Living Skins
Witnessed recently and increasingly popular: the aspiration to "green" buildings by mimicking natural organisms and habitats. The lead role goes to the outer envelope that is in contact with the elements and very visible. From self-grown buildings to membranes that react like epidermal cells, can walls come to life?
Vertical green walls instantly became a cliché of sustainable architecture. They are said to increase biodiversity, help filter air and communicate very clearly.
Green roofs are easier to handle, if their vegetation is well chosen. They offer the advantages of increasing insulation, offering better nesting opportunities and limiting storm water runoff. But they are also much less visible…
A completely different approach that forgets about resembling a natural habitat and gets its inspiration from organisms for newly designed and engineered features; here is a material that behaves as if it were alive.
The architect of the Ford Roof is co-author of a patent for the system used. It is part of a patent race currently taking place.
Could humans ever grow their buildings "organically", just like a snail builds its shell?
Less known is that when installed on a larger scale they necessarily involve complex systems of pumps to feed the plants with water and nutrients.
A competing system with biodegradable trays, also patented.
Can we think of surplus light as a resource, and use it to grow biomass? And is it ever going to be worth the effort?
1 “活的表皮”展台/The table of "Living Skins"
HE Keren: What is the skin of a truly organic building? Is it like the shell that's a growing part of a snail? The exhibition's modular panel system for green walls and roofs seems quite simple. But it's actually a complex intelligent system that's patented all the way through and it's one that is now being applied to real buildings. It would be nice to imagine all our smokedarkened factories covered with such a green skin.
SUN Lingbo:Compared with building skins that simply create fashionable patterns or forms, the research on living skins shown here, is at least trying to achieve some real sustainable benefit by mimicking natural organisms or habitats...despite the cost. But no matter how we disguise or mimic, buildings are never a part of nature. Maybe we should control our appetite for construction and the conquest of nature, reducing human intervention in the natural world instead. Maybe we should pursue a better life style rather than a living skin.
2 一个巴黎市委托的绿色墙立面的植物品种手绘图。
Hand drawing detailing the plant species that make up a green wall facade commissioned by the City of Paris.
项目/Project: Le Mirage Vert (Rue d' Aboukir) ,帕特里克·布兰克,巴黎(法国),2013年/Le Mirage Vert (Rue d' Aboukir) by Patrick Blanc, Paris (France) 2013
3 一个绿色立面或内墙系统的演示模型。这个获得专利的系统由覆层轨道、防水垫板、排水层、灌溉管、含有水培生长介质的塑料盒、植被、排水渠道,以及一个抽水和营养设备中心组成的模块板构成。整个系统通过一个自动的水管理系统运作,如有必要,用人工电力来确保植物的存活。
A demonstration model for a green facade or interior wall system. The patented system consists of modular panels made up of cladding rails, a waterproof backing board, a drainage layer, an irrigation pipe, plastic boxes containing the hydroponic growing medium, vegetation, a drain channel and a centre for pumping and nutrient dosing equipment. The whole system is programmed with an automatic water management system and, if necessary, artificial lightning to ensure the survival of the plants.
生物墙,Biotecture,博山姆(英国),2007年/Biowall by Biotecture, Bosham (UK), 2007
4、5 模块化屋顶覆盖系统专利集。越来越受欢迎、面积越来越大的屋顶绿化刺激了其建造和维护技术的专利系统的发展。例如,开发可以种植然后安装的模块化联锁盘,使土壤更容易运输,并且保护其在安装后不受风力侵蚀。目前,市场上有很多相互竞争的系统。
Collection of patents for modular roof covering systems. Increasingly popular and ever bigger green roofs have spurred on patented systems that rationalise their construction and maintenance. For instance, the development of modular interlocking trays that can be planted, then installed, make the transport of soil easier and protect the green roofs from wind erosion once installed. Many competing systems are currently on the market.
美国专利局/United States Patent Office: 2003-2011
6 -8 密歇根州迪尔伯恩福特胭脂河工厂图片精选。该项目在《从摇篮到摇篮》一书中大量提及,这是一本关于需要重新设计工业生产流程的书,项目建筑师是此书的作者之一。
a 干预前的场地(图6)
b 改造工程图纸(图7)
c 工厂的屋顶绿化(图8)
Selection of press pack images of the Ford River Rouge Plant in Dearborn, Michigan. The project is referred to extensively in Cradle to Cradle, a book on the need to redesign industrial production processes, co-authored by the architect.
