廖文菊 唐德华 程晓彬
摘要 [目的]主要探讨将β-环糊精(βCD)用于制备尿素缓控释肥料的可行性。[方法]以βCD为主体分子,以尿素为客体分子制备环糊精包合物肥料,并且进行红外光谱和溶出度试验。[结果]红外光谱证实了βCD对尿素的包合作用;当尿素与βCD的摩尔比为1∶1时,纯水中尿素的初期溶出率为14.37%,微分溶出率为2.37%,28 d累积溶出率为42.57%;包合物中尿素的初期溶出率、微分溶出率和28 d累积溶出率均随本底浓度增大而减小。[结论]包合物对尿素具有缓控释作用。
关键词 β-环糊精;尿素;包合物;肥料;缓控释
中图分类号 S143.1 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517-6611(2014)13-03823-02
Abstract [Objective] The research aimed to study the application of βCD in the preparation of controlled release fertilizer. [Method] The inclusion complex was prepared by urea and βCD, and the dissolution and FTIR were studied. [Result] The result of FTIR indicated inclusion complex formation between βCD and urea. The preliminary solubility rate, differential dissolving rate and cumulative release rate in 28 days were 14.37%, 2.37% and 42.57%, respectively, when the mole ratio of urea to βCD was 1∶1. The preliminary solubility rate, differential dissolving rate and cumulative release rate in 28 days of urea decreased as the urea background concentration increased. [Conclusion]The urea could be controlled release by the inclusion complex.
Key words βcyclodextrin; Urea; Inclusion complex; Fertilizer; Controlled release
尿素是有机态氮肥, 属于中性速效肥,由于其氮含量高而被广泛应用。但是,尿素在施用过程中普遍存在利用率低、淋失量大等缺点。这主要是由于尿素施入土壤中以后,除了部分被作物吸收外,其水解产物NH4+部分转化为NO3-,部分被土壤胶体吸附,其余则以氨形式挥发掉,从而造成氮的损失。针对尿素施用中存在的问题,土壤学家做了大量工作,提出使用包膜技术[1-2]和脲酶抑制剂[3-4]等措施来降低尿素水解速率,提高尿素利用率。其中,包膜缓控释肥料的应用性能较好,但是仅能在一定程度上降低尿素的水解速率,难以根据作物生长需求来控制养分的释放,且用作包膜的有机材料或无机材料还可能对土壤环境造成污染。
1 材料与方法
3 结论与讨论
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