

长江师范学院学报 2014年6期



试论明代西南地区土司多民族国家意识的象征谢国先 (1.1)

石砫土司统治与民族间信任和谐研究 祝国超周凯(1.5)

施州卫指挥世袭家族文化研究价值和意义初探——以童氏为例刘清华 贺孝贵 (1.10)

明代土家族土兵抗倭的缘起、进程与取胜原因 李良品 张 芯(2.1)

中国土司政权的宗法关系及其影响研究——以广西南丹莫氏壮族土司为例李春莲 (2.7)

卓尼土司制度及其文化价值考察 苏晓红(2.10)

论明清之交容美土司的对外策略 杨洪林陈文元(3.1)

试论乌江流域土司时期的经济开发——兼及民间工艺彭福荣 (3.6)

“杨保”名义演变考 曾超(4.1)

武陵山土司遗址文化空间重构:大遗址旅游形态 刘安全 余继平(4.9)

中国土司制度源流新探 何先龙(4.17)

土司制度:国家权力在西南土司地区的延伸 李良品 赵 毅(5.10)

土司文化遗址的价值凝练与表达 葛政委(5.8)

水西土司物质文化述论 龙春燕(5.13)

制度变革、政策杠杆与社会进步:容美地区改土归流前后经济社会发展状况比较研究 龚义龙(6.1)

国家权力的渗透与民族地区社会秩序的重构——“改土归流”后湖广土家族地区的士绅培育与社会控制研究郗玉松 (6.9)


贵州南部地区苗族稻田养鱼习俗与传统稻作文化关系探微孟学华 吴正彪 (1.14)

试论隋唐时期巴蜀地区生物资源的开发及其与周边地区的交流 张 铭 李娟娟(1.17)

壮族教育家郑献甫教育思想论析 杨眉眉姚霖(1.24)

试论抗日战争时期贵州女医生的产生及历史影响 张艾利(1.29)

石龙坝电站修建始末及其历史地位和影响 黄权生 杨吉超(2.14)

简论抗战时期招商局在大后方的延续 耿密(2.24)

民族意识与哲学精神——白族哲学思想的早期启蒙与近现代转型萧洪恩 (3.13)

《印象·刘三姐》的符号意义解读 任旭彬(3.18)

《水经注》所引三种西南地记考述 鲍远航(3.24)

试论土家族区域的美术 陈文武(3.31)

人“鬼”之间:美孚黎道公的流派类别及其传承 谢东莉(4.30)

侗族节日设置的层次类型及特点分析——以黎平黄岗侗族为例罗康智 (5.20)

试论辰河高腔唱词结构与曲调 熊晓辉(6.15)

南宋涪州知州考略 王晓晖(6.20)


当代湘西苗族婚恋习俗的变迁及其原因探析向 轼 (1.33)

论湘西红色歌谣的特质、价值与传承 刘於清(1.37)

美丽中国视域下梵净山生态文明建设研究杨 圆 王学荣 (1.42)

武陵山片区农地流转中农民权益的损害及其维护——以重庆市石柱县为例李 彬 侯爱霞 (2.29)

武陵地区地方政权与封建中央政权关系刍议 戴楚洲(2.34)

黔江城市峡谷:价值深挖与作用发挥 姚元和(2.39)

论渝东南民族地区新农村社区文化建设 胡建华(3.36)

成就、差距与优化:全国百强县背景下涪陵工业经济发展的视角 熊正贤(3.42)

武陵山区域经济协调发展障碍与对策研究 张小筠(3.48)

民众心理需要与宗教信仰的引导探析——以重庆地区民众宗教信仰为例刘秀伦 李 颖 (4.35)

渝东南翼构建新型农业经营体系研究——基于重庆市黔江区的实证分析姚元和 (4.39)

论明代对贵州喀斯特地貌的地理探索与认识 马银行(5.26)

土家族建筑形制变迁考察 李学敏黄柏权(5.32)

溆浦山背花瑶婚俗考察 徐猛刘冰清(5.38)

论民族文化与旅游的协同发展——以湖北省恩施土家族苗族自治州为例陈沛照 朱艳红 (6.28)

试论重庆巫溪五句子歌的价值功能与传承保护 傅国群(6.32)

武落钟离山地望新考 谷斌(6.37)


乡镇变迁和流浪者的言语——《一句顶一万句》主题解析陈 镭 (1.47)

长篇小说《秦腔》人物类型论 默崎(2.43)

论反腐文学对廉政文化建设的意义——以 《抉择》为例邱食存 (3.51)

漫议第八届茅盾文学奖的“突破” 赵黎明刘琴(4.44)

