Unit5 Look at me(period3)


校园英语·中旬 2014年5期



本节课的教学内容为:译林出版社小学《英语》三年级上册Unit5 Look at me!第三课时(Letter time,Rhyme time,Checkout time,Ticking time),基于对新课标倡导理念的理解和学情分析,本节课通过本单元评价的三个方面为主线,通过服装类歌曲导入、让学生服装秀、字母教学等环节让学生通过合作、自主来复习巩固学习内容。具体设计如下:


一、Warming up

T:Class begins!Good morning boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning Jack.

T:Sit down please. First,lets enjoy a song. The song name is(I will sing the song .)

T:Ok, boys and girls. Who is wearing jacket today?

Ss:I am.

T: Who is wearing cap today?

Ss:I am.

T: Who is wearing T-shirt today?

Ss:I am.

T: Who is wearing skirt today?

Ss:I am.

二、Presentation and practice

1.T:Ok, boys and girls.Your clothes are all nice. They all look great.

T: Ok.Look at me !(音乐响,老师服装秀)。Look at my cap.

Ss:How nice.

T: Thank you. Look at my jacket.

Ss:Its nice.

T: Look at my T-shirt.


T: Look at my skirt.

Ss:Its great.

T:Thank you .But Im a man.I dont like the skirt. So,maybe its bad.

2.T:Ok,children.Who wants to show your clothes?

Ss:Students show their clothes.

3.T:I know you all have many nice clothes. Please work in pairs.

4.T:Ok,children. Look at the picture.

Question1:Who are they?

Question2:What are they talking about?

You can choose a role to play.

5.T:Good children.Your clothes are all nice. They all look great.

Ok,its rhyme time.

Skirt, Skirt, Look at my skirt.

T-shirt, T-shirt, Look at my T-shirt .

Cap, Cap, Look at my cap.

Jacket, Jacket, Look at my Jacket .

Great, Great, They all look great!

6.T:Good children. Lets watch the cartoon. What can you see?

S: I can see O、P、Q.

(1)T:Good. Lets learn the new letters.

First:read the new words.

语音教学:coat,cap ,queen, (coat ,cap,for the queen)

(2)Second:Play a game

(Brain storm , Rules: ①Say the letters when you see the letters.

②Clap your hands two times when you see the pictures. )

(3)Have a chant

Oo,Oo, Oo.

Pp,Pp, Pp.

Qq,Qq, Qq.

We can say Oo, Pp, Qq.

(4)T:Ok, boys and girls .Can you write the new words?

First:Watch the cartoon

Second:Follow me ,write the new words.

Ok,please open your books and copy the letters.

7.Ok,boys and girls. Today we have learnt :We can talk about clothes and use“nice” and“great”to give praise. Second: We can say the rhyme “Nice clothes”. And three:We can say and write the letters“O”,“P”and“Q”.I think you all listen carefully and say loudly. How many stars can you get? 1?2?3?4?or5?

Good ,congratulations!

8.T:Ok,Its time to show.Can you show with me?


T:Lets show together.


T:Ok,now todays homework

①Talk about clothes with your friends or parents and give them praise.

②Copy the letters“O”,“P”and“Q”three times.


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