

金属矿山 2014年3期

韦岩松 黎铉海 马 宸

(1.河池学院化学与生物工程学院,广西 宜州 546300;2.广西大学化学化工学院,广西 南宁 530004)


韦岩松1黎铉海2马 宸2

(1.河池学院化学与生物工程学院,广西 宜州 546300;2.广西大学化学化工学院,广西 南宁 530004)

为了提高硫化铟的浸出率,从研究硫化铟常规酸浸、高锰酸钾或双氧水氧化酸浸的晶粒参数、表观活化能、反应级数的变化规律入手,对不同状态下硫化铟的浸出动力学进行了研究。结果表明:①硫化铟浸出反应的表观活化能、反应级数、晶粒参数,在常规酸浸状态下分别为35.6 kJ/mol、0.770、0.576,高锰酸钾氧化酸浸状态下分别为13.9 kJ/mol、0.390、0.366,双氧水氧化酸浸状态下分别为17.5 kJ/mol、0.220、0.466。②硫化铟常规酸浸的铟浸出率对浸出温度、硫酸初始浓度的变化比较敏感;而硫化铟氧化酸浸的表观活化能和反应级数均大幅度下降,化学活性显著增强,反应速率明显加快,浸出温度和硫酸初始浓度对铟浸出影响的敏感度下降。③硫化铟的常规酸浸及氧化酸浸动力学模型符合n<1的Avrami方程,常规酸浸受化学反应与扩散混合控制,而氧化酸浸则受扩散控制,因此,强化搅拌扩散有利于提高铟浸出率。

硫化铟 常规浸出 氧化浸出 动力学模型 Avrami方程




1 浸出动力学模型




2 浸出试验结果

试验用硫化铟为实验室自行合成的粒度为0.096~0.075 mm的高纯硫化铟。浸出温度对浸出率影响试验的硫酸初始浓度为1.0 mol/L,搅拌速度为800 r/min,不同浸出状态下的试验结果见图1、图2、图3;硫酸初始浓度对浸出率影响试验的浸出温度为80 ℃,搅拌速度为800 r/min,不同浸出状态下的试验结果见图4、图5、图6。

图1 常规酸浸不同温度下试验结果Fig.1 Test results of conventional acid leaching under different temperature■—50 ℃;●—60 ℃; ▲—70 ℃;×—80 ℃;◆—90 ℃

图2 高锰酸钾(4.66 g)氧化酸浸不同温度下试验结果Fig.2 Test results of potassium permanganate(4.66 g) oxidizing acid leaching under different temperature■—50 ℃;●—60 ℃; ▲—70 ℃;×—80 ℃;◆—90 ℃

图3 双氧水(10 mL)氧化酸浸不同温度下试验结果Fig.3 Test results of hydrogen peroxide(10 mL) oxidizing acid leaching under different temperature■—50 ℃;●—60 ℃; ▲—70 ℃;×—80 ℃;◆—90 ℃

图4 常规酸浸不同硫酸初始浓度下试验结果Fig.4 Test results of conventional acid leaching under different initial concentration of sulfuric acid■—0.5 mol /L;●—0.75 mol/L; ▲—1.0 mol/L; ×—1.5 mol/L;◆—2.0 mol/L


3 模型参数的确定

3.1 晶粒参数的确定与比较


图5 高锰酸钾(4.66 g)氧化酸浸不同硫酸初始浓度下试验结果Fig.5 Test results of potassium permanganate (4.66 g) oxidizing acid leaching under different initial concentration of sulfuric acid■—0.5 mol /L;●—0.75 mol/L; ▲—1.0 mol/L; ×—1.5 mol/L;◆—2.0 mol/L

图6 双氧水(10 mL)氧化酸浸不同硫酸初始浓度下试验结果Fig.6 Test results of hydrogen peroxide(10 mL) oxidizing acid leaching under different initial concentration of sulfuric acid■—0.5 mol /L;●—0.75 mol/L; ▲—1.0 mol/L; ×—1.5 mol/L;◆—2.0 mol/L

图7 常规酸浸不同温度下ln(-ln(1-x))与lnt的关系Fig.7 Relationships between ln(-ln(1-x)) and lnt under different temperature of conventional acid leaching■—50 ℃;●—60 ℃;▲—70 ℃;×—80 ℃;◆—90 ℃


图8 高锰酸钾氧化酸浸不同温度下 ln(-ln(1-x))与lnt的关系Fig.8 Relationships between ln(-ln(1-x))and lnt under different temperature of potassium permanganate oxidizing acid leaching■—50 ℃;●—60 ℃;▲—70 ℃;×—80 ℃;◆—90 ℃

图9 双氧水氧化酸浸不同温度下ln(-ln(1-x))与lnt的关系Fig.9 Relationships between ln(-ln(1-x)) and lnt under different temperature of hydrogen peroxide oxidizing acid leaching■—50 ℃;●—60 ℃;▲—70 ℃;×—80 ℃;◆—90 ℃

图10 常规酸浸不同硫酸初始浓度下ln(-ln(1-x))与lnt的关系Fig.10 Relationships between ln(-ln(1-x)) and lnt under different initial concentration of sulfuric acid of conventional acid leaching■—0.5 mol /L;●—0.75 mol/L; ▲—1.0 mol/L; ×—1.5 mol/L;◆—2.0 mol/L

图11 高锰酸钾氧化酸浸不同硫酸初始浓度下ln(-ln(1-x))与lnt的关系Fig.11 Relationships between ln(-ln(1-x)) and lntunder different initial concentration of sulfuric acid of potassium permanganate oxidizing acid leaching■—0.5 mol /L;●—0.75 mol/L; ▲—1.0 mol/L; ×—1.5 mol/L;◆—2.0 mol/L