论《尘埃落定》的诗化美学特征 刘春苗田文兵(5.42)

“怀旧”语境中的 《长恨歌》——一种势利价值观的体现刘永丽 (6.43)


民国时期医德规范之特点——近代医患关系研究之一尹 倩 (4.49)

晚清西药东来与国人对西医西药的认识 林美云(4.55)

近十年来中国近代细菌学说史研究的回顾与思考 姬凌辉(4.63)


试析何其芳从事诗歌翻译的深层动因熊 辉 (3.55)

文体自觉的诗美沉淀——何其芳早期创作中的人格价值梁 平 (3.58)


费孝通晚年主要社会学思想简论张明波 (1.53)

大屠杀叙事与南京对外形象探究 丛晓明(1.58)

生态社会主义及其对我国“五位一体”发展战略的启示 牛二耀 牛耀耀(1.62)

论全球化语境下文化传播与中国国家形象塑造 刘杨(2.98)

美国煤矿安全管理体系建设的经验及其启示刘再春 (2.101)

制度主义视角下的国际制度与认同关系分析 李海龙(3.98)

瑞安公司全面质量管理经验对政府公共管理的启示 李俊杰 姜 丽(3.103)

女性发展与农村生态文明建设——以江西省南昌市郊扬子洲镇为例李从娜 (4.123)

社会工作伦理视角下救助管理工作困境探析 李米换 靳晓芳(4.127)

论“推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化”理论创新与意义 刘孝阳(4.132)

论“命运共同体”理念及其中国实践 李海龙(5.100)

论中国模式及其世界意义 吴兴德(6.98)


少数民族视野下的东西方文化冲突与民族国家建构——以沈从文与老舍为中心魏 巍 马玥玥 (1.67)

简论川籍诗人覃子豪与商禽对台湾诗歌的卓越贡献 陶德宗 陶 兰(1.76)

论陈学昭早期文学创作中的女性意识 王俊虎郑莹莹(1.80)

“路”上的人生——论 《呐喊》《彷徨》中 “路”的叙事意义余新明 (1.84)

被解构的 “基督”必死的埃斯比诺萨——博尔赫斯 《马可福音》之神学寓意解读徐继明 (1.89)

“言”“象”“意”与英伽登文学作品理论比较 周晋(1.93)

毕飞宇小说《玉米》中的权力人物与权力话语 陈惠良(2.79)

《豆蔻镇的居民和强盗》中蕴涵的仁爱精神探索 张芹(2.85)

论洛夫诗歌的自然意象 张春艳方忠(2.89)

牛郎织女起源追寻 杨德春(2.93)

严歌苓小说“笑”书写的语言修辞学视角考察 周 航 杜 宪(3.76)

“吃人”母题的再演绎及人性的叩问——从鲁迅 《狂人日记》到陈映真 《乡村的教师》巴朝霞 (3.81)

论《凶年纪事》的音乐式写作 曾丽(3.89)

“第三代诗歌”的 “个人性”与 “公共性”——以诗人海子为例李雨萌 (3.93)

莫言小说艺术特征与中国文学发展的可能 瞿华兵(4.99)

文学阶级性论说的困境与理路——从梁实秋与鲁迅论争说起曹露丹 傅宗洪 (4.104)

试论“百花文学”情爱话语的双重修辞 何黎黎(4.110)

乾坤相济 精纯不垢——论 《三国演义》赵子龙的形象特征阮 绵 (4.114)

《水浒后传》的两大版本系统及其差异分析 唐海宏(4.118)

《今宵酒醒何处》:一部被忽视的曹禺佳作 陈宗俊(5.66)

浅析赵耀民1990年代的话剧创作 陈文勇(5.73)

郑宾于(孝观)与鲁迅的文字交考察 熊飞宇(5.77)

海外学院作家概略 余艳(5.84)

试论大后方作家的“重庆大轰炸”书写 陈欢张勇(5.91)

如梦如幻月,若即若离花——从 《胭脂扣》中数字暗号看现代女性意识的觉醒易亚云 (5.96)

论新时期以来非学术视野下的长篇小说文体关注 刘霞云(6.69)

论胡风的“宗派主义” 魏邦良(6.76)

现代化进程中的日本农村题材小说——以藤本惠子的农村题材小说为例韦 玮 (6.83)

当代先锋文学解构初探 李莉(6.89)

试析英国文艺复兴时期爱情诗中的“大地一花园”意象 杨 君(6.92)


试论宋代皇嗣养子制度范 帅 (1.99)

清代师父责罚徒弟行为的法律规制 王小丹(1.104)

