Franz Strasser
“Its a 14 minute walk to the train station”,这样的指路牌源自美国罗利市一个“Walk Raleigh”的自发性活动,旨在推动“让城市更适宜步行”的市政规划。这个一度赶超华盛顿、西雅图成为“美国生活质量最高城市”的地方,正极力促进美国成为新一代的“弃”车大国。 Matt: Hello. My names Matt Tomasulo, and I installed 27 way-finding signs at three different locations in downtown Raleigh, North Carolina.
Woman A: You know, when we lived in the city it was just sort of a “Oh Ill stop by the grocery store, get a couple things, whatever I can carry, and go home”versus “I need to go once and I need to have 20 bags and I need to lower the back of my car…”
Woman B: We moved here six months ago from Chicago, and it was a lot easier to get around there because everything is[sic] so close, its right there. And living here in Raleigh, things are close, but theres also plenty of parking.
Amy Ruetz (lives in the suburbs): With everything you want, theres something that you have to give up, and the one main thing that we gave up moving here would be the access of walking places.
So this is just a prime example of the sidewalk ending right here. Theres a 6)strip mall with restaurants and a grocery store not even a quarter mile away, and you just have no access to get to it, cause there is no 7)shoulder, no sidewalk, theres nowhere to walk to.
Mitchell: To encourage walking you need the infrastructure, but because a lot of our infrastructure was built without sidewalks, people just adapted to that lifestyle, and theyll drive to a shopping centre. But we now see a generation that prefers that we want sidewalks, we want to walk, we want healthy living, so that is changing the market entirely.