

中华肩肘外科电子杂志 2014年4期

李彦林 王国梁 何川 李建 郑家礼 陈广超 李松 余洋



李彦林 王国梁 何川 李建 郑家礼 陈广超 李松 余洋









图1 肩关节正位片,未见异常

图2 肩关节侧位片,无异常

图3 肩关节冈上肌出口位片,为正常肩峰结构


全身麻醉,侧卧位,冲洗用的生理盐水每3 000 ml加0.1%肾上腺素1 ml,可调式水泵的压力维持在60 mm Hg。术前标记肩关节骨性标记及手术入口。后方入口/关节镜入口:位于肩峰后角向下约2 cm,向内侧约1 cm。前上方入口:在喙突外侧,关节内位于肱二头肌长头腱和肩胛下肌腱上缘之间。前下方入口:在前上方入口下2~3 cm处,关节内尽可能接近肩胛下肌腱上缘。前方两入口安装工作套管,作为器械操作通道。于后方入口进入关节镜,按顺序进行肩关节探查,本组所有病例均可见盂唇-肩关节囊-韧带复合体与盂唇分离、移位(图6),前关节囊和韧带组织松弛。损伤部位多位于肩盂1~5点钟的范围。7例伴有肱骨头软骨损伤,5例伴有盂肱关节软骨退变。采用低温等离子射频消融和刨刀行关节软骨损伤和退变处表面清理。

图4 肩关节去除肱骨头后CT三维重建,盂唇无骨缺损

图5 MRI表现为前侧盂唇与关节盂缘之间有高信号


图6 关节镜下可见Bankart损伤,盂唇-肩关节囊-韧带复合体与盂唇分离

图7 Bankart损伤重建术后可见分离盂唇已缝合至原位



表1 肩关节复发性脱位手术前、后肩关节功能比较(±s)

表1 肩关节复发性脱位手术前、后肩关节功能比较(±s)

组别 ASES评分 肩关节前屈(°) 肩关节外展(°) 肩关节外旋(°) Constant-Murley.5术后 97.1±2.1 185.4±3.9 135.4±9.9 86.5±5.2 97.2±3.2t值评分术前 83.5±3.2 163.8±6.0 90.0±1.1 57.6±4.3 77.6±3 4.79 4.87 6.40 5.43 5.06P值 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01

图8 术后肩关节正位片,锚钉位置良好

图9 术后肩关节侧位片,锚钉位置良好

结 果


讨 论





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Clinical curative effect of the arthroscopic reconstruction for recurrent anterior dislocation of the shoulder

Li Yanlin,Wang Guoliang,He Chuan,Li Jian,Zheng Jiali,Chen Guangchao,Li Song,Yu Yang.Department of Sports Medicine,the First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University,Kunming 650032,China

