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摘要 [目的]探讨芦苇种植对空心莲子草从陆生境向水生境扩散的影响。[方法] 模拟河岸带芦苇与空心莲子草生长状态,比较混种和控制条件下空心莲子草扩散及生物量变化。[结果] 与控制条件下相比,芦苇种植使空心莲子草在陆生境纵向(沿陆地向水中的方向)与横向(与纵向垂直)扩散日变化率显著下降(P<0.05);水生境中均未出现显著差异;陆生境中横向和纵向扩散符合指数生长模型:y=aebx+y0;根生物量显著下降,达到50%;茎生物量下降16%,但其占比却上升62%。[结论] 芦苇存在时,陆生境空心莲子草所受到的抑制要强于水生境;空心莲子草会通过提高其地上生物量占比,对芦苇抑制做出反应,以获取更多的光照。
关键词 空心莲子草;芦苇;扩散;陆生;水生;种间竞争
中图分类号 S181.3 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517-6611(2014)05-01461-03
Abstract [Objective] The research aimed to test the effects of planting Phragmites australis on the diffusion of Alternanthera philoxeroides from riparian place to water.[Method] P. australis with A. philoxeroides under the condition that simulating the natural state of riparian zone using boxes were planted. The situations of diffusion and changes of biomass of them were investigated during the process of growing.[Result] The results indicated that interspecific competition showed great effects on the diffusion of A. philoxeroides in riparian place, but not in water. Compared to control treatment, the diurnal variation of lateral and longitudinal diffusion rate of A. philoxeroides decreased significantly(P<0.05) in mixed treatment. Lateral and longitudinal diffusion of A. philoxeroides was in accordance with index growth model, y=aebx+y0. In addition, compared to control treatment, the total and stem biomass deceased by 50% and 16% in mixed treatment, respectively. But the stem mass fraction increased by 62%.[Conclusion] In mixed treatment, P. australis showed greater negative effects in riparian place than in water on A. philoxeroides. And A. philoxeroides exhibited greater aboveground biomass for subsisting in competitive sites.
Key words Alternanthera philoxeroides; Phragmites australis; Diffusion; Riparian; Water; Interspecific competition
1 材料与方法
1.1 试验材料
空心蓮子草来源于同一克隆植株,芦苇取自相同的植物群落。选取至少含3个芽的芦苇根状茎在实验室中培养14 d。空心莲子草的茎被剪成相近长度(茎长 ± SE=10.5±0.34,p=0.185)后进行14 d的实验室培养。此后选取长度在13~14 cm之间,且每株至少含有两节的空心莲子草进行栽培。
试验基质由河岸土壤(1.1 mg N/g,2.3 mg P/g)和细沙混合组成,混合比为1∶3。河岸土壤在使用前,在自然条件下风干,去除其中的植物组织等杂质,并过筛。种植用水取自校河,并经沉淀,取上层水使用(COD=47 mg/L,TN=5.6 mg/L,TP=0.29 mg/L)。植株种植于长方形塑料箱盒中,其规格为81 cm×60 cm×50 cm(长×宽×高)。
1.2 试验设计 试验设置两个处理(空心莲子草单种,芦苇+空心莲子草)。每个处理共3个平行。每个处理中种植6株空心莲子草和6株控制物种。空心莲子草在分配到各个箱盒中前,被分为6组(首先根据茎长分为3组,再根据直径各分为2组),之后再依次分配到各个平行处理中。试验中,箱盒中的覆土厚度最低处为10 cm,坡面高为30 cm,上宽为15 cm,下宽为40 cm,箱内面高出底泥10 cm(图1)。试验中每2 d加一次水。种植的前14 d,死亡的植株被替换。
在第一阶段,空心莲子草的横向扩散受到芦苇显著的影响(P < 0.01)(图3),当进入水生境(第二阶段)时,单种空心莲子草的横向扩散变化率出现显著下降(P<0.001),但进入水生境后,单种与混种空心莲子草的横向扩散变化率未出现显著差异(P=0.718),且变化率均较低(图3)。空心莲子草纵向扩散的变化率与横向扩散相似(图3)。芦苇对空心莲子草株高的日变化率在一阶段和二阶段均未产生显著影响,而水生境中出现的负增长除了与种植环境相关外,与空心莲子草的生物量增长也存在一定联系。
2.2 芦苇对空心莲子草生物量的影响
3 讨论
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