

财经理论与实践 2014年2期


摘 要:运用贝叶斯动态面板数据模型考量中国出口贸易的地区结构差异性,结果表明:基于Gibbs抽样算法的贝叶斯动态面板回归模型能有效刻画各地区出口竞争力的路径依赖特征;FDI对出口竞争力的影响具有一定的时滞性,而汇率波动对出口竞争力的影响则具有明显的地域差异性。

关键词: 出口贸易;动态随机效应;贝叶斯分析;FDI;汇率波动

中图分类号:F746.12;O212.8 文献标识码: A 文章编号:1003-7217(2014)02-0109-07

一、引 言

面板数据由Mundlak引入到计量经济学研究中,结合了截面数据和时间序列数据的优点,通过截距项刻画个体差异在数据调整过程中的动态变化,有效减少了数据生成过程中由于加总产生的偏误,充分利用更多数据的信息,提高参数估计的有效性和准确性[1-2]。Balestra和Nerlove发现大量经济变量表现出动态滞后效应,即经济变量数据除了受当期因素的影响,还会受到非本期因素的影响。为刻画动态滞后效应,在静态面板数据模型中引入滞后被解释变量,构建动态面板数据模型。该模型可以用于描述多个经济变量之间的动态关系,被广泛应用于金融、经济、管理等领域[3]。Egger P建立动态面板数据模型发现双边贸易和FDI之间的关系互补[4-5]。Chiara认为垂直型FDI把生产的不同阶段放到不同国家,由此带动中间投入品的进口和产成品的出口[6]。Marc Auboin用最大似然估计法发现,汇率的不确定性对出口有显著的负面影响[7]。Tang Kin Boon用异质面板协整检验验证了出口需求函数的变量之间的协整关系,研究发现外债对出口的影响因货币贬值的幅度而改变[8,9]。Ciarret构建面板数据模型研究发现能源价格和GDP电力消费有双向因果关系[10]。为揭示经济学理论的动态关系,一些学者研究动态面板数据模型的参数估计问题,提出三种主要的参数估计方法:广义矩(Generalized Methods of Moments,GMM)方法,校正的最小二乘虚拟变量估计法(Least Squares with Dummy Variable,LSDV)和层次贝叶斯估计法。Anderson 使用工具变量方法对含有一阶差分变量的动态面板模型进行估计,得到了模型参数的一致性估计[11]。但工具变量法在估计时忽视了随机误差项的结构,因此估计量不具有有效性。Holtz-Eakin在Anderson工具变量估计法的基础上,研究了时变参数的向量自回归模型的参数估计问题[12]。Arrelano将一阶差分广义矩(GMM)估计方法引入到动态面板数据的估计中[13]。Maurice用局内变量或者前定变量的滞后值作为工具变量来估计参数[14],提高了模型参数估计的有效性。HsinChen研究GMM估计量的大样本性质,发现当动态面板数据模型中存在高度序列自相关性时,GMM估计量是有偏差的[15]。Hahn采用校正的最小二乘虚拟变量估计量去估计参数,发现当时间维数比较小时,校正的最小二乘虚拟变量估计量比GMM方法更精确[16]。Giovanni针对模型存在的个体异质性提出广义最小二乘法,并通过蒙特卡洛研究发现广义最小二乘估计有最小的偏差和均方根误差[17]。

贝叶斯统计推断技术特别是马尔科夫链蒙特卡洛(MCMC)稳态模拟技术的发展,为动态面板数据模型的研究提供有效的途径[18,19]。Hsiao 指出,使用层次贝叶斯方法估计随机效应自回归面板数据模型时,在大面板数据条件下,贝叶斯估计量与组平均估计量渐进等价。贝叶斯分析方法在动态面板数据模型参数估计的应用,可以避免GMM估计方法和最小二乘虚拟变量估计法存在的参数估计不准确、有偏的问题[20]。

