




语类研究有三个不同的传统:1)以Swales和Bhatia为代表的“特殊用途英语” (English for Specific Purposes,简称ESP);2)以Miller为代表的“新修辞学”(New Rhetoric);3)以Martin为代表的悉尼学派。

ESP关心的是大学阶段以非英语为母语的学生学习学术性话语的需要,强调的是语类的交际目的以及相关的语言特征,如 Swales[1-3],Bhatia[4-6]和 Hyland[7]所指出的。

新修辞学关心的是人们如何使用语类以实现特定语境中的特定目的,强调的是人们如何通过语类实施社会行为并体现语言使用者之间的相互关系,如Miller[8], Bazerman[9], Berkenkotter & Huckin[10],Freedman & Medway(1994a,1994b),Coe,Lingard& Teslenko,Bazerman& Russell和 Bazerman,Bonini& Figueiredo[11]。

悉尼学派研究的重点是语类结构潜势 (generic structure potential),这个理论最初由 Halliday提出[12]。语类 (genre)指的是“用语言体现文化的、分阶段实施的、有目的的社会过程”[13],如天气预报、新闻报道、商业信函、小说、诗歌等。语类结构 (generic structure)指的是某个社会事件或某类社会事件所具有的内部结构,如体育新闻报道由“结果”加“过程”构成、体育现场比赛评论由“过程”加“结果”构成等。语类结构潜势指的则是某类社会活动所具有的潜在结构,如师生课堂对话的潜在结构是“老师提问+学生回答+老师反馈”,而夫妻日常对话却不一定有“反馈”这个环节。语类结构潜势理论重点研究以下四个问题:1)哪些步骤是必不可少的?2)哪些步骤是可有可无的?3)哪些步骤是可以多次出现的?4)所有步骤是按照什么顺序出现的?由此可见,这个理论不仅关注语篇结构的完整性,而且关注语篇内部的逻辑性。正因为如此,该理论对外语写作教学有着很大的指导意义。从上世纪80年代起,该学派就把语类理论应用于语言教学。他们最初关心的是小学、然后是中学和大学阶段移民、土著和劳动人民家庭的子女在学习写作过程中的需求,强调的是语类的语言结构和符号结构,并把这种研究看作是系统功能语言学中语言与社会语境模型的一个组成部分。




为了客观了解我国非英语专业大学生英语议论文的实际写作能力,笔者于2012年12月对某所非211高校非英语专业的50名一年级本科生进行了实地调查。具体做法是要求他们在30分钟内当场完成一篇200字左右的议论文,题目是“What makes a good friend?”之所以选择这个题目,是为了确保所有学生都能有话可说。此外,为避免学生因情绪紧张而影响作文过程和作文质量,则通过任课教师在写作课上安排学生写作文,以十分自然的方式收集真实的语料。













What makes a good friend?

(1)As we all know,a good friend and a good teacher mean a lot to us.When we are puzzled,a good friend can tell us which way is the best.When we feel down,a good friend can cheer us up.When we feel lonely,a good friend always company us.

(2)To make a good friend,I think trust is exactly important.Trust is a bridge of deep communication.If you don’t trust your friends,you also will not trust you.Second,excusal also plays an important role in a good friendship.Everyone will make mistakes.What we can do is to learn to forgive others.When your friends make mistakes,we should learn to forgive your friends instead of blaming.

(3)Having a good friend,we could learn a lot from a good friend.And no matter in study and life,we can help each other.

这篇作文由三个自然段落构成。第一段讲的是拥有好朋友的重要性,但画蛇添足地提到了“好老师”的重要性;第二段讲的是好朋友的两条标准:互信和宽容;第三段讲的依然是拥有好朋友的重要性,没有提供结论性的意见,导致全文结构不完整。另外,作文当中还出现了较多的语言错误,包括用词不当,如:“feel down”应为“feel depressed”,“I think trust is exactly important”应为“I think trust is most important”,“excusal also plays an importantrole in a good friendship”应为“forgiveness also plays an important role in a good friendship”;语法错误如:“a good friend always company us” 应 为 “a good friend always accompanies us”, “we should learn to forgive your friends instead of blaming”应为“we should learn to forgive your friends instead of blaming them”;人称指代混乱如:“If you don’t trust your friends,you also will not trust you.”应为 “If you don’t trust your friends,they will not trust you.”下面是对原文进行了语言和语类结构整改后的修改稿:

What makes a good friend?

