dondero ME.Two new candidate adenovirus serotypes[J].Intervirology,1993,36:79-83.
[10] Jones MS,Harrach B,Ganac RD,et al.New adenovirus species found in a patient presenting with gastroenteritis[J]. Journal of Virology,2007,81:5978-5984.
[11] Robinson CM,Singh G,Henquell C,et al.Computational analysis and identification of an emergent human adenovirus pathogen implicated in a respiratory fatality[J].Virology,2010,492:141-147.
[12] Walsh MP,Seto J,Liu EB,et al.Computational analysis of two species C human adenoviruses provides evidence of a novel virus[J].Journal of Clinical Microbiology,2011,49(10):3489-3490.
[13] 朱汝南 ,邓洁,王芳,等.2000年秋冬至2002年夏北京地区急性呼吸道感染病毒病原学研究[J].临床儿科杂志,2003(1):25-28.
[14] Guadalupe Carballal,Cristina M.Videla,M. AlejandraEspinosa,et al. Multicentered study of viral acute lower respiratory infections in children from four cities of Argentina,1993-1994[J].J Med Rirol,2001,64(2):167-174.
[15] Gower TL,Peeples ME,Collins PL,et al.RhoA is activated during respiratory syncytial virus infection [J].Virology,2001,283(2):188-196.
[1] Wood AJ,Antoszewska H,Fraser J,et al. Is chronic rhinosinusitis caused by persistent respiratory virus infection?[J].J int Forum Allergy,2011,1(2):95-100.
[2] Choudhary S,Boldogy S,Garofalo R,et al.Respiratory syncytial virus inluences NF-κB-dependent gene expression through a novel pathway involving MAP3K14/NIK expression and nuclear complex formation with WF-kB2[J].J Virol,2005,79(14):8948-8959.
[3] 朱俊,沙泉.核因子κB与鼻息肉[J].国际耳鼻咽喉头颈外科学杂志,2006,30(5):313-316.
[4] Collins PL,Chanock RM,Murphy BR.Respiratory syncytial viruses,In:Knipe DM,Hawley PM,eds.Fields virology[M]. 4thed.Vol.philade/phia:Lippincott-Raren,2001:1443-1485.
[5] RalphA Tripp,Deborah Moore,Albert Barskey IV,et al.Peripheral Blood Mononuclear cells from Infants Hospitalized Because of respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection Express T Helper-1 and T Helper-2 Cytokines and CC chemokine messenger RNA [J].J Infect Dis,2002,185(15):1388-1394.
[6] 岳丽艳,郑永波,赵军.鼻息肉发病机制研究进展[J].国际耳鼻咽喉头颈外科学杂志,2012,36(3):157-162.
[7] Ebner K,Rauch M,Preuner S,et al.Typing of human adenoviruses in specimens from immunosuppressed patients by PCR-fragment length analysis and real-time quantitative PCR[J].J Journal of Clinical Microbiology,2006,44(8):2808-2815.
[8] 张梦雯,倪淑媛,李煜生.腺病毒5型和7型感染诱导呼吸道上皮细胞黏膜蛋白1表达的差异性研究[J].中华微生物学和免疫学杂志,2012,32(2):172-177.
[9] Schnurr D,Dondero ME.Two new candidate adenovirus serotypes[J].Intervirology,1993,36:79-83.
[10] Jones MS,Harrach B,Ganac RD,et al.New adenovirus species found in a patient presenting with gastroenteritis[J]. Journal of Virology,2007,81:5978-5984.
[11] Robinson CM,Singh G,Henquell C,et al.Computational analysis and identification of an emergent human adenovirus pathogen implicated in a respiratory fatality[J].Virology,2010,492:141-147.
[12] Walsh MP,Seto J,Liu EB,et al.Computational analysis of two species C human adenoviruses provides evidence of a novel virus[J].Journal of Clinical Microbiology,2011,49(10):3489-3490.
[13] 朱汝南 ,邓洁,王芳,等.2000年秋冬至2002年夏北京地区急性呼吸道感染病毒病原学研究[J].临床儿科杂志,2003(1):25-28.
[14] Guadalupe Carballal,Cristina M.Videla,M. AlejandraEspinosa,et al. Multicentered study of viral acute lower respiratory infections in children from four cities of Argentina,1993-1994[J].J Med Rirol,2001,64(2):167-174.
[15] Gower TL,Peeples ME,Collins PL,et al.RhoA is activated during respiratory syncytial virus infection [J].Virology,2001,283(2):188-196.