作者Author: Caroline Bos
我们并不是唯一从事这项事业的人,而且接下来要发生的事情也不只由我们来决定。布鲁诺·拉图尔(Bruno Latour)称,在一个网络中你可以只做一名演员,对于建筑师来说这一点当然也同样适用。身处一个网络之中,你就必须与其他人相互接触;说服他们同意你的理念并认同你的目标,并劝说他们支持你。但是,就在我们试图“招募”其他人的同时,其他人也在做着同样的事情。通常情况下我们在比赛中总是与其他演员处于竞争的关系。我们的竞争者会怎么做?他们的制胜策略又会是什么呢?
Today, the discipline of architecture is wide open to the possibility of radical change. The narratives of gain and growth that explained, legitimized and propelled forward so much architecture in the past decades have been interrupted. The focus now is on articulating new conceptualizations of possibly all the vital considerations at the core of the field. Everything, yes everything, can change – the problems and needs the world collectively faces are that big.
Awareness of this challenge also entails understanding its beneficial potential; architecture thrives on newness. Without continuous material, cultural and ideological innovations, the profession loses its specificity and becomes simply a bland part of a generic building industry. With UNStudio we have long realized this, which is why we have pushed ourselves in many different directions, continuously addressing new challenges and questions. But at the same time this experimental attitude has also led us to consciously seek to build as much as we could. Disengagement from the dangers of the building industry within the globalized economy has never been our preferred option.
As a result, we have amassed a huge amount of experience and practicerelated knowledge. It is this wealth of knowledge and experience that constitutes our design capital. How do we utilize it? How do we preserve, maintain, share and expand our knowledge? This is knowledge, it should be emphasized, that has been laboriously gained by working through numerous design phases on hundreds of projects of all scales and typologies in all parts of the world – it is completely unique design-related architectural knowledge, not something you just come across everywhere on the internet. Presently, UNStudio foresees two strategies to handle and propagate its design capital. In June 2013 we will launch an open source knowledge network, after having worked for three years internally on the development of four knowledge platforms. Besides this, we apply our experience, our trained judgment, to our project design process.
This text focuses on ways to use design capital to improve the design process, to make it more intelligent and more concise. Yet drawing on past experience to optimize the design process is not merely a question of efficiency. Now, in the current climate of need, and of problem awareness, design capital can also serve to identify and interconnect the topics that need to be addressed.
These topics are: knowledge, cultural and economic values, health, and society. How do we begin to understand these anew? How can we find a new balance between timeless values endogenous and exogenous to architecture?
Step 1: Identifying Goals
When we begin a new project, a new design, we do not start on day one. Actually, it is already day 6.395 for UNStudio, and for the client it may be day 478, or it may be day 8.201. The number is arbitrary, but what matters is that we do not start at the beginning; as a team, as a collective, as a highly risky enterprise, we are much further along than we often realize as architects. UNStudio has its long-term goals and shorter-term goals relating to design, which we take with us when we start the new project; they are already given.
But what are the goals of the client? What is the question behind the question? What is the project really about, what is really needed in a particular situation? We must try to discover what is at the core of the demand for this particular brief. The answer may be a surprise; it can be an image of a smooth white wall, it can be the desire to raise the value of the purchased plot, it can be the creation of an urban connection – anything is possible, and we must look beyond the obvious.
Step 2: Understanding the Situation
This is something that seems easy, but is not. What is a ‘situation’? A word often used is context; primarily architects interpret this to refer to the physical context, the position and lay-out of the location in question. Sometimes analyzing the physical context can be a good thing to do; sometimes it has already been exhaustively researched and the production of additional material is meaningless and wasteful. We need to be aware of this and avoid mindless repetition, but more crucially even we need to question to whole notion of context. Where does a context begin and end? Global positioning is a factor in many if not all locations, and this evokes all sorts of questions and debates, from local-global arguments, to archeology and biography, and politics and power. Context thus clearly pertains to far more than the physical aspects of the location, and therefore the more inclusive and ambiguous term situation is preferred.
Understanding the situation means understanding that is not the situation itself that we need to comprehend, because aspects of it will always remain outside our grasp; the only way we can manage a situation is by interacting with it. In the introduction of ‘Being and Event’ the philosopher Alain Badiou describes situation as ‘pure indifferent multiplicities’. A situation cannot usefully be approached normatively. It is what it is, in a complex way. Therefore we immerse ourselves in the given situation without expectation or prejudice, and extract from it some aspects – maybe just two to five at the most – which we can act on, to which we can apply our knowledge and creativity, which allow us to be (again in the words of Badiou) ‘militants of truth’. These aspects can indeed relate to the physical surroundings, now or in the future, to a social construction, or to a larger, implausibly multifarious phenomenon such as ‘China’, or ‘mixed-use’ to name but two contemporary situations.
Step 3: The Role of Others; Network, Chance and Risk
We are not in this alone, and so what happens next is not up to us alone. Bruno Latour has claimed that you can only be an actor in a network, and for architects this certainly seems true. Being in a network entails binding others to you; convincing them of your ideas and aims, and persuading them to support you. But just as we aim to ‘enroll’ other actors, they do too. Often we are pitched against other actors in a competition. What will our competitors do, what is their probable winning strategy?
Then there are those vital others who are in a position to commission us; what is their position exactly, as far as we can tell? We may make a SWOT analysis to try to pinpoint the stronger and weaker tissues within the network, and try to find our way forward accordingly.
Step 4: Naming
To put a name to a multifaceted thing that is emerging out of sheer complexity is always difficult, but sometimes it is possible and helpful to further the design process by articulating a concept. This name must be proliferative, an ‘open text’ that is created between author and reader. Naming entails pointing, giving some direction, and laying down some aspirations, while at the same time leaving still much open to chance, future opportunities, and new sources of information and knowledge that will enter the process at a later stage. A baby will grow into its name over time.
Naming also is a communicative act; we tell each other what we think is a major topic within this project, this potential work of architecture. Thereby we choose, we edit; we create a shortcut. We force ourselves to make ourselves as clear as we can be at this early point in time. Sometimes, later in life, people change their name, and that is fine too.
Step 5: The New Big Details
Currently, the design process is usually very short; at least 30 per cent shorter than it was ten years ago. There is an economic pressure on the part of the client, which makes it necessary to move the conversation forward quickly. Our discursive mode must therefore develop some personal shorthand. What we can do to remain on course, while still maintaining speed, is to preselect some features that we have been experimenting with over the last three years, and that we feel are pertinent to the project. These features pertain to large-scale, defining spatial, constructional or façade-related recent developments that speak of design themes that are still evolving.
Step 6: After Image
UNStudio has always been interested in producing layered constructions that afford multiple viewpoints. We have consistently privileged design choices that would engender multiplicity, such as: asymmetry, non-Cartesian geometry, ‘endless’ spatial compositions that turn back on themselves, ‘parallax experiences’, and Moiré effects. And this is what we continue to do, in order to make inspiring environments that incite different perspectives each time you return to them, that are ‘open texts’ themselves, needing to be discovered and appropriated by the user, and that are socially relevant by being interactive and provocative.
Beginning a new design, we may ask ourselves the question: what will be the primary site for the after image in this building? Where are we aiming for maximum resonance?
Design skills are a valuable good still. But the most important issue today is the ability to apply design capital in a focused and goal-orientated way. The window of opportunity is narrow; the deployment of trained judgment is essential to quickly select and interconnect the spatial manifestations of topics and issues that are chosen for their social, economic, sustainable, and/or other relevance. Structuring the design process in a way that is not deterministic or prescriptive has led to the formulation of the Six Steps described above.