叶初升 冯贺霞
摘要 中国经济快速增长的同时,城乡居民收入以及教育、医疗、社会保障等物质生活条件差距不断扩大,但一些实证分析表明,中国农村居民的主观幸福感却强于城镇居民。本文将这种悖论式的事实置于城乡二元经济社会结构现实之中,运用Order Probit模型对中国综合社会调查(CGSS)数据进行了实证分析。结果表明,一方面,城乡幸福悖论主要源于城乡居民不同的主观心态:控制绝对收入、相对收入及个体特征等相关变量之后,城市居民并不比农村居民更幸福,然而,一旦加入城乡居民对“命运”、“家境”和“进取心”等主观心态,城市居民幸福感会高于农村居民幸福感。另一方面,如果控制包括主观心态在内的其他条件,在那些绝对收入超过16 013.7元的居民中,农村居民幸福感要强于城市居民;当绝对收入低于16 013.7元时,城市居民仍然比农村居民幸福。分析结果启示我们,现代化、工业化、城市化都只是发展的路径而非发展目的,城市化进程有可能是建造“幸福围城”的过程,从而违背城市化发展的基本初衷。就发展的终极目的而言,城市化也不是发展的唯一路径,增加农民收入、为农民提供均等化的公共基础服务,在农村同样能增强人们的福祉。
关键词 主观幸福感;城乡幸福悖论;城乡二元结构;城市化
中图分类号 F061.3
文献标识码 A
文章编号 1002-2104(2014)06-0016-06
为了回答问题,我们使用中国综合社会调查(CGSS) 2005、2006、2008三年数据(很可惜2010数据尚未公开),运用Order Probit模型进行了初步分析。结果表明,在控制了收入、相对收入及人口统计特征等变量后,2006年数据显示存在显著的城乡幸福悖论,而从2005、2008年数据中虽然可以观察到城乡幸福悖论的迹象,但在统计上并不显著。为了不至于由此简单得出“是否存在城乡幸福悖论取决于时间与调查样本”这样的模糊结论,本文专注于2006年数据的分析,希望仔细考察城乡幸福悖论背后的原因,究竟是什么因素侵蚀了更好的城市物质生活给人们带来的幸福效应。
1 文献述评
幸福问题是人类社会古老而常新的研究论题之一,引起心理学、社会学、经济学等众多学科的共同关注。在经济学领域,学者们更关注收入、失业、通货膨胀等客观条件对幸福感的影响。Easterlin[3]的实证研究表明,一方面,在一国内部,富人确实比穷人更加幸福,但随着时间的流逝,快速增长的人均GDP(或GNP)并没有相应地提升居民的幸福感;另一方面,跨国比较研究并没有显示富国比穷国更幸福。自此,人们将幸福不随收入增长而增加的现象称为“幸福收入悖论”或“Easterlin悖论”。Frey and Stutzer[4]和Ng[5]的研究也表明,收入与幸福的确存在负相关关系,从而进一步支持了“Easterlin悖论”。
2 模型、变量与数据
主观幸福感是人们对自身目前生活质量进行积极的评价[16]。幸福感的测量一般是通过问卷调查的方式,根据受访者自我报告的幸福程度进行基数赋值。被解释变量主观幸福感是从1到5的序数变量,相邻选项之间存在不可比性,因此,直接使用最小二乘法(OLS)有欠妥当,本文采用有序概率模型(Ordered Probit Model)分析我国城乡居民的幸福感。
3 实证结果与分析
其一,农民越是“认命”,其幸福感越是增强,“认命”每上升一级,农村居民幸福感上升的概率增加1.44%;城市居民“认命”每上升一级,反而会导致幸福感以4.67%(0.014 4-0.061 1)的概率下降。在农村,祖祖辈辈依靠、依恋大自然,社会关系自成一体、相对封闭,“听天由命”的淡然心态油然而生。这种心态是淡然的,同时也是积极的、由衷的、乐观的,它恰好能够给农村居民幸福感带来积极的效应,正所谓“憨人自有憨福”。在城市,社会经济急剧变化、生活节奏急促逼仄,很难容得下居民“听天由命”那种淡然而积极乐观的心态。
其二,相比城市居民而言,农民更看重家境,农村居民对家境重要性的认知每上升一级,其幸福感上升的概率提升5.54%;而城市居民如果看重家境,他的幸福感以0.49%(0.055 4-0.060 3)的概率下降。我们可以从两个方面解释这一结果:一方面,城市和农村家庭在结构、规模、关系等方面的不同。另一方面,在二元社会结构下,城市与农村不同的社会环境,使得个人发展与家庭境况的关联程度不同。因此,当问及“在您看来,家境在事业成功中重要性是怎样的?”时,在更为传统的农村社会,在控制其他变量的情况,农民的幸福感越高。然而,在城市,在原本个人努力对于个人发展更为紧要而家庭因素不是那么凸现的现代社会,如果城市居民非常看重家境在个人事业成功中的作用,所流露的更多信息是被访者在现代城市社会中因为各种原因而滋生的非积极心态,其幸福感的缺损也是可以理解的。