BackgroundRecurrent dislocation of shoulder joint(or traumatic shoulder instability)initiates from the first shoulder dislocation,compromising the ligaments for stability of the shoulder.When the labrum is torn from the glenoid,the stable function of these ligaments is lost.The progression of traumatic shoulder instability and the type and degree of injuries in glenoid labrum and surrounding ligaments are inextricably linked.Bankart injury is the most common cause of recurrent anterior shoulder dislocation,and the rehabilitation and reconstruction of stable structure in anterior shoulder is critical for the treatment of recurrent anterior dislocation of the shoulder joint.With the development and popularization of the arthroscopic technique,shoulder arthroscopic surgery in the treatment of recurrent anterior dislocation of the shoulder joint has been adopted by increasing surgeons.From June 2010 to April 2014,60 patients of recurrent anterior shoulder dislocation were treated arthroscopically with metallic suture anchor Bankart repair to explore its clinical efficacy.MethodsClinical data:From June of 2010 to April of 2014,sixty patients in our hospital were treated with arthroscopic reconstruction for Bankart injury of recurrent anterior dislocation of the shoulder.The patients were followed up for 10~38 months and the mean time was 26.6 months.Their agesranged from 15 to 45 years with an average of 29 years.Each of 60 cases had a unidirectional instability of anterior shoulder,and the average number of dislocation before surgery was 6.5 times(2-17 times).Suture anchor was applied for reconstruction of Bankart injury.ASES score and Constant-Murley score were adopted for the functional assessment during follow-ups.The postoperative recovery time of shoulder function was 6 weeks without redislocation in each case.Complete rotator cuff tear,subacromial impingement syndrome,etc.were excluded from this group of patients.Imaging examination:X-ray films of anteroposterior view,lateral view and supraspinatus outlet view,CT scanning,MRI and CT three-dimensional reconstruction with humeral head removed were done preoperatively.No obvious bone defect was shown on preoperative X-ray films,no definite bony Bankart injury was revealed on CT three-dimensional reconstruction,and all MRI showed hyperintense between anterior labrum and glenoid rim with 3 cases of glenoid labrum disappeared.Operative methods:After successful general anesthesia,the patient was placed in lateral position.Every 3000 ml saline for flushing purpose was added with 1 ml of 0.1%epinephrine,and the pressure of adjustable water pump was maintained at 60 mm Hg.The bony markers and surgical portals were marked before operation.Posterior portal/arthroscopic portal:2 cm below the posterior corner of acromion.Anterosuperior portal:in the lateral side of coracoid process and between the long head of the biceps tendon and upper margin of the subscapularis tendon inside the joint.Antroinferior portal:2~3 cm below the anterosuperior portal and close to the upper margin of the subscapularis tendon inside the joint as much as possible.Two arthroscopic working cannulas were positioned as working channels.The arthroscopy was put in through the posterior portal to explore the shoulder joint in order.The labrum-shoulder joint capsule-ligament complex was found detached and shifted from the glenoid labrum and the anterior joint capsule and ligaments were aneuros in all cases of this group.The injury sites were often located in the range of 1~5 o′clock.7 patients were with articular cartilage lesion of humeral head and 5 patients were with glenohumeral cartilage degeneration.Radiofrequency ablation and cartilage-plasty were adopted for surface cleaning of articular cartilage injury and degeneration.The shoulder joint soft tissue detacher was used in the front of the damaged glenoid to dissect the adhesive labrum-shoulder joint capsule-ligament complex to the direction of scapular neck.The fibrous tissue was rasped off at the damage of labrum with glenoid file,exposing the fresh bone.The locator was put at the glenoid rim of 2,3,4,5 o′clock position through the antroinferior working cannula.Employed the bone mallet to percuss the locator with in an angle of 45°with glenoid to make a pilot hole on the fresh bony surface of glenoid.The inner core was removed and the metal suture anchor was put in the center of locator and screwed in the glenoid.The labrum-shoulder joint capsule-ligament complex was sutured with suture penetrator device with the knot tied to complete the fixation.After finishing the fixation,the repair effect was rechecked with probe and the wound margin was cleaned by radiofrequency ablation.Postoperative management:Postoperative examination of shoulder joint includes radiographs,and the shoulder joint is fixed with abduction orthosis for 6 weeks with active movement prohibited.The patient is advised to exercise elbow,wrist and hand,and be given local physical therapy,pain relief and icing.Protective rehabilitation,including pendulum training and pulley device training,is allowed 6 weeks later.Rehabilitation for muscle strength begins 3 months later,consisting of increased joint range of motion,resistance training of muscle and endurance training.After 6 months motor function recovery is initiated to strengthen the exercises of muscles around the shoulder joint,proprioception,etc.,and non-contact sports activities can be engaged,including special training of restoration movement function,weight lifting,dumbbell training,etc.Immediate postoperative physical therapy and rehabilitation is performed under the guidance of rehabilitation physicians and therapists.Physical therapy mainly contains early cold compress to relieve pain and disperse swelling,ultrashort wave therapy to improve local blood circulation and promotion of soreness subsiding and tissue healing.Rehabilitation can improve circulation,promote joint capsule-labrum complex healing,strengthen muscle,increase joint stability,and prevent joint stiffness,swelling and other complications.ResultsOutpatient follow-upswere carried out 3 week,6 week,3 month,6 month and 1 year after operation and henceforth once each year.The mean ASES score before operation and at the final follow-ups,the angle of anteflexion,abduction and external rotation,and the mean Constant-Murley score at the final followups of 60 patients were processed by paired t-test and a value ofP<0.05 was considered statistically significant.No postoperative redislocation occurred in all patients during the final follow-up.Postoperative residual Crank test was positive in 4 patients(6.7%).All patients restored preoperative work with 52 patients(86.7%)restored to the sports level before the first dislocation.DiscussionArthroscopic Bankart repair is one of the effective methods for treatment of recurrent anterior dislocation of the shoulder,the proper case selection,and arthroscopic technique during operation and strict postoperative functional rehabilitation are the keys to successful operation.

Shoulder dislocation;Arthroscopy;Bankart Injury

Wang Guoliang,





650032 昆明医科大学第一附属医院运动医学科



