这篇文章跟“小狗”并没有什么关系,它其实是关于一些“特别的”人。根据American Psychiatric Association(美国精神病协会)2013年最新修订的Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th edition(DSM-5) (《心理障碍诊断与统计手册》,原来被严格区分的Autism(自闭症)、Asperger syndrome(阿斯伯格综合症)、pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise speci fied (PDD-NOS)(广泛性发展障碍非特定型)、 childhood disintegrative disorder(儿童崩解症)和Rett syndrome(雷特综合症),以后将一并归入autism spectrum disorder(ASD)(自闭症谱系障碍)类,诊断按严重程度(dimensions of severity)而定,而不再分类(categorization)。ASD 患者往往有“social de ficits(社交困难) and communication dif ficulties, stereotyped(刻板的) or repetitive behaviors and interests, and in some cases, cognitive(认知) delays”等典型症状。 重度患者常有 “signi ficant delay in language development”;而轻度患者,包括过去所谓的“high functioning autism”和Asperger syndrome,则无此问题。
轻度Autism患者,因为社交范围狭窄、兴趣爱好局限,往往反而能够发展出某些方面超越常人的能力。正因如此,带有autism特点的角色,不论是真实历史上,还是虚构世界里,一直令“普通人”着迷:Isaac Newton、 Albert Einstein、Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart、Emily Dickinson等等鼎鼎大名的人物,都被专家认为可能是ASD患者;而文学作品里,Moby Dick(《白鲸》)中一心追杀大白鲸的Captain Ahab,Bartleby, the Scrivener(《书记员巴特勒比》)中总是说 “I would prefer not to”的小职员Bartleby,甚至Sherlock Holmes,都颇有autism特色。有autism专家谈论the autistic Holmes时,提到“his oddness, his peculiar fixations(专注)— his little monograph(专论) on the ashes of 140 different varieties of pipe, cigar and cigarette tobacco (The Boscombe Valley Mystery[《博斯科姆比溪谷集》],The Sign of Four[《四个签名》]andA Study in Scarlet《血字的研究》]. ... his clear powers of observation and deduction, unclouded by the emotions of everyday people, and the extreme unconventionality that often allows him to solve a case that police, with their more conventional minds, are unable to solve”。 而BBC神剧Sherlock中,有关Sherlock可能的autism则表现得更为可爱了:Sherlock无法读懂“emotions”(典型的autism症状),却知道对手Irene Adler被“Sherlocked”,因为,如他所说,“I took your pulse”(第2季第1集)。“Genius”与“idiot”之间的纠结联系,“normal”与“special”之间的哲学辩证,“concentration”与“obsession”之间的微妙区别,都让autism这个话题充满魅力。
2003年,英国作家Mark Haddon出版了一本名为The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time的小书,让autism在文学之海中又掀起一个大浪。故事叙述者,十五岁的少年Christopher,并未提及自己患有什么病,只是说自己在一个专为“children with special needs”开设的学校上学,不过他的思维和行动方式则让读者明白地把他定位到high functioning autism患者一类。这个除了自己的学校和家没有单独去过任何地方,除了父母和老师没有和任何人有过交流的少年,为了调查邻居小狗Wellington被杀事件,艰难地走出自己的世界,于是,不仅改变了自己,更改变了家人。此书一出,便得到普通读者与致力于autism研究的专家的一致追捧,不仅各种文学奖项纷纷落下,从事于autism治疗、救助事业的人们也把作者看作此领域权威,常常邀请他做有关演讲;不过,后者多少让作者本人有些惶恐。在自己的blog中,Haddon声称,其实自己对autism并没有特别研究,这小说也并非刻意地要描写autism:“If anything it’s a novel about difference, about being an outsider, about seeing the world in a surprising and revealing way. it’s as much a novel about us as it is about Christopher”。的确,这本书,已经超越了某一个人,或某一类人的境遇,而是在讲给我们听,那个曾经存在于我们心中的孩子的故事。
有论者说,这本书是“The Sound and the Fury(福克纳,《愤怒与喧嚣》)andThe Catcher in the Rye(塞林格,《麦田守望者》) and one of Oliver Sacks’ reallife stories”的组合。Oliver Sacks是美国权威神经病学家(neurologist),且写有多部有关neurological patients经历的著作,其中尤以Awakenings一书最为著名。提及Sacks,自然是夸赞Christopher的故事的真实性。而The Sound and the Fury,则是美国作家William Faulkner的一部小说,小说的第一部分是33岁的智障者Benjamin“Benjy” Compson叙述的时空错乱、言语不详的故事。然而,Christopher实则与Benjy处于两个截然不同的世界:Benjy看到和想到的都是“chaos”(正符合书名的意义),而Christopher则坚持“things in a nice order”,哪怕他的调查把他带到“the real world”的“核心”——谎言,他还是要通过自己的“执著”(perseverance)或“执拗”(stubbornness)找到“真相”。Christopher就是这样一个在无序的世界中坚持秩序的另类者,虽然他的“秩序”有时在别人看来“不可理喻”。
而作为一个“outsider”,Christopher的身份,倒确与The Catcher in the Rye中的Holden颇为相似。Christopher拒绝与他人亲密接触,即使是父母给他的一个拥抱,也能够让他大吵大闹;对他来说,唯一的亲密方式,便是伸出手掌,与人五指相触。同样,Holden也是一个无法与人(除了妹妹Phoebe)建立亲密联系的少年,他只想远离这个被phony(虚伪)people充斥的世界,就像他的创造者Salinger一样,去过与世隔绝的生活。Holden或者还会让读者想到法国存在主义文学代表人物Albert Camus的以The Outsider(《局外人》)为名的小说,小说叙述者Meursault也是个在人群中与世隔绝的角色,这世界对他没有什么意义,就连上帝也是冰冷的。可以说,Holden与Meursault都继承了拜伦式的、超越大众的心智与情感,有着“众人皆醉我独醒”的破坏力量。与他们相比,Christopher却更像我们普通人曾经的自己,那个曾经相信“秩序”,而且在这世界上总是可以看到“秩序”的“孩子”。