其三,努力进取的积极心态,能够提升城市居民的幸福感,却降低了农村居民的幸福感。被访者对进取心在事业成功中重要性的认知每上升一级,农村居民的幸福感以1.92%的概率下降,而城市居民的幸福感则以1.17%(-0.019 2+0.030 9)的概率上升。我们可以从城乡二元结构下不同的发展机会找到对这一现象的解释。在城市,城市居民努力进取的积极心态之所以能够增强其幸福感,是因为他们有着相对优越的客观社会环境,个人积极进取、广阔的发展机会、个人成就与幸福,三者之间是内在一致的;在农村,由于在客观条件、发展机会、制度安排等方面的不足,努力进取未必就能取得好的结果。
此外,模型(3)回归结果表明,绝对收入对农村居民幸福感的正效应大于城市——绝对收入对数值每增加一个单位,农村居民幸福感以7.1%的概率显著上升,城市居民幸福感上升的概率仅为1.01%(0.071 0-0.060 9);但是,相对收入对城市居民幸福感的正效应却大于农村——相对收入每提升一单位,农村居民幸福感以19.1%的概率上升,而城市居民幸福感上升的概率则更大,约为27.6%(0.191+0.085)。上述结论与大多已有的研究结论是一致的:低收入群体(农村居民)更加重视绝对收入的增加,而高收入群体(城市居民)更关注相对收入的改善[11-12]。
首先,在控制其他变量的前提下,当绝对收入对数取值约为9.681 2(0.668÷0.060 9),即绝对收入达到16 013.7元(e9.681 2)时,是城乡幸福悖论的拐点:在其他条件相同的情况下,在那些绝对收入超过16 013.7元的居民中,农村居民幸福感要强于城市居民;当绝对收入低于16 013.7元时,城乡幸福悖论消失,城市居民仍然比农村居民幸福。这一实证结果与我们平时对城乡生活的观察比较吻合。绝对收入16 013.7元低于样本均值22 471.4元,只相当于71.6%的均值水平,超过这一拐点值的家户样本有3 545个,占整个样本的比例大概是43.94%。其中,超过绝对收入值的农村样本量仅有620个,占农村家庭样本量的比例为19.02%;而城市样本中超过这个值的有2 925个,占城市家庭样本量的比例为60.82%。这说明,如果除绝对收入之外的其他条件相同,那么,就可能有19.02%的农村居民的幸福感超过60.82%的城市居民幸福感。
其次,控制其他变量不变,命运认知的取值为10.932 8(0.668÷0.061 1),是命运认知导致城乡幸福悖论的拐点。家境认知导致城乡幸福悖论的拐点是11.078(0.668÷0.060 3)。然而,在现实中,命运和家境认知的最大值是5,远远低于上述两个逻辑上的拐点值。因此,即使命运取最大值,或者家境取最大值,均不存在城乡幸福悖论。这一结论进一步验证了我们此前关于人生态度变量影响城乡居民幸福感的基本结论。
4 基本结论与启示
我们运用Order Probit模型对中国综合社会调查(CGSS)中存在城乡悖论事实的2006年数据进行了分析,结果表明,城乡幸福悖论源于城乡居民不同的主观心态。尽管城市居民在收入、医疗、教育等方面均优于农村,然而,控制绝对收入、相对收入及个体特征等相关变量之后,城市居民并不比农村居民更幸福。但是,一旦加入城乡居民对“命运”、“家境”和“进取心”等主观心态,城市居民幸福感会高于农村居民幸福感。就此而论,如果城市是“幸福的围城”,那么,它就在居民的心里,生活心态的变化决定了“围墙”的高度。
[3]Easterlin R. Does Economic Growth Improve the Human Lot? Some Empirical Evidence[C]// David P, Reder M. Nations and Households in Economic Growth. New York : Academic Press, 1974.
[4]Frey B S, Stutzer A. Happiness and Economics: How the Economy and Institutions Affect Wellbeing? [M]. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2002.
[5]Ng YewKuang. From Preference to Happiness: Towards a More Complete Welfare Economics[J]. Social Choice and Welfare, 2003, (20): 307-350.