本文将利用贝叶斯统计推断理论,构建含外生变量的动态随机效应面板模型,通过参数的分层先验分布研究贝叶斯模型参数的后验分布(posterior distribution),设计相应的马尔科夫蒙特卡洛(Markov chain Monte Carlo,简称MCMC)抽样算法进行模型参数估计,并对中国出口贸易地区结构的差异性进行实证分析。




四、结 论



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Regional Structure of Chinese Export Trade Based on Bayesian Dynamic Panel Data Model

ZHU Huiming,OU YANG Wenjing,YOU Wanhai

. (School of Business Administration,Hunan University,Changsha 410082,China).

Abstract:This paper constructs a Bayesian dynamic panel data model to address uncertain risk of inference in random coefficient, sets the corresponding prior distribution, and uses the Bayesian theorem to infer the posterior distribution of the parameters. In order to investigate the regional structure of China's export trade, we calculate the indicators export competitiveness (ECI) to measure the regional structure of China's export trade, and then conduct an empirical analysis. The results show that the Bayesian dynamic panel regression model based on Gibbs sampling algorithm can effectively capture the characteristics of the path dependence in export competitiveness of all regions. In addition, the effect of the FDI on the export competitiveness will have a lag, while the impact of the exchange rate fluctuations on the export competitiveness has obvious regional differences.

Key words:Export Trade;Dynamic Random Effects;Bayesian Analysis;Foreign Direct Investment (FDI);Exchange Rate Fluctuation

[20]Cheng Hsiao, A K Tahmiscioglu. Estimation of dynamic panel data models with both individual and timespecific effects [J]. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2008, 138(9): 698-721.


Regional Structure of Chinese Export Trade Based on Bayesian Dynamic Panel Data Model

ZHU Huiming,OU YANG Wenjing,YOU Wanhai

. (School of Business Administration,Hunan University,Changsha 410082,China).

Abstract:This paper constructs a Bayesian dynamic panel data model to address uncertain risk of inference in random coefficient, sets the corresponding prior distribution, and uses the Bayesian theorem to infer the posterior distribution of the parameters. In order to investigate the regional structure of China's export trade, we calculate the indicators export competitiveness (ECI) to measure the regional structure of China's export trade, and then conduct an empirical analysis. The results show that the Bayesian dynamic panel regression model based on Gibbs sampling algorithm can effectively capture the characteristics of the path dependence in export competitiveness of all regions. In addition, the effect of the FDI on the export competitiveness will have a lag, while the impact of the exchange rate fluctuations on the export competitiveness has obvious regional differences.

Key words:Export Trade;Dynamic Random Effects;Bayesian Analysis;Foreign Direct Investment (FDI);Exchange Rate Fluctuation

[20]Cheng Hsiao, A K Tahmiscioglu. Estimation of dynamic panel data models with both individual and timespecific effects [J]. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2008, 138(9): 698-721.


Regional Structure of Chinese Export Trade Based on Bayesian Dynamic Panel Data Model

ZHU Huiming,OU YANG Wenjing,YOU Wanhai

. (School of Business Administration,Hunan University,Changsha 410082,China).

Abstract:This paper constructs a Bayesian dynamic panel data model to address uncertain risk of inference in random coefficient, sets the corresponding prior distribution, and uses the Bayesian theorem to infer the posterior distribution of the parameters. In order to investigate the regional structure of China's export trade, we calculate the indicators export competitiveness (ECI) to measure the regional structure of China's export trade, and then conduct an empirical analysis. The results show that the Bayesian dynamic panel regression model based on Gibbs sampling algorithm can effectively capture the characteristics of the path dependence in export competitiveness of all regions. In addition, the effect of the FDI on the export competitiveness will have a lag, while the impact of the exchange rate fluctuations on the export competitiveness has obvious regional differences.

Key words:Export Trade;Dynamic Random Effects;Bayesian Analysis;Foreign Direct Investment (FDI);Exchange Rate Fluctuation

