刘声国 张继 刘兴江 金道忠 杨天沛 薛小平
[目的]为优化利用黔东南州烤烟气候资源。[方法]开展不同孔深度试验(15、19、23 cm)、不同孔口大小试验(10、12、14 cm)、不同打透气孔时间试验(不打透气孔、移栽后立即打透气孔、顶叶顶膜或气温到20 ℃后打透气孔)、不同时间破膜试验(顶叶距地膜1 cm破膜、顶叶顶膜破膜、心叶距地膜1 cm破膜)、不同施肥试验(基追比7∶3且追肥分别于封土和揭膜上厢时进行施用、基追比7∶3且追肥于揭膜上厢时期一次施用、基追比6∶4且追肥分别于封土和揭膜上厢时进行施用、基追比6∶4且追肥于揭膜上厢时期一次施用)等膜下移栽配套技术研究。[结果]孔深度以19 cm利于烟株生长,过深烟苗较难长出垄面,过浅很难体现膜下移栽的效果;孔口大小为12 cm时较适宜烟苗早生快发,过小孔内湿度较大,过大保温差;移栽后立即打透气孔利于晴天孔内透气、降温,并使烟苗逐步适应外界环境,加快烟苗生长;心叶距地膜1 cm时及时破膜好于其他两个处理;追肥于封土和上厢时施用好于其他处理,烟株长势均匀且较快。[结论]该研究可为建立烤烟膜下移栽技术体系提供理论支撑。
关键词 膜下移栽;孔深度;孔口;打透气孔;破膜;对比试验
中图分类号 S572 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517-6611(2014)27-09311-03
Study of Matching Technology of Fluecured Tobacco Filmunder Transplanting
LIU Shengguo1, ZHANG Ji2, LIU Xingjiang2et al
(1. Tobacco Company of Kaili City, Kaili, Guizhou 556000; 2. Tobacco Company of Qiandongnan, Kaili, Guizhou 556000)
Abstract [Objective] The aim was to optimize and utilize climate resources of fluecured tobacco in The Southeast of Guizhou Province. [Method] The filmunder transplanting supporting technology researches, such as different hole depth test(the designed hole depth was 15, 19, 23 cm respectively), different orifice size test(the designed hole size was 10, 12, 14 cm respectively), different punched air hole time test(the designed punched air hole time was no punching, immediately after transplanting, and when the top leaf burst membrane or the temperature was up to 20 ℃, respectively), different bursting membrane time test(the film was burst when the distance from the top leaf to the film was 1 cm, the top leaf burst the film, the the film was burst when the distance from the heart leaf to the film was 1 cm, respectively), different fertilization test(the ratio of basic fertilizers to supplement fertilizers was 7∶3, and the supplement fertilizers were used at covering soil and uncovering film; the ratio of basic fertilizers to supplement fertilizers was 7∶3, and the supplement fertilizers were used at uncovering film only; the ratio of basic fertilizers to supplement fertilizers was 6∶4, and the supplement fertilizers were used at covering soil and uncovering film; the ratio of basic fertilizers to supplement fertilizers was 6∶4, and the supplement fertilizers were used at uncovering film only, respectively), were carried out. [Result] 19 cmhole depth was favor of tobacco seedlings growing, if the hole was too deep tobacco seedlings were harder to grow ridge surface, while if the hole was too shallow tobacco it was hard to reflect the effects of filmunder transplanting; 12 cmorifice size was suitable for tobacco seedlings coming out early and quickly, too small made the humidity in hole was bigger, while too big had worse heat preservation effect; that punched air hole after transplanting was favor of ventilation and decreasing temperature in hole, and made tobacco seedlings adopted to the external environment gradually, sped up their growth; the effects of the treatment of bursting the film when the distance from the heart leaf to the film was 1 cm was better than those of the other two treatments; the effects of the treatment of the supplement fertilizers used at covering soil and uncovering film were better than those of the other two treatments, the tobacco seedlings growth vigor was same and quicker. [Conclusion] The study provides a theoretical support for establishing the fluecured tobacco filmunder transplanting technology system.
