摘要: 精确制导武器在现代战争中扮演着越来越重要的作用,但高昂的成本阻碍了其大规模应用。本文根据这一情况提出了一种基于捷联式导引技术的制导系统方案。本方案由捷联导引头和一套惯性组合器件(IMU)组成,采用制导与控制一体化技术。本文重点对导引律和控制系统进行了详细研究,并建立了相应的数学模型。通过仿真实验表明,该控制方案能够有效对弹丸进行控制,其控制精度符合制导系统要求。
Abstract: Precision-guided weapons has made a very important place in the modern war, but its high costs hindered the large-scale application. The scheme consists of the strapdown seeker and IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) delivering unitary guidance and control technology. In the premise of ensuring low-cost, the accuracy of guidance system is greatly improved. The simulation results show that the design has a good ballistic characteristics.
关键词: 捷联式导引;比例导引;制导与控制
Key words: seek guidance;proportional guidance;guidance and control
中图分类号:TJ765 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2014)10-0032-03
摘要: 精确制导武器在现代战争中扮演着越来越重要的作用,但高昂的成本阻碍了其大规模应用。本文根据这一情况提出了一种基于捷联式导引技术的制导系统方案。本方案由捷联导引头和一套惯性组合器件(IMU)组成,采用制导与控制一体化技术。本文重点对导引律和控制系统进行了详细研究,并建立了相应的数学模型。通过仿真实验表明,该控制方案能够有效对弹丸进行控制,其控制精度符合制导系统要求。
Abstract: Precision-guided weapons has made a very important place in the modern war, but its high costs hindered the large-scale application. The scheme consists of the strapdown seeker and IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) delivering unitary guidance and control technology. In the premise of ensuring low-cost, the accuracy of guidance system is greatly improved. The simulation results show that the design has a good ballistic characteristics.
关键词: 捷联式导引;比例导引;制导与控制
Key words: seek guidance;proportional guidance;guidance and control
中图分类号:TJ765 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2014)10-0032-03
摘要: 精确制导武器在现代战争中扮演着越来越重要的作用,但高昂的成本阻碍了其大规模应用。本文根据这一情况提出了一种基于捷联式导引技术的制导系统方案。本方案由捷联导引头和一套惯性组合器件(IMU)组成,采用制导与控制一体化技术。本文重点对导引律和控制系统进行了详细研究,并建立了相应的数学模型。通过仿真实验表明,该控制方案能够有效对弹丸进行控制,其控制精度符合制导系统要求。
Abstract: Precision-guided weapons has made a very important place in the modern war, but its high costs hindered the large-scale application. The scheme consists of the strapdown seeker and IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) delivering unitary guidance and control technology. In the premise of ensuring low-cost, the accuracy of guidance system is greatly improved. The simulation results show that the design has a good ballistic characteristics.
关键词: 捷联式导引;比例导引;制导与控制
Key words: seek guidance;proportional guidance;guidance and control
中图分类号:TJ765 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2014)10-0032-03