[6]Veenhoven R. Developments in Satisfaction Research[J]. Social Indicators Research, 1996, 37(1): 1-46.
[7]Layard R. Rethinking Public Economics: The Implication of Rivalry and Habit[C]//Bruni L, Porta P L. Economics and Happiness: Framing the Analysis. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005: 147-169.
[8]Luttmer, Erzo. Neighbors as Negatives: Relative Earnings and Wellbeing[J]. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2005, 120(3): 963-1002.
[9]Di Tella R, MacCulloch R. Some Use of Happiness Data in Economics[J]. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2006, 20(1): 25-46.
[10]Diener E, Tov W. Subject Wellbeing and Peace[J]. Journal of Social Issues, 2007, 63(2): 421-440.
[11]Easterlin R. Will Raising the Incomes of All Increase the Happiness of All? [J]. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 1995, 27(1): 35-47.
[12]Easeterlin R, Morgan R, Switek M, et al. Chinas Life Satisfaction, 1990-2010[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy Sciences, 2012, 109(25): 9775-9780.
[13]Kahneman D, Diener E, Schwartz N. WellBeing: The Foundations of Hedonic Psychology[M]. New York: Russell Sange Foundation Press, 1999.
[15]何立华,金江. 谁是幸福的?——个体特征、外部环境与主观幸福感[J].经济评论,2011,(5):30-37.
[16]Veenhoven R. Conditions of Happiness[M]. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Press, 1984.
[17]McKelvey R D, Zavoina W. A Statistical Model for the Analysis of Order Level Dependent Variables[J]. Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 1975, (4): 103-120.
Abstract With the rapid growth of China, the gaps of urbanrural income, education, health care, social security and other physical life conditions are widening, but some empirical analyses show that, the subjective wellbeing of rural residents is stronger than that of urban residents. Taking the paradox fact into consideration when analyzing the dual social structure between urban and rural areas, the paper has made an empirical analysis based on the Chinas General Social Survey (CGSS) data by using the Order Probit model. The results show that, for one thing, the paradox mainly comes from the different mindset of the urban and rural residents: the urban residents are not happier than rural residents when we control the absolute income, relative, and characteristics variables, however, once the mindset of the residents, such as the ‘fate, the ‘family and the ‘enterprise are controlled, the urban residents are happier than rural residents. For another, with the mindset of residents and other conditions unchanged, the rural residents are happier than urban residents when the residents absolute income is above 16 013.7yuan; when the residents absolute income is below 16 013.7yuan, the urban residents are happier than rural residents. The results of the analysis enlighten us that, rather than development purposes, industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization are the paths of development. And the urbanization may be a process of building the ‘the besieged city of happiness, which goes against the basic purpose of development. As for the ultimate purpose of development, the urbanization is not the only path of development, and increasing rural residents income and providing equal public service for rural residents can enhance the wellbeing of people in the countryside as well.
Key words subjective wellbeing; the happiness paradox between urban and rural; the dual social structure; urbanization
[5]Ng YewKuang. From Preference to Happiness: Towards a More Complete Welfare Economics[J]. Social Choice and Welfare, 2003, (20): 307-350.
[6]Veenhoven R. Developments in Satisfaction Research[J]. Social Indicators Research, 1996, 37(1): 1-46.
[7]Layard R. Rethinking Public Economics: The Implication of Rivalry and Habit[C]//Bruni L, Porta P L. Economics and Happiness: Framing the Analysis. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005: 147-169.
[8]Luttmer, Erzo. Neighbors as Negatives: Relative Earnings and Wellbeing[J]. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2005, 120(3): 963-1002.
[9]Di Tella R, MacCulloch R. Some Use of Happiness Data in Economics[J]. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2006, 20(1): 25-46.
[10]Diener E, Tov W. Subject Wellbeing and Peace[J]. Journal of Social Issues, 2007, 63(2): 421-440.
[11]Easterlin R. Will Raising the Incomes of All Increase the Happiness of All? [J]. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 1995, 27(1): 35-47.
[12]Easeterlin R, Morgan R, Switek M, et al. Chinas Life Satisfaction, 1990-2010[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy Sciences, 2012, 109(25): 9775-9780.
[13]Kahneman D, Diener E, Schwartz N. WellBeing: The Foundations of Hedonic Psychology[M]. New York: Russell Sange Foundation Press, 1999.
[15]何立华,金江. 谁是幸福的?——个体特征、外部环境与主观幸福感[J].经济评论,2011,(5):30-37.
[16]Veenhoven R. Conditions of Happiness[M]. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Press, 1984.
