

重庆与世界 2014年5期



The 2014 Nuclear Security Summit was a summit held in The Hague, the Netherlands, on March 24 and 25, 2014. It was the third edition of the conference, succeeding the 2012 Nuclear Security Summit. The 2014 summit was attended by 58 world leaders (5 of which from observing international organizations), some 5,000 delegates and some 3,000 journalists. The representatives attending the summit included U.S. President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping.

The 2014 Nuclear Security Summit was the largest conference ever held in the Netherlands at the time, which aimed at preventing nuclear terrorism around the globe. Xi is the fi rst Chinese president to visit the Netherlands since the two states established diplomatic relations in 1972.The two sides had anamiableand friendly talk. The two sides exchanged views on financial service, anti-terrorismcombatand other topics. Both sides agreed that China and the Netherlands should strengthen cooperation and jointly cope with the global challenges.

King Willem-Alexander warmly welcomed Xi Jinping and spoke highly of the development of the Netherlands-China relations. The Netherlands is willing to be a good partner of China and hopes to strengthen the bilateral practical cooperation and people-to-people & cultural exchanges. He believes that this historic visit will surely promote the further development of the Netherlands-China relations.

Calling the Netherlands “China’s important cooperation partner in Europe,” Xi said, “I hope that my visit will help enhance political mutual trust between China and the Netherlands, expand practical cooperation and deepen the friendship between the two peoples.” Xi explained China’s stance on nuclear security and present ideas for international cooperation in the field during the summit, according to Chinese Foreign Ministry offi cials.

The Netherlands isreputedfor being the “Garden of Europe” and the “Land of Windmills”.Modern agriculture and animalhusbandryin the Netherlands lead the world in technology, facilities, education and professionalism. The Netherlands, for example, has been developing a gift basket thatimproves expertise and (international) cooperation regarding nuclearforensicswith the help of the Netherlands Forensic Institute. President Xi called his visit to the Netherlands a success and expressed full confi dence in the future of bilateral relations.

During the 20th century, the discovery of the atom and the subsequent development and utilization of nuclear energy gave newimpetusto the progress of humanity and greatly enhanced our ability to understand and shape the world. Yet the development of nuclear energy has its associated risks and challenges. To achieve greater progress, mankind must be able to respond to various nuclear security challenges and ensure the safety of nuclear materials and facilities.

Since the establishment of formal diplomatic relations, the governments and people of China and the Netherlands have made joint efforts, maintained sound political relations and carried out fruitful cooperation in areas ranging from economy and trade to science and technology, and from culture to people-to-people exchanges. The comprehensive cooperative relationship between them continued to enjoy steady and healthy development, with deepening exchanges and cooperation in various fi elds. The two country’s leaders vowed to work closely together to build a new framework of security and cooperation in Asia. President Xi said cooperation in trade, energy and agriculture sectors will be on the agenda during Nazarbayev’s upcoming visit to China in May.

The Netherlands is one of the first Western countries that recognized the PRC. Both the scale and level of China-Netherlands cooperation rank the forefront in China-Europe cooperation. Latest statistics show that bilateral trade between them reached a new high of 70.15 billion U.S. dollars in 2013, growing by 3.8 percent over the previous year. For 11 consecutive years, the Netherlands has been China’s second biggest trading partner in the European Union (EU) and also the third largest source of the foreign direct investment (FDI) in the EU.

Excluding the EU, China is the Netherlands’ largest trading partner and the second largest source of FDI. China has been the second biggest trading partner to the Netherlands for four consecutive years. Hailing the strong bilateral trade ties, Rutte said in an interview with Xinhua prior to Xi’s visit that the two countries “can learn a lot from each other.”

Xi said, China is now comprehensively deepening reform, expanding the opening-up and striding forward to achieve the two “Centenary Goals”, which will be of great benefi t to both the Netherlands and the rest of the world. Through this visit, chart the course together with the Dutch leaders for the future development of the bilateral relations so as to push forward China-Netherlands relations to a new high and make new contributions to China-Europe relationship.

China is an ancient country, yet full of vigor. The Chinese people are diligent and intelligent, and are striving to realize the Chinese Dream. China’s development is ofparamountimportance to the world peace and prosperity. The Netherlands cherishes its friendship with China, and is willing to join hands with China for the cooperation in the process of realizing beautiful dreams of both countries.

Though located separately at the opposite ends of the Eurasian Continent, China and the Netherlands share a long history of communication, and have set a typical model of achieving common prosperity through mutual learning between the Eastern and Western civilizations. Entering the 21st century, China is more closely connected with the Netherlands and the Europe as a whole. We all hoped that the Netherlands will make new and even greater contributions to the development of China-Europe relations.


amiable adj. 亲切的,和蔼可亲的

combat n. 战斗;试图解决

reputed adj. 据说是…的,有名气的(动词repute的过去式和过去分词)

husbandry n. 农事;耕作;农牧业;节约(资源)

forensics n. 辩论练习;辩论术

impetus n. 推动力;刺激

consecutive adj. 连续的,始终如一的,连贯的

paramount adj. 最重要的,至上的,至高的


农事 处暑
农事 大寒
农事 惊蛰