

中华肩肘外科电子杂志 2014年2期

李兵 张军 张亚军


李兵 张军 张亚军















结 果




表1 桡骨颈骨折患者分型、复位方式与术后X线片评定、功能评定结果统计



图1 术前X线片示桡骨颈骨折 图2 术后X线片示骨折复位、内固定物位置良好 图3 术后9个月X线片示骨折愈合良好,未见明显骨骺膨大及桡骨头坏死征象

讨 论



图4 术后9个月外旋功能恢复情况

图5 术后9个月内旋功能恢复情况







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Clinical application of elastic stable intramedullary nail in treatment of radial neck fractures



BackgroundRadial neck fractures account for 5%-10%in elbow joint fractures and most of them are slightly displaced or non-displaced types.Satisfactory therapeutic results can be achieved by conservative treatment.As to severe displaced radial neck fractures,it is controversial in selection of therapeutic methods and curative effect clinically.To explore clinical therapeutic effect of radial neck fractures with elastic intramedullary nail and accumulate experience for diagnosis and treatment,23cases of radial neck fracture were treated with elastic intramedullary nail from May 2006 to September 2009in our hospital.MethodsFrom May 2006to September 2009,23cases of radial neck fracture were admitted into our hospital and treated with elastic intramedullary nail,including 17 male and 6female,aged from 6to 13,and the average age was 9.3years.Traumatic mechanisms were classified as fallen injuries with 21cases and wringer injuries with 2cases.Twenty cases were in right elbow and 3cases were in left elbow.Operation time from injury ranged from 1to 5days,and averaged in 2.3days.There were 3cases of associated injuries on other parts of the elbow joint,including 2cases of medial collateral ligament injury and 1case of fracture of medial epicondyle of humerus.All patients were given X-ray and CT examinations after hospitalization.According to the severity of radial neck angular displacement and Judet classification system,3patients were classified into type II,16patients into typeⅢ,and 4patients into type IV.Close reduction and elastic intramedullary nail fixation:After successful anesthesia,the patient was in spine position with the affected limb abducted.The nail would be inserted from distal to proximal.The insertion site was just 1to 2cm proximal to the distal radial epiphyseal plate level.A small incision was made.The underlying tendons and superficial branch of radial nerve were well protected.An awl was used perpendicular to the lateral radius to open the cortex.And then proceeded the awl 45°to radial shaft into bone canal.An AO elastic intramedullary nail was pre-bended on its tip and inserted into radius retrorward.The optimal diameter of the nail was 1/2-2/3of the minimum transverse diameter of the radial shaft.Proximally rotated,the nail body is pushedto the radial head with traction of the forearm,and the space of humeroradial joint is broadened by varus of the elbow.The displaced radial head was pressed from outside by doctor’s finger to correct angular deformity.Then the elastic intramedullary nail was further introduced into the radial head to achieve further angular correction.The nail was then rotated by its T handle to correct lateral displacement of the radial head.After successful reduction under Carm fluoroscopy,gently hammer at the nail tail for further stability of fracture end.Cut off the nail tail with 0.5cm left out of cortical bone in the distal radius,which will make it convenient for extraction.After the operation,the elbow joint is fixed with plaster in 90°flexion of neutral position.Percutaneous poking reduction by Kirschner wire and elastic intramedullary nail fixation:For patient with large tilted angle of radial head,the lateral borders of the radial neck have impacted or compression fracture of various levels and the periarticular joint capsule is lacerated or interrupted,resulting in difficulties of closed reduction for radial head,hence,percutaneous reduction of fracture end with Kirschner wire assisted is essential.With the traction of forearm by one assistant and the countertraction of upper limb by the other,the space of humeroradial joint is enlarged by the varus of elbow maintained in semiflexion.The selection of entry point depends on the situation of fracture displacement in the lower outer bottom of the elbow.Kirschner wire in the right hand,the operator put it into the fracture end under the C arm fluoroscopy.Through the use of distal fracture end as fulcrum and lateral bone cortex of radial head as pressure point,the