图12 双氧水氧化酸浸不同硫酸初始浓度下ln(-ln(1-x))与lnt的关系Fig.12 Relationships between ln(-ln(1-x)) and lnt under different initial concentration of sulfuric acid of hydrogen peroxide oxidizing acid leaching■—0.5 mol /L;●—0.75 mol/L; ▲—1.0 mol/L; ×—1.5 mol/L;◆—2.0 mol/L


3.2 表观活化能和指前因子的确定与比较



图13 常规酸浸不同温度下-ln(1-x))与tn的关系Fig.13 Relationships between -ln(1-x) and tnunder different temperature of conventional acid leaching■—50 ℃;●—60 ℃;▲—70 ℃;×—80 ℃;◆—90 ℃

图14 高锰酸钾氧化酸浸不同温度下-ln(1-x))与tn的关系Fig.14 Relationships between -ln(1-x) and tnunder different temperature of potassium permanganate oxidizing acid leaching■—50 ℃;●—60 ℃;▲—70 ℃;×—80 ℃;◆—90 ℃

图15 双氧水氧化酸浸不同温度下-ln(1-x))与tn的关系Fig.15 Relationships between -ln(1-x) and tnunder different temperature of hydrogen peroxide oxidizing acid leaching■—50 ℃;●—60 ℃;▲—70 ℃;×—80 ℃;◆—90 ℃

利用图16中3个回归方程的斜率-Ea/R和截距lnk0可求得硫化铟常规浸出、高锰酸钾氧化酸浸及双氧水氧化酸浸时的表观活化能Ea分别为35.6、13.9和17.5 kJ/mol,指前因子k0分别为2.17×104、71.7和138.38。


图16 3种浸出状态下lnk与T-1的关系Fig.16 Relationships between lnk and T-1under three different leaching conditions■—常规酸浸;◆—高锰酸钾氧化浸出;▲—双氧水氧化浸出

3.3 反应级数的确定与比较


图17 常规酸浸不同硫酸初始浓度下-ln(1-x))与tn的关系Fig.17 Relationships between -ln(1-x) and tnunder different initial concentration of sulfuric acid of conventional acid leaching■—0.5 mol /L;●—0.75 mol/L; ▲—1.0 mol/L; ×—1.5 mol/L;◆—2.0 mol/L



图18 高锰酸钾氧化酸浸不同硫酸初始浓度下-ln(1-x))与tn的关系Fig.18 Relationships between -ln(1-x) and tnunder different initial concentration of sulfuric acid of potassium permanganate oxidizing acid leaching■—0.5 mol /L;●—0.75 mol/L; ▲—1.0 mol/L; ×—1.5 mol/L;◆—2.0 mol/L

图19 双氧水氧化酸浸不同硫酸初始浓度下-ln(1-x))与tn的关系Fig.19 Relationships between -ln(1-x) and tnunder different initial concentration of sulfuric acid of hydrogen peroxide oxidizing acid leaching■—0.5 mol /L;●—0.75 mol/L; ▲—1.0 mol/L; ×—1.5 mol/L;◆—2.0 mol/L

图20 3种浸出状态下lnk与lnC的关系Fig.20 Relationships between lnk and lnC under three different leaching conditions◆—高锰酸钾氧化浸出;▲—双氧水氧化浸出


4 浸出动力学方程比较及其意义







5 结 论

(1)硫化铟常规硫酸浸出反应的表观活化能、反应级数、晶粒参数分别为35.6 kJ/mol、0.770、0.576;以高锰酸钾为氧化剂的氧化酸浸反应的表观活化能、反应级数、晶粒参数分别为13.9 kJ/mol、0.390、0.366;以双氧水为氧化剂的氧化酸浸反应的表观活化能、反应级数、晶粒参数分别为17.5 kJ/mol、0.220、0.466。



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(责任编辑 罗主平)

Kinetics Comparison of Oxidizing Acid Leaching and Conventional Acid Leaching of Indium Sulfide

Wei Yansong1Li Xuanhai2Ma Chen2


Kinetics of indium sulfide leaching under different conditions was investigated,in order to improve the leaching rate of indium sulfide fundamentally,by starting with the change law of grain parameter,apparent activation energy and reaction order of conventional acid leaching,potassium permanganate & hydrogen peroxide oxidizing acid leaching of indium sulfide.The results showed that:①The apparent activation energy,reaction order and crystalline parameter of the leaching reaction of indium sulfide were 35.6 kJ/mol,0.770,0.576 respectively under conventional acid leaching conditions,13.9 kJ/mol,0.390,0.366 under potassium permanganate oxidizing acid leaching and 17.5 kJ/mol,0.220,0.466 under hydrogen peroxide oxidizing acid leaching;②Indium leaching rate in conventional acid leaching was more sensitive to changes of leaching temperature and initial concentration of sulfuric acid,while for oxidizing acid leaching,the apparent activation energy and reaction order were significantly reduced,chemical activity significantly enhanced and the reaction rate was accelerated,the sensitivity of temperature and initial concentration of sulfuric acid on the influence of indium leaching was reduced;③The kinetics model of indium sulfide of conventional leaching and oxidation leaching fit Avrami equation well at n<1.Conventional leaching was controlled by both diffusion and reaction of chemistry,and the oxidation leaching process was controlled by diffusion.Therefore,intensive stir diffusion could increase the indium leaching rate.

Indium sulfide,Conventional leaching,Oxidation leaching,Kinetics model,Avrami equation








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