

重庆与世界 2014年5期

□ 文/本刊记者 李静


□ 文/本刊记者 李静



“考虑到重庆的发展潜力,扩大双边经济合作的余地还很大。”2013年,韩国与重庆之间的贸易额约为17亿美元, 仅占韩中贸易总额的0.7%,韩国对重庆累计投资额为3.5亿美元,仅占韩国对华累计投资的0.6%左右。因此韩国政府将为更多韩国企业打入重庆市场予以支持。








Experience the Development Potential of Chongqing Interview with Korean Premier Jeong Hongwon

During his visit in Chongqing, Korean Premier Jeong Hongwon had interview with media.

"Why choose the inland city-Chongqing as your first visit in China?" Jeong Hongwon said, "It is the only inland municipality in China, located in where linking China's southern and eastern areas, as long as the transportation, logistics, infrastructure and other conditions complate,it can become a bridgehead of China's inland market with nearly '3 million population '.In particular, as the Chinese government's effort to promote development in the Western ' locomotive ' ,Korean enterprises will pay more attention to the development potential of Chongqing. ”when he was aware of Hyundai's recent decision to build its fourth plant in Chongqing, Jeong Hongwon told reporters this is a good example that Korean enterprises focus on Chongqing. Although just for a few days, Jeong Hongwon already fully felt the development and potential of Chongqing by walking in the city.

Korean TV Shows Pull Industrial Cooperation between Chongqing and Korea

When asked about Korean industries in Chongqing, Jeong Hongwon said, "as far as I know, General Motors, Volkswagen, Nissan and many other global auto companies have entered into Chongqing, Chongqing has became an important place for international brand cars production. If took Hyundai into Chongqing as the starting point, as well as car spare parts, manufacturing equipment, information technology and other related industries entering Chongqing, which is promising for both sides in automobile production area.

Not only that, Jeong Hongwon also mentioned about Korean dramas in China, " I know Korea TV series are very popular in Chongqing through this visit. This can narrow the distance from Chongqing and consumers of the southwestern China economic circle, which can be expected to enter the fashion, beauty, food and cultural content consumption materials and logistics, transportation and other industrial markets. Meanwhile, Chongqing industry could also expand in the areas of mutual benefi t and win-win economic cooperation. ”

Strengthening Exchanges in Culture and Tourism

When talked about Sino-Korean cultural exchange with journalists, Jeong Hongwon said the bilateral personnel exchanges has been increased signifi cantly ever since the ROK established diplomatic relations with China, last year there were 3.7 million Korean people visited China, as well as 9.33 million Chinese came to Korea. Korean government is convinced that these active personnel exchange between the two countries a good basis for the development of friendly relations.

Speaking of studying in Korea, Jeong Hongwon said: "Korea government believes that outstanding Chinese students studying in Korea is conductive to Korea's development and long-term development of bilateral relations, Korea government is trying to publicize studying in Korea through China Korea study abroad Expo. It is understood that the majority of Korea University will participate in the annual study abroad Expo opened in Chongqing; I hope there were more talents come to Korea to study. ”