a. Site before intervention (Fig. 6)
b. Drawing of the renovation project (Fig. 7)
c. Green roof of the factory (Fig. 8)
项目/Project: 从摇篮到摇篮,威廉·麦克唐纳,迈克尔·布朗嘉,弗吉尼亚州夏洛茨维尔(美国),2002年/Cradle to Cradle by William McDonough & Michael Braungart, Charlottesville VA (USA), 2002(摄影/Photos: courtesy of McDonough + Partners)
13 通过光学显微镜拍摄的一个响应温度变化的生物聚合物薄膜视频。在这种水下实验室环境中,气孔每15分钟发生变化。在20℃时,经测量孔直径为1.75mm,而在40℃时,它的直径膨胀到8mm左右。该实验是加州大学伯克利分校正在进行的自我调节活性建筑物外墙系统研究的一部分。其想法是生产在没有外部能量来源的情况下、可以感知和响应不断变化的光与吸湿条件的立面材料。这个案例可以用于热带环境中,薄膜的孔在高温下打开,提供自然通风。
Accelerated video filmed through an optical microscope of an opening (stoma) in a biopolymer membrane "programmed" to react to changing temperature conditions. In this underwater lab setting, the stoma reacts to a temperature change over a 15 minute period. At 20°C, the pore measures 1.75mm, while at 40°C, it expands to a diameter of about 8mm. The experiment is part of an ongoing research at UC Berkeley on Self-Active Building Envelope Regulation Systems (SABERs). The idea is to produce facade materials that can sense and react to changing light and hygroscopic conditions, without external sources of energy. This example could be used in tropical environments where a membrane with pores that open at high temperature would provide natural ventilation.
项目/Project: 自我调节活性建筑物外墙,Maria-Paz Gutierrez & Luke Lee, 加州伯克利(美国),2011年/Self-Activated Building Envelope Regulation by Maria-Paz Gutierrez & Luke Lee, Berkeley CA (USA), 2011
14 170m塔楼的模型(1:500)。这个塔楼的外墙不用建造,而是使用从波斯湾本地的高盐度水“种植”,通过管道网络将水抽取并喷洒在一个露天的网格立面上。水蒸发时留下晶体薄层,逐渐形成连续的盐层表皮。作为正在进行的可持续涂料研究的一部分,该模型的制作者打造了一个以盐为介质的3D打印机,而未按规定使用淀粉。
Model (1:500) of proposed 170m tower. The facade of this high-rise would not be built, but "grown" using locally sourced high-salinity water from the Persian Gulf, pumped up through a network of pipes, and sprayed onto an open mesh facade.Thin layers of crystals remain when the water evaporates and gradually form a continuous salt skin. As part of an ongoing search for sustainable printing materials, the makers of this model hacked a 3D printer to use salt as a medium, rather than the prescribed starch.
项目/Project: GEOtube, Faulders工作室, 迪拜(阿联酋),2009年/GEOtube by Faulders Studio, Dubai (United Arab Emirates), 2009(模型/Model: Emerging Objects/UC Berkeley)
9-12 5万个可生物降解的椰子容器中有170万个精选植物,覆盖了1万m2的屋顶面积。该绿化屋顶为建筑提供保温,减少雨水径流。屋顶的外形使得多余的热量积聚下来,然后通过自然通风排出。这些可持续特点为自然历史博物馆赢得了LEED白金认证。
a. 一部分屋顶的实体模型照片,用于测试绿化屋顶的土壤和植被在曲面上的行为(图9)
b. 屋顶和种植椰子容器的照片(图10、11)
c. 屋顶模型(1:512,图12)
10000m2roof area covered with 1700,000 selected plants in 50000 biodegradable coconut containers. The planted roof provides thermal insulation for the building and reduces stormwater runoff. The profile of the roof allows for excess heat to accumulate then be expelled by natural ventilation. These sustainable features, among others, earned the natural history museum platinum LEED certification.
a. Photos of a mock-up of a portion of a roof, used to test how soil and vegetation of the green roof behave on a curved surface (Fig. 9)
b. Photos of roof and planted coconut containers (Fig. 10, 11)
c. Model (1:512) of the roof (Fig. 12)
项目/Project: 加利福尼亚科学院,伦佐·皮亚诺建筑工作室,加利福尼亚州旧金山(美国),2008年/California Academy of Sciences by Renzo Piano Building Workshop, San Francisco CA (USA), 2008
15 一个光合反应器的实体模型,属于集成在一栋4层住宅楼外墙中的129个光合反应器中的一个。生物反应器中进行光合作用的藻类被喂食液体营养物和CO2。每天藻类产生约15g/m2生物量,生物量被定期收集和储存在大楼的储存罐中。为了产生能量,生物量在一个地段外的设施中发酵,产生可以通过燃烧发电的甲烷气体。在这个样本中,藻类介质已被替换为绿色的水。
Mock-up of one of the 129 photo-bioreactors, integrated in the facades of a four story residential building. Photosynthesizing algae in the bioreactors are fed liquid nutrients and CO2. The algae produce about 15 grams of biomass per m2per day that are periodically collected and stockpiled in tanks in the building. To produce energy the biomass undergoes fermentation in an offsite facility to produce methane gas that can be burnt in a power plant to generate electricity. In this specimen the algae medium has been replaced with green colored water.
项目/Project: BIQ大楼,Splitterwerk建筑事务所,奥雅纳工程顾问公司,汉堡(德国),2013年/BIQ building, by Splitterwerk & Arup, Hamburg (Germany), 2013(模型/Mockup: COLT)