张澍及其西南方志编纂考察 张蕾蕾(1.108)

试论海瑞的民生情怀 曾超(2.49)

从唯物史观角度分析辛亥革命 魏广志(2.55)

试析艾伦·惠廷在中美关系正常化中的作用 刘田(2.58)

唐代治羌的“大传统”与“小传统”考察 叶健(2.61)

周代儒家的疾病观考察 吕金伟(2.67)

试论近代报刊在晚清社会中的演进轨迹 刘力韩鼎基(3.64)

孟子“性善论”道德教育思想及其现代启示 张世友 樊 艳(3.67)

列宁晚年加强俄国文化建设的背景分析 刘旺旺(3.71)

工业革命时期英国工人形象的构建与权利的斗争——基于酗酒问题及其政治文化影响的考察龚小刚 (4.69)

汉初的医疗市场与医病关系——以淳于意医案为中心吕金伟 (4.80)

试论延安整风中党的思想建设的脉络、经验与前瞻 邵玉彩(4.84)

荣誉军人自治实验区成立始末考察 王珑(4.89)

论中国农村信用社的近代变迁 肖冬华(4.93)

象征和功能:文化人类学视域下的萍乡沿门舞 朱宝莉(5.47)

陇中地区传统保墒镇压法“躟谷”及其启示 曹娟玲 石小俭(5.52)

二十世纪以来明代四川科举史研究述评 刘小龙田玥(5.56)

论北宋淮安镇道里及其地位 周永杰(5.60)

五圣堂的前世与今生 杜靖崔倩倩(6.49)

先秦邦交中的间谍与间谍理论初探 查飞能(6.59)

《宋诗别裁集》编者张景星家世考 高磊(6.65)


大学生思想政治教育基地化模式探索与实践杨 双 (1.114)

农民工子女教育歧视现象与消除对策——基于社会支持主体向度的考量李素梅 殷世东 (1.118)

试论大学生国际素养培育的逻辑基础与途径 李国华(1.123)

企业开展心理咨询的必要性分析 文旭平(1.127)

云南少数民族青少年思想问题及教育策略研究 李银兵 陈秀美(2.126)

培育大学生优良文风途径新探 吴晓蓉刘利(2.131)

高校学生工作有效性的路径解析 陈素琴(2.134)

小学生科学素养培养策略与实践探索 于海洪 马淑杰 宋北荒(3.119)

民族院校行政管理本科专业综合改革研究——以贵州省民族高校为例饶义军 (3.124)

基于多元智能理论的多任务课堂活动设计——以 “鱼缸”活动为例雷 琨 (3.129)

高校内涵式发展新论——以新建本科院校为例韩伏彬 (4.142)

论英文电影在英语口语和听力教学中的应用 汤瑷宁(4.146)

完善地方高校研究生导师管理评价机制的思路与对策 余兴厚(5.112)

大学生自组织发展引导研究 杨双陈柏材(5.116)

浅析大学生同性恋现象及其应对策略 李永洪(5.120)

传统文化与大学生公正世界信念探索 李明蔚陈小异(5.126)

“531”教学模式改革试验研究——以涪陵十四中学校为例冉汇真 殷沙沙 (5.131)

美德不是知识,美德不可教——苏格拉底道德智慧教育思想初探张正江 (6.103)

翻译硕士教育研究主题的统计分析 周亚莉何东敏(6.109)

本科层次全科小学教育专业建设的反思与建议 杨晓峰(6.113)

认识论视域下的思想政治教育研究 王强(6.120)

大学生职业生涯规划课程与教学创新研究 王兴国 龙军峰 罗劲松(6.131)

激发学生的 “学习能量”的有效策略探析——基于对学生反馈信息的反思余庆华 (6.135)


关于地方服务型政府履责动力与方法探讨徐铜柱 (2.71)

儒家行政思想的现代性价值探析 张磊罗思洁刘静(2.75)


“不敢”一词在西北方言中的祈使用法探源赵久湘 杨雅丽 (2.107)

旅游牌示解说词翻译杂合研究——接受美学的视角黄春梅 (2.111)

山重水复疑无路 柳暗花明又一村——评汉英对照 《红楼梦》的出版冉诗洋 杨 平 (3.108)

《中国外语》的学术影响力分析——基于历年《中国外语》翻译学科载文的文献计量分析 周亚莉 张丽娟(3.113)

程度副词“伤心”探析 高亮(4.137)

《梯玛歌》修辞手法初探 阮玉明(5.106)


秩序建构中 “着眼于安排”与 “着眼于现实”的正义偏差——基于新刑事诉讼法人身权利保护的运行分析葛天博 (2.117)