Key words Filmunder transplanting; Hole depth; Orifice; Punched air hole; Bursting membrane; Contrast test
〖STHZ〗1 材料与方法
1.1 试验地概况
试验地设置在凯里市三棵树镇赏朗村屯上组,海拔973 m,土壤类型为黄壤,肥力中等,前作为烤烟。面积0.13 hm2,地面平坦向阳,排水良好。
1.2 试验设计
供试烤烟品种为云烟85。试验采用5个单区(16个小区)对比试验,每小区60~80株。不同孔深度试验中,孔深度设置为15、19、23 cm;不同孔口大小试验中,孔口直径设置为10、12、14 cm;不同打透气孔时间试验中,设置有不打透气孔、移栽后立即打透气孔、顶叶顶膜或气温到20 ℃后打透气孔;不同破膜时间试验中,设置有顶叶距地膜1 cm破膜、顶叶顶膜破膜、心叶距地膜1 cm破膜;不同施肥试验中,设置有基追比7∶3、追肥分别于封土和揭膜上厢时进行施用,基追7∶3、追肥于揭膜上厢时期一次施用,基追比6∶4、追肥分别于封土和揭膜上厢时进行施用,基追6∶4、追肥于揭膜上厢时期一次施用。
1.3 其他栽培管理措施
1.4 调查与测定项目
2 结果与分析
2.1 农艺性状分析
栽后30 d。从表1可以看出,不同孔深度比较,孔深15 cm处理各农艺性状表现较好,其余处理差异不明显;不同孔口大小各处理间农艺性状差异不明显;不同打透气孔时间比较,以栽后不打透气孔各农艺性状稍好,栽后立即打透气孔各农艺性状表现较差;不同破膜时间比较,以心叶距地膜1 cm破膜各农艺性状表现较好,顶叶距地膜1 cm破膜各农艺性状较差;不同施肥方式比较,以基追6∶4各农艺性状好于基追7∶3。
栽后60 d。从表2可以看出,不同孔深度比较,孔深23 cm处理各农艺性状表现稍差,其余处理差异不明显;不同孔口大小比较,以孔口12 cm处理各农艺性状表现稍好,其余处理差异不明显;不同打透气孔时间比较,各处理差异不明显;不同破膜时间比较,以心叶距地膜1 cm破膜各农艺性状表现较好,顶叶距地膜1 cm破膜各农艺性状较差;不同施肥方式各处理间农艺性状差异不明显。
栽后90 d。从表3可以看出,不同孔深度比较,孔深19 cm处理各农艺性状表现稍好,其余处理差异不明显;不同孔口大小、不同打透气孔时间、不同破膜时间、不同施肥方式各处理间农艺性状差异不明显。
2.2 经济性状比较
从表4可以看出,不同孔深度比较,孔深19 cm处理产量、产值、均价、中上等烟比例等均好于其他处理;不同孔口大小比较,孔口12 cm处理经济性状好于其他处理;不同破膜时间比较,心叶距地膜1 cm的经济性状好于其他处理;不同打透气孔时间比较,栽后立即打透气孔经济性状好于其他处理;不同施肥方式追肥比较,封土和上厢时施用的经济性状略好于其他两个处理。
3 小结与讨论
19 cm孔深利于烟株生长,过深,烟苗较难长出垄面,过浅,难体现膜下移栽的效果;12 cm孔口大小较适宜烟苗早生快发,过小,孔内湿度较大,过大,保温差;移栽后立即打透气孔利于晴天孔内透气、降温,并使烟苗逐步适应外界环境,加快烟苗的生长;不同破膜时间比较,心叶距地膜1 cm时及时破膜好于其他两个处理,破膜后便于掏苗填土封口;不同施肥试验比较,追肥于封土和上厢时施用好于其他处理,烟株长势均匀且较快。
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