摘 要: 实际工程中采集和处理的数据量特别大,这对传统数据库技术提出巨大挑战。针对传统关系型数据库存储速度慢、对硬件要求高的缺点,提出一种以NoSQL数据库为基础的大数据处理方法,打破了传统数据库的关系模型,数据以一种自由的方式存储,而不依赖固定的表结构。该方法主要是将经验模态分解并与NoSQL数据库技术相结合,应用于大型结构件的变形监测中,构建出一个基于NoSQL数据库系统的大型结构件变形监测系统。仿真结果表明,该方法可以实现大型结构件变形监测数据的实时处理,在计算收敛性、算法稳定性和处理速度上都优于传统数据库技术。
关键词: NoSQL数据库; 经验模态分解; 关系模型; 变形监测; 大型结构件
中图分类号:TP392 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-8228(2014)07-07-03
Abstract: In engineering practice, the large amount of data acquisition and processing has challenged traditional database technology. To deal with the disadvantages of low storing speed and high hardware requirement of traditional relational database, a large data processing method based on NoSQL database is presented. The traditional relational model database is broken and data is stored in a free manner, while do not rely on fixed table structure. This method is mainly the empirical mode decomposition and NoSQL database technologies combine applied deformation monitoring of large structural parts to construct a large-scale structure deformation monitoring system based on NoSQL database system. Simulation results show that the proposed NoSQL database based on the large data processing method can achieve real-time processing of large structural deformation monitoring data and it is better than the traditional database technology on the convergence and stability of the algorithm and processing speed.
Key words: NoSQL database; empirical mode decomposition; relationship model; deformation monitoring; Large-Scale structure
0 引言
1 大型结构件变形监测
2 变形监测技术
5 结束语
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