周航的 “冒犯”——兼谈诗人的写作目的吴 平 (1.131)

倒流的河——析周航诗集 《背影》余 玲 (1.133)

一部兼具艺术灵性与学术厚重的作家论专著——评周志雄的 《生存境遇的追问:张洁论》陈娇华 (3.133)


Abstract:Different from general epistemology,epistemology about ideological and political education asks highly analytical questions about how the political subjects should understand ideological and political education and how educators should optimize the effect of the understanding so as to promote the education.Subjects of ideological and political education have three levels:political subject,education subject,and reception subject. They are closely interrelated and progressively transformative.In terms of the epistemological process of ideological and political education,political subject is on the cognitive level,educational subject on the interpretive level and receptive subject on the receptive level.All the three levels constitute the epistemological process of ideological and political education.

Key words:political subject;educational subject;receptive subject


System Transformation,Policy Lever and Social Progress:a Comparative Study of Economic and Social Development in Rongmei Region before and after Bureaucratization of Native Officers

GONG Yi-long
(Chongqing China Three Gorges Museum,Chongqing 400015,China)

B y the 18th century,chieftain system had become a great obstacle to economic and social development in the chieftain dominated areas,as well as a hindrance to the extension of imperial power to grass-root.Pillage of chieftains had also,to various degrees,endangered the social stability of the surrounding areas.Therefore,the central government decided to abolish chieftain system,and dispatched officials to govern the former chieftain dominated areas dominated by chieftains.As a result,the social economy in these areas became unprecedentedly thriving.The change of system became an important impetus for economic and social progress in Rongmei region.

system transformation;policy lever;Romei region;bureaucratization of native officers;social progress

Permeation of State Power and Reconstruction of Social Orders in Ethnic Areas——A Research of Gentry Cultivation and Social Control in Tujia Ethnic Areas in Hunan and Hubei after Bureaucratization of Native Officers

XI Yu-song
(1.School of History and Culture,Jishou University,Jishou,Hunan 416000,China;2.School of Ethnics and Sociology,Zhongnan University for Ethnics,Wuhan,Hubei 430074,China)

Abstract:From 1723 to 1735,bureaucratization of native officers was accomplished successively in Tujia areas in Hunan and Hubei.Since then,the officers initiatively cultivated and moralize gentry class the arising of which strengthened the imperial control of the grass-root society.The active cooperation of the gentry with officials helped maintain the social stability.By the mid and late 19th century,the gentry,as a the medium between officials and local residents,had become increasingly powerful in authority.

Key words:dispatch of officials;gentry cultivation;social control

A Textual Study of Zhizhou of Fuzhou in South Song Dynasty

WANG Xiao-hui
(Yangtze Normal University,Chongqing 408100,China)

Abstract:Inscriptions on Baiheliang are important data for the research of Fuzhou in Song Dynasty. Combining the inscriptions with other classics,the writer of this article makes a study of 40 Zhizhous of Fuling in South Song Dynasty about their services.The result indicates that their term of service was mostly less than two years,which tallies with the relevant regulations in Song Dynasty,that there were many talents among them but there were also both mediocre and greedy officials,and that one or two Zhizhous attached importance to culture and education,whichhelpedpromotethedevelopmentofeducationandcultureinFuzhouduringSouthSongdynastyDynasty.

Key words:South Song Dynasty;Fuzhou;Zhizhou

Functional Value of Five-sentence Song of Wuxi and Its Inheritance

FU Guo-qun
(School of Ethnics and Public Administration,Chongqing Three Gorge University,Chongqing 404120,China)

Abstract:Five-sentence song of Wuxi is of profound historical and cultural significance and important artistic value.It has played an important role in improving the mass’s mental and physical health,carrying on local culture,and imbedding moral.Since 2007 when it was listed in the first Municipal Intangible Cultural Heritage, initial effect has been achieved in its inheritance and protection,but there still exist many problems such as blindness,one-sideness and discontinuity in its protection.Therefore,greater efforts are needed,with relevant legislation,to protect Five-sentence song from the aspects of life tradition,cultural space and kernel as well as legislation.

Key words:Wuxi;five-sentence song;functional value;inheritance and protection

The Everlasting Regret in the Context of Reminiscence——Expression of a Power Value

LIU Yong-li
(School of Liberal Arts,Sichuan Normal University,Chengdu,Sichuan 610068,China)

Abstract:The Everlasting Regret,created in the context of reminiscence,inevitably had some cultural characteristics of nostalgia,one being the duplication and propagation of colonial culture,and the other the worship of the“elegant”sensualism.To some degree,The Everlasting Song,produced in such context,played a role of “isolating from grass-root society”and represented the value of power.