(1)As we all know,a good friend means a lot to us.When we are puzzled,a good friend can tell us which way is the best.When we feel depressed,a good friend can cheer us up.When we feel lonely,a good friend always accompanies us.

(2)To make a good friend,I think trust is most important.Trust is a bridge of deep com-munication.If you don’t trust your friends,they will not trust you.Second,forgiveness also plays an important role in a good friendship.Everyone will make mistakes.What we can do is to learn to forgive others.When your friends make mistakes,we should learn to forgive your friends instead of blaming them.

(3)There might be other things to consider,but to me trust and forgiveness can make a good friend.


What makes a good friend?

(1)Throughout our life,we rely on small groups of people for love,admiration,respect,moral support and help.It is the importance of a good friend we can conclude.So we have a question:What makes a good friend?

(2)As far as I am concerned,honesty is the most importantcomponentin a friendship.Ifyou are dishonesty,no one will make friend with you.Second,having trust in each other.Friendship is a source of happiness,so we should trust in each other.Third,having the common interest and goal.In our life,we know some good friends both in common interest and goal from ancient to the present age.For example,Marks and Engels.Last but not the least,I think good friend should have more times to get along with each other.Even they are at different place,they should contact with others.Good friend know what you like eat,what colour you like most.I think,a friend is,as it were,a second self.

(3)All of those make a good friend.

(4)As we all know,a good friend is an essential ingredient in the making of a healthful rewarding life.No man is the whole of himself,his friends are the rest of him.We need good friend to make our life more lighter.

(5)What makes a good friend?Socrates says:“Don’t try to win a friend by presenting gifts.You should instead contribute your sincere love and learn how to win others through appropriate ways.”So we should make good friend with love and our heart.

这篇文章由五个自然段落组成,其中第一段以非常自然的方式引出问题。第二段从为人诚实、彼此信任、兴趣相同和时常相聚等方面论述了好朋友的条件。第三段是全文的结论。第四段讲的是拥有好朋友的重要性。第五段重提好朋友的要素是什么这个问题,但所引用的苏格拉底的一段话讲的却是如何交到好朋友的方法。对照议论文语类结构的要求,这篇作文有两点不足。一是第二段内部层次不够清楚,说到的内容有四点,但没有明显的话语标记;二是第四段和第五段多余,可以删除,但考虑到有一定的保留价值,可以把第四段整合进第一段,把第五段整合进第二段。另外作文中出现了很多语法及搭配错误,如:“If you are dishonesty,no one will make friend with you”应为“If you are dishonest,no one will make friends with you”,“Third,having the common interest and goal”应为“having common interest and goal”, “Even they are at different place,they should contact with others”应为 “Even they are at different places,they should contact each other”,等等。下面是对原文在语言上尤其是在结构上进行了较大改动后的修改稿:

What makes a good friend?

(1)A good friend is an essential ingredient in the making of a healthful rewarding life.Throughout our life,we rely on a small group of friends for love,admiration,respect,moral support and help.But we have to answer a question:What makes a good friend?

(2)First,being honest is the most important component in a friendship.If you are dishonest,no one will make friends with you.Second,having trust in each other.Friendship is a source of happiness,so we should trust in each other.Third,having common interest and goal.In our life,we know some good friends both in common interest and goal from ancient to the present age.For example,Marx and Engels.Fourth,love.Socrates says: “Don’t try to win a friend by presenting gifts.You should instead contribute your sincere love and learn how to win others through appropriate ways.”So we should make good friends with love and our heart.Last but not the least,I think good friend should have more times to get along with each other.Even they are at different places,they should contact each other.Good friends know what you like to eat,what colour you like most.I think,a friend is,as it were,a second self.

(3)I think,all this makes a good friend.



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