赵 蕾,邓宇龙
(1.西藏大学理学院,西藏拉萨850000; 2.湖南科技学院数学与计算科学系,湖南永州425199)
为了研究二阶椭圆偏微分方程解的局部性质,C.B.Jr.Morrey[1]引 进 了 齐 型 Morrey 空 间Lp,λ(Rn)(1≤p<∞,0<λ<n).Morrey空间在二阶椭圆微分方程解的局部性质研究中有着广泛的应用[2-3].
交换子理论在算子理论研究中有极其重要的作用.A.P.Calderón[4]于1965 年研究了一类交换子,它出现在沿Lip曲线的Cauchy积分问题中[5].R.Coifman等在文献[6]中证明了奇异积分交换子Tb的Lp(Rn)有界性.C.Pérez等[7]定义了奇异积分多线性交换子Tb(f),且证明了Tb(f)的Lp(Rn)有界性.
成立.在调和分析中有许多算子满足(1)式,例如Calderón-Zygmund 算子、C.Fefferman 奇异乘子、R.Fefferman奇异积分算子、Riui-Stein震荡积分算子、临界阶的 Bochner-Riesz算子等[8].更多关于满足(1)式的次线性算子T和它的交换子Tb的研究参见文献[9-15].
1 主要定理
2 定理的证明
[1]Morrey C B Jr.On the solution of quasi:linear partial differential equations[J].Trans Am Math Soc,1938,43(1):126.
[2]Chiarenza F,Frasca M.Morrey space and Hardy-Littlewood maximal function[J].Rend Math,1987,7:273-279.
[3]Fazio G D,Ragusa M A.Interior estimates in morrey spaces for strong solutions to nondivergence from equations with discontinuous coefficients[J].J Funct Anal,1993,112(2):164.
[4]Calderón A P.Commutators of singular integral opertors[J].Proc Nat Acad Sci USA,1965,53:1092-1099.
[5] Calderón A P.Cauchy integrals on Lipschitz curves and related operators[J].Proc Nat Acad Sci USA,1977,74(4):1324-1327.
[6]Coifman R,Rochberg R,Weiss G.Fractorization theorems for Hardy spaces in several variables[J].Ann Math,1976,103:611-635.
[7]Pérez C,Trujllo-Gonzalez G.Sharp weighted estimates for multilinear commutators[J].London Math Soc,2002,65:672-692.
[8]Lin Y,Lu S Z.Multilinear Calderon-Zygmund operator on Morrey type spaces[J].Anal Theory Appl,2006,22(4):387-400.
[9]Fan D,Lu S Z,Yang D C.Regularity in morrey spaces of strong solutions to nondivergence elliptic equations with VMO coefficients[J].Georgian Math,1998,5:425-440.
[11]Tao S P,Wu J L,Sun X C.Boundedness for commutators on homogenceneous Morrey-Herz spaces[J].J Mathematics,2009,29(1):21-26.
[13]Bandaliev R A.The boundedness of certain sublinear operator in the weighted variable Lebesgue spaces[J].Czechoslovak Math J,2010,60:327-337.
[14]Guliyev V S,Aliyev S S,Karaman T.Boundedness of a class of sublinear operator and their commutators on generalized Morrey spaces[J/OL].Abstract and Applied Analysis,2011,2011:356041.http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2011/356041.
[16]Lu S Z.Four Lectures on RealHpSpaces[M].Singapore:World Scientific Publishing Company,1995.