Key words:reminiscence;everlasting regret song;outlook of power value

The History and Present of Five-saint Temple

DU Jing,CUI Qian-qian

(School of Law,Qingdao University,Qingdao University,Shandong 266071,China)

Abstract:After investigating the history and reconstruction of Wushengtang(five-saint temple) in Yuncheng County,Shangdong Province,the writers of this article make an anthropological research of the cultural mechanism of its historical vicissitudes and rebuilding,exploring such issues as“the passing down of tradition”,“projection of social structure in belief”,“the role of local people’s initiative in historical creation”,the source of folk priests’supernatural power”,and“subdivision of sacrifice circle in villages”.

Key words:Five-saint Temple;folk belief;initiative;magic power of sorceress;village belief community

Attention to the Style of Full-length Novel in the Perspective of Non-academics in the New Age

LIU Xia-yun
(School of Chinese Language and Culture,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210097,China)

Abstract:From the existent works,the researches of the style of full-length novels in the perspective of academics prior to 1990s are in depression,but the researches in the perspective of non-academics are completely different:attention has always been paid to the compiling of literary history,column for literary criticism on journals,and literary journals and reviews on various media.The researches are mainly focused on the style characteristics and transformations,exploring the basic connotations of the novel style,and reviewing a lot of cases. Though scattering,the researches are of some value to academic reference and literary history,and have promoted the development of novels.

Key words:since the new age;non-academic perspective;full-length novel;attention to the style

Hu Feng’s“Sectarianism”

WEI Bang-liang
(School of Foreign Languages,Anhui University of Technologies,Hefei,Anhui 243000,China)

Abstract:Hu Feng’s“sectarianism”originated from literary criticism.It is a fact that there was a literary school centered on Hu Feng,but the literary school just suggested that some literature lovers had a common pursuit of literature,who were neither isolated from outer world nor were they dictatorial and domineering.

Key words:Hu Feng;sectarianism;Yao Xue-yin;He Qifang

Deconstructing Contemporary Pioneering Literature

(Chinese Department,Lijiang Teachers College,Lijiang,Yunnan 674100,China)

Abstract:“Contemporary pioneering literature”in China is a literary concept which has a specific reference. During the period from late 1980s and to early 1990s,it accomplished an influential revolution and established its legal position in social literary structure,but there has been no unified statement about it.The writer of this article, making use of deconstruction,attempts to re-interpret contemporary literature.

Key words:pioneering literature;deconstruct;significance

Virtue Is Not Knowledge That Can Be Imparted --A Tentative Exploration of Moral-and-wisdom Education Thought of Socrates

ZHANG Zheng-jiang
(Department of Educational Science,Southwest University,Chongqing 400715,China)

Abstract:It is generally recognized that Socrates proposed the view of“virtue is knowledge”and“virtue is teachable”.But in fact,after argumentation,what Socrates concluded was that“virtue is not teachable because it is not knowledge”.His“virtue is knowledge”was just unexpectedly concluded from his debate based on “virtue is not teachable”.However,he realized that it was self-contradiction,and wished to further explore it.He believed that virtue is neutral and it is a psychological property of an individual which can be both beneficial and harmful. Therefore,Socrates,a lover and pursuer of wisdom,paid more attention to wisdom and advocated moral-wisdom education.In the increasingly complex contemporary society,moral-wisdom education is more important and urgent and it should be given more emphases.

Key words:Socrates;virtue;knowledge;moral-wisdom education

Major Construction of All-subject Education among Undergraduates for Primary School:Reflections and Suggestions

YANG Xiao-feng
(School of Educational Science,Yangtze Normal University,Chongqing 408100,China)

Abstract:Training all-subject teaching personnel for primary school not only helps balanced education between urban and rural areas,but also promotes the reform of teacher training.Meanwhile,it may change the subject-division education in primary school.Therefore it is of great strategic significance and long term impact. Currently,China’s all-subject education in primary school is still under exploration.The orientation of major is yet to be clarified and personnel training plan is to be improved.Full understanding of the value of all-subject education,promoting the transformation of class-teaching through integration of curricular system,implementing flexible internship system,and strengthening inspection of four categories of knowledge are the key to ensuring the quality of training all-subject personnel for primary school.

Key words:undergraduates;primary school education;teacher of all-subjects

Ideological and Political Education in the Perspective of Epistemology

WANG Qiang
(Department of Marxist Theory,Xi-an University of Political Science,Xi-an,Shaanxi 710068,China)

