

英语学习(上半月) 2014年3期

∷林巍 文/译

原 文

[1] 二十多年前,当我第一次来到西方国家时,有一件事颠覆了我的传统概念,那就是不要怕借债。在中国传统文化里,是“无债一身轻”,证明你可自食其力,不依靠别人;而在西方社会里,是“有债一身轻”,因为那样证明你有信用,有人肯把钱借给你,同时也说明了你挣钱的能力。

[2] 就经济的发展规律而言,随着财富的积累,资源的消耗,物价总是上涨的,货币总是要贬值的,因而“今天花明天的钱”、“拿别人的钱来赚钱”便总是上算的。所以,结论是一定要借钱。

[3] 然而,任何事情都有“限度”,超过了便会走向反面;同时,在长期的总体规律之中,又有着短期的阶段性。

[4] 以美国人的生活为例,大部分都为债务人,或者说是靠债务来维持其很高的生活水准。在正常情况下,似乎一切都没有问题。但是,一旦经济周期进入低谷,债务链条发生断裂,便会引起一系列恶果,整个国家也会陷入经济危机。这便是2008年以来的现实。 同样,正是由于欧洲政府的长期负债导致了当前的财政危机。

[5] 看来,量入为出是应永远恪守的一个原则。毕竟,“无债”比“有债”可以过得更加轻松一些。

译 文

[1] About twenty years ago, when I first came to a western country, I was shocked by one thing—debt. In traditional Chinese culture, there is a saying that “out of debt,out of pressure”; however, in the west, it is just opposite—when you are in debt, you are trustworthy and financially capable.

[2] It seems to be an economic law that paper currency will always be depreciated as wealth is accumulated,resources reduced and everything in flated. The golden rule therefore is always to purchase future goods using today’s money, or making money by borrowing from others.

[3] However, everything can go wrong if it goes over the limit during the upturns and downturns of long term economic cycles.

[4] Taking the United States as an example, most Americans are debtors, having high living standards through borrowing. Under usual circumstances, everything seems to be normal. However, with troughs in the economic cycle,the chain of the debts may be broken, causing serious consequences or even driving the country into crisis, which was the case in 2008. Likewise, the current financial crisis in Europe is obviously a casualty of the massive amount of debt accumulated by governments over the long term.

[5] So, living within your means still seems to be the golden rule. You can surely be more relaxed when you are out of debt than when you are in debt.

译 注

在 [1]中,“颠覆了我的传统概念”,这里的“颠覆”是颇具夸张的用法,难以用英文的overturn,subvert 等来对译,如overturn 其意主要为to cause to turn over or capsize; upset (使翻转过来;使……倾翻), 如 They have overturned a puppet regime (他们推翻了傀儡政权);The boat overturned (船翻了)等。相比之下,shock更为恰当,该词主要含义为 to strike with surprise, disbelief,terror, or horror (受到惊讶、难以置信、惊吓或恐怖的冲击),如 I was shocked when I heard about your accident (当听到你出事后我很震惊)。

“无债一身轻”, 可有很多种译法,如without debt one can have easy life / good life comes with the debtless 等, 这里不妨借鉴英文里类似的句式,如 out of of fice,out of responsibilities (不在其位,不谋其政),故此处不妨译为 out of debt, out of pressure,多少有些“反译”的意味;“而在西方社会里,是‘有债一身轻’,因为那样证明你有信用,有人肯把钱借给你,同时也说明了你挣钱的能力”,是一种对比的叙述,为显出其对比特点。

在 [2] 中,“就经济的发展规律而言,随着财富的积累,资源的消耗,物价总是上涨的,货币总是要贬值的”,似可采用这样的句式 From the point of view of economic development, …… 但其实可更为直截了当,用 it is the economic law...,同时为强调“货币总是要贬值的”,可将其译文提前,而这里的“货币”不是一般所指,而需与其对应的实物财富对比,故为 paper currency。 类似的,如:A more sophisticated system involves paper currency that can be converted to preset,fixed quantities of gold (较复杂的金本位制包括可兑换成预先设定的、固定数量黄金的纸币);This year in Zimbabwe the paper currency notes has fallen to 2 percent of their face value (今年津巴布韦的纸币已跌到了其面值的2%)等,都是相对货币与实物或实际价值的关系而言的,故都用了 paper currency, 在翻译中对此需有所辨析。

“‘今天花明天的钱’、‘拿别人的钱来赚钱’便总是上算的”,为达到强调性的效果,不妨加上 the golden rule is ... 同时也转述出了“上算”之意 (而未用it is always worthwhile to ... )。类似的,如:As a tourist, the golden rule in a foreign country is to watch the other people carefully and do as they do (作为游客,在国外的秘诀是,慎言谨行、入乡随俗);The golden rule of translation is to be faithful, fluent and elegant (翻译的要义在信、达、雅) 等,在不同的语境中,golden rule 可有不同的译名,但都有“规律”之意。

在 [3] 中,“任何事情都有‘限度’,超过了便会走向反面”, 这里的“限度”,主要意为 limit, limitation, “达到限度”是reach the limitation, “规定…… 限度”,为 set a limit to, 而“超过限度”可为go beyond the limit; exceed the limit,overstep the limit 等,这里用的则是over the limit, 语气似更重一些,故可为everything can go wrong if it goes over the limit;“在长期的总体规律之中,又有着短期的阶段性”,这里的“规律”主要指的是经济规律和经济周期,故不妨译为 long term economic cycles,而“短期的阶段性”, 不宜译成 short-term law, 这里处理成 during the upturns and downturns of long term。

在[4]中,“靠债务来维持其很高的生活水准”,似可译成 their high living standards depend on debt, 但可更具体些:having high living standards through borrowing;“在正常情况下,似乎一切都没有问题”,其中的“没有问题”,若译成 no problem, problemless, 似显直白,故这里译为 under usual circumstances, everything seems to be normal.

“一旦经济周期进入低谷,债务链条发生断裂,便会引起一系列恶果,整个国家也会陷入经济危机。这便是2008年以来的现实”。对此,涉及到经济学中的一个术语trough,其基本含义为a low point in a business cycle or on a statistical graph (商业循环的低潮或数据图表上的低点) 。

在[5]中,对于“永远恪守的一个原则”,未译成 a principle that should always be kept,而是回应前面的 golden rule, 反其道而用之。“‘无债’比‘有债’可以过得更加轻松一些”, 要充分展示英文的特点,即重点在先,铺垫在后。

