王永生 张志敏
(1.北京大学地球与空间科学学院,北京 100871;2.中国国土资源经济研究院,河北 三河 065201)
(1.北京大学地球与空间科学学院,北京 100871;2.中国国土资源经济研究院,河北 三河 065201)
地质勘查 行业管理政策 政策评估
1 评价方法
图1 “投射-实施后”对比分析法Fig.1 Comparative analysis method of “projection-after the implementation”
2 评价内容
2.1 地勘行业管理政策实施效果的评价要点
2.2 评价指标确定
表1 地勘行业管理政策实施效果评价指标体系Table 1 The evaluation indexes system of management policy of geological prospecting industry
3 评价结果
4 评价结论与讨论
4.1 评价结论
表2 2010年“投射-实施后”对比分析结果Table 2 Results of the comparative analysis of “projection-after the implementation”
4.2 讨 论
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(责任编辑 邓永前)
Evaluation on the Comparative Analysis method of the Management Policy Implementation Effect of Geological Prospecting Industry
Wang Yongsheng1,2Zhang Zhimin2
Quantitative evaluation on the management policy implementation effect of the geological prospecting industry in our country is conducted by adopting the comparative analysis method of projection-after the implementation under the basis of constructing the evaluation index system of the management policy implementation effect of geological prospecting industry in China.According to the evaluation results,the overall evaluation results of the management policy implementation effect are not so good.That is to say,among the 15 indexes that passed inspection,the positive indexes is 8,the rest of them are the negative indexes.The above research results show that the management policy of geological prospecting industry in our country plays a positive role in promoting technology development,guiding the layout for geological prospecting works and making polices.However,the implementation effects of improving the mechanism of geological prospecting market access and strengthening the guidance and supervision of geological prospecting market are not so satisfactory.So,reinforcing the guidance and supervision of geological prospecting market is the key of promoting the implementation of management policy of geological prospecting industry,and the cultivation and supervision system of transferring and remising exploration right should be optimized.In addition,the mechanism of geological prospecting market access must be improved,the information service of the geological prospecting industry should be enhanced and the technology of geological prospecting industry must be improved effectively.
Geological prospecting,Industry management policies,Policy evaluation