reduction is gained by elevating the nail tail,poking the radial head with the tip of Kirschner wire,and in the meanwhile pushing it in the reverse direction of fracture shift via the left thumb.After that,the intramedullary nail is inserted to further assist the reduction and fixation of fracture end.Open reduction and elastic stable intramedullary nail fixation:For patient with large fracture displacement and inefficiency of closed or Kirschner wire assisted reduction,it is feasible to perform open reduction in order to prevent soft tissue damage caused by further closed reduction.Intraoperative attention should be paid to prevent damage to the deep branch of radial nerve,then expose and reduce the radial head under the fluoroscopy of C arm,and insert the elastic intramedullary nail to maintain the reduction of fracture ends.Treatment of combined injury:There are 3patients with injuries on other parts of the elbow joint in this group,including 2cases of medial collateral ligament injury and 1case of humeral medial epicondyle fracture.No special treatment was given to the 2patients with medial collateral ligament injury.Open reduction and internal fixation via medial incision of elbow joint as well as treatment of radial neck fracture were conducted at the same time in treatment of humeral medial epicondyle fracture.Postoperative management:All patients were given regular anti-inflammation therapy within 3days after operation.The affected limb was externally fixed with plaster in 90°flexion of the elbow joint for 3or 4weeks.After removal of the plaster,the patients were instructed to take functional exercises of forearm pronation and supination as well as elbow flexion and extension.Follow- ups were conducted in the 6thweek,12thweek 6thmonth,1styear,2ndyear,and the 3rdyear,including taking X-ray films,understanding the state of fracture healing and change of radial head,and as well understanding the state of functional recovery of elbow joint and whether complications did exist.ResultsEvaluative criteria of curative effect:In accordance with Métaizeau postoperative X-ray assessment standards:Anatomic reduction is excellent;tilted angle<20°is good;tilted angle ranging from 20°to 40°is medium;tilted angle>40°is poor.In accordance with Métaizeau functional evaluative standards in the later stage:No limitation of elbow and forearm activity is excellent;The sum of the limited elbow flexion and extension activity,or the limited forearm pronation and supination activity<20°is good;The sum of the limited elbow flexion and extension activity,or the limited forearm pronation and supination activity ranging from 20°to 40°is good,and>40°is poor.2All patients of this group include 2cases of open reduction,6cases of percutaneous poking assisted reduction by Kirschner wire,and the remaining 15cases of simple closed reduction and elastic intramedullary nail fixation.The operative time ranged from 20to 50minutes,and the mean time is 36.4minutes.Intraoperative bleeding was from 5to 20ml with the average of 8.3ml.The duration of external fixation with plaster was 3to 12months and the average period was 3.7months.Fracture healing time after operationranged from 3to 4months,and the mean time was 3.7months.The time of removing internal fixator was 3to 12months with an average of 4.7months.Postoperative follow-ups last 6to 38months and the average is 17.5months.Postoperative X-ray assessment:18cases were excellent,3cases were good,1case was normal,and the assessment was good and excellent in 91%.Functional assessment was conducted by on the basis of Métaizeau functional evaluative standards:16cases were excellent,6 cases were good,1case was normal,and the assessment was good and excellent in 96%.Among the patients were 2cases of enlargement deformation of the radial head epiphysis and 1case of periarticular abnormal calcification.No case of infection,nonunion and delayed union was detected.ConclusionsElastic intramedullary nailing for radial neck fracture is a treatment method with minimal invasiveness,less bleeding,less interference with fracture healing,low complication rate,and the act of both reduction and fixation.It is simply operated in treatment of radial neck fracture with satisfactory effects,and worth of promoting in clinical practice.

Elastic stable intramedullary nail;Fractures,radial neck




100037 武警北京总队第二医院骨科




体检要不要拍胸部X 线片