对于Christopher来说,秩序其实很简单,是由一系列二元对立的模式(patterns)构成的:比如,表情,对他来说,只有笑脸和哭脸;颜色,“4 red cars in a row made it a good day; 4 yellow cars in a row made it a black day”... 他关注一切有模式的东西,所以,数学便自然地成为他最感兴趣的东西——他可以整日地坐在那里计算2的乘方,他能说出2到7057以内的所有素数(Prime numbers)……因为这些东西都有秩序,都符合逻辑:“Prime numbers are what is left when you have taken all the patterns away. I think prime numbers are like life. They are very logical but you could never work out the rules, even if you spent all your time thinking about them”。
同样,对于“世界”或“事件”的描述,在Christopher看来,也只有两种——“truth”和“lie”。Christopher只会讲实话,因为与讲实话相比,撒谎要更复杂,需要超乎他理解水平的、更高的心智:“I do not tell lies. Mother used to say that this was because I was a good person.But it is not because I am a good person. It is because I can’t tell lies.”的确,真相只是如实记录,而谎言就要创造了。“A lie is when you say something happened which didn’t happen. But there is only ever one thing which happened at a particular time and a particular place. And there are an in finite number of things which didn’t happen at that time and that place. And if I think about something which didn’t happen I start thinking about all the other things which didn’t happen.”
英国诗人William Blake有一部诗集叫作Songs of Innocence and of Experience(《天真与经验之歌》),常有论者就何为“innocence”,何为“experience”争执;也许,懂得lie,懂得有时(或大多数时候)要放弃truth,便是由“innocence”到“experience”的成功过渡吧。不懂得这一点,学不会撒谎,便要成为永远长不大的“老小孩”了,像Christopher那样。
因为总是明确区分truth与lie,Christopher无法理解“正常人”,特别是成年人,因为他们总是使用metaphors,而按照Christopher的理解,“a metaphor should be called a lie”,因为,当你使用metaphor的时候,你是在“describe something by using a word for something that it isn’t”。Christopher不可能懂得metaphor,至多,他只会使用simile而已。比如, 他可以描写一个警察“鼻子里好像藏着两只老鼠似的”,并且特别申明:“This is not a metaphor; it is a simile, which means that it really did look like there were two very small mice hiding in his nostrils, and if you make a picture in your head of a man with two very small mice hiding in his nostrils, you will know what the police inspector looked like. And a simile is not a lie, unless it is a bad simile”。
然而,正如William Blake说的,“If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise”。Christopher可能会被“正常人”讥笑为“He does not have all his marbles”(少根筋)。但是他查清了“深夜小狗神秘事件”的真相,他按时参加了A Level数学考试,拿了A;明年,他还要参加A Level further maths ,后年,他还要参加A Level physics,他还要拿A…… 。
在Christopher看来,“order”与这世界上的其他东西一样,也是两重的:一方面“things in a nice order”是好的;另一方面,(成年人)对别人“发号施令”又是坏的。Christopher说,“I couldn’t take orders”:
“This is because I do not always do what I am told.
And this is because when people tell you what to do,it is usually confusing and does not make sense.
For example, people often say ‘Be quiet’, but they don’t tell you how long to be quiet for. Or you see a sign which says KEEP OFF THE GRASS, but it should say, KEEP OFF THE GRASS AROUND THIS SIGN, or, KEEP OFF THE GRASS IN THIS PARK, because there is lots of grass you are allowed to walk on.
Also people break rules all the time. ... In the Bible it says, Thou shalt not kill, but there were the Crusades(十字军东征) and two world wars and the Gulf War(海湾战争), and there were Christians killing people in all of them.”
也许,“成熟”或“成年”意味着,你有一天明白,《圣经》可以有其他解读,规则可以打破,谜题不一定有正解,不一定代表高兴……但是,Christopher不理睬这些,不相信这样的“新规则”,因为他知道什么是对,什么是错。一个“美丽心灵”能够从无意义中创造意义,就像数学家可以在无限数字中找到素数,就像美国现代派诗人Wallace Stevens的The Anecdote of a Jar(《坛子轶事》)中的罐子可以给荒芜带来秩序:
I placed a jar in Tennessee,
And round it was, upon a hill.
It made the slovenly wilderness
Surround that hill.
The wilderness rose up to it,
And sprawled around, no longer wild.
The jar was round upon the ground
And tall and of a port in air.
It took dominion every where.
The jar was gray and bare.
It did not give of bird or bush,
Like nothing else in Tennessee.