[17]McKelvey R D, Zavoina W. A Statistical Model for the Analysis of Order Level Dependent Variables[J]. Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 1975, (4): 103-120.
Abstract With the rapid growth of China, the gaps of urbanrural income, education, health care, social security and other physical life conditions are widening, but some empirical analyses show that, the subjective wellbeing of rural residents is stronger than that of urban residents. Taking the paradox fact into consideration when analyzing the dual social structure between urban and rural areas, the paper has made an empirical analysis based on the Chinas General Social Survey (CGSS) data by using the Order Probit model. The results show that, for one thing, the paradox mainly comes from the different mindset of the urban and rural residents: the urban residents are not happier than rural residents when we control the absolute income, relative, and characteristics variables, however, once the mindset of the residents, such as the ‘fate, the ‘family and the ‘enterprise are controlled, the urban residents are happier than rural residents. For another, with the mindset of residents and other conditions unchanged, the rural residents are happier than urban residents when the residents absolute income is above 16 013.7yuan; when the residents absolute income is below 16 013.7yuan, the urban residents are happier than rural residents. The results of the analysis enlighten us that, rather than development purposes, industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization are the paths of development. And the urbanization may be a process of building the ‘the besieged city of happiness, which goes against the basic purpose of development. As for the ultimate purpose of development, the urbanization is not the only path of development, and increasing rural residents income and providing equal public service for rural residents can enhance the wellbeing of people in the countryside as well.
Key words subjective wellbeing; the happiness paradox between urban and rural; the dual social structure; urbanization
[5]Ng YewKuang. From Preference to Happiness: Towards a More Complete Welfare Economics[J]. Social Choice and Welfare, 2003, (20): 307-350.
[6]Veenhoven R. Developments in Satisfaction Research[J]. Social Indicators Research, 1996, 37(1): 1-46.
[7]Layard R. Rethinking Public Economics: The Implication of Rivalry and Habit[C]//Bruni L, Porta P L. Economics and Happiness: Framing the Analysis. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005: 147-169.
[8]Luttmer, Erzo. Neighbors as Negatives: Relative Earnings and Wellbeing[J]. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2005, 120(3): 963-1002.
[9]Di Tella R, MacCulloch R. Some Use of Happiness Data in Economics[J]. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2006, 20(1): 25-46.
[10]Diener E, Tov W. Subject Wellbeing and Peace[J]. Journal of Social Issues, 2007, 63(2): 421-440.
[11]Easterlin R. Will Raising the Incomes of All Increase the Happiness of All? [J]. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 1995, 27(1): 35-47.
[12]Easeterlin R, Morgan R, Switek M, et al. Chinas Life Satisfaction, 1990-2010[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy Sciences, 2012, 109(25): 9775-9780.
[13]Kahneman D, Diener E, Schwartz N. WellBeing: The Foundations of Hedonic Psychology[M]. New York: Russell Sange Foundation Press, 1999.
[15]何立华,金江. 谁是幸福的?——个体特征、外部环境与主观幸福感[J].经济评论,2011,(5):30-37.
[16]Veenhoven R. Conditions of Happiness[M]. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Press, 1984.
[17]McKelvey R D, Zavoina W. A Statistical Model for the Analysis of Order Level Dependent Variables[J]. Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 1975, (4): 103-120.
Abstract With the rapid growth of China, the gaps of urbanrural income, education, health care, social security and other physical life conditions are widening, but some empirical analyses show that, the subjective wellbeing of rural residents is stronger than that of urban residents. Taking the paradox fact into consideration when analyzing the dual social structure between urban and rural areas, the paper has made an empirical analysis based on the Chinas General Social Survey (CGSS) data by using the Order Probit model. The results show that, for one thing, the paradox mainly comes from the different mindset of the urban and rural residents: the urban residents are not happier than rural residents when we control the absolute income, relative, and characteristics variables, however, once the mindset of the residents, such as the ‘fate, the ‘family and the ‘enterprise are controlled, the urban residents are happier than rural residents. For another, with the mindset of residents and other conditions unchanged, the rural residents are happier than urban residents when the residents absolute income is above 16 013.7yuan; when the residents absolute income is below 16 013.7yuan, the urban residents are happier than rural residents. The results of the analysis enlighten us that, rather than development purposes, industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization are the paths of development. And the urbanization may be a process of building the ‘the besieged city of happiness, which goes against the basic purpose of development. As for the ultimate purpose of development, the urbanization is not the only path of development, and increasing rural residents income and providing equal public service for rural residents can enhance the wellbeing of people in the countryside as well.
Key words subjective wellbeing; the happiness paradox between urban and rural; the dual social structure; urbanization