

重庆与世界 2014年11期

□ 文/本刊记者 李静

“‘在中国的美式橄榄球’这样一个运动与地点的组合一开始听起来像是玩笑话,就好像‘牙买加大雪橇队’一样。但想到在这个拥有十三亿人口的国家里,任何事都有可能在某地发生,那中国美式橄榄球的存在也算合理的了。2007年,NFL(美国职业橄榄球联盟)在中国设立第一个办事处,并且组建了一个青少年橄榄球联赛,成长到今天超过36支球队的规模。与此同时,也涌现了一批业余美式橄榄球俱乐部,这其中就包括成立于2012年夏天的重庆码头工队。”——2014年4月,美国《新共和》新闻杂志将一篇关于在重庆的橄榄球队的报道刊登发表,杂志记者Christopher Beam先后10次往返美国与重庆,实地采访这个球队的每个成员,用诙谐幽默,却又不乏深思的语言,大篇幅地讲述了这个橄榄球队的故事。

让人意想不到的是,这样一篇看似普通的都市体育类文章一经发表竟被好莱坞的制片人看上,并找到了文章中多次提到的球队核心人物——美国人麦卓文(Christopher McLaurin),希望将他所在的球队的故事翻拍成一部美国好莱坞电影。对于麦卓文来说,这远远超过了他的预期,兴奋、激动和自豪……各种复杂的感情难以言表。




对于麦卓文来说,在白宫实习让他了解到了政府的难处,也更加理解政治,却也让他对中国产生了兴趣。“中国与美国有着不一样的体制与模式,我一直都想了解亚洲,但我认为目前中国在世界的影响力是不能小看的,有着不同的社会制度,却发展成为一个实力强劲的国家,这让我更想了解中国。”2012年12月,凭借亨利卢斯奖学金(Henry R. Luce)的支持,麦卓文如愿以偿来到了中国重庆,并在重庆两江新区的一个投资公司任职项目经理,负责公司的国际事务。








2014年,麦卓文从球队在中国的发展找到灵感,和他的朋友Zach Brown一起在美国创立了中美橄榄球领导者基金计划,他通过各种渠道,与一些曾就读同一所大学的校友的社会人士、政府官员等洽谈,期望得到资金捐助,支持他的这一基金项目,将具有领导者潜力的美国教练带到中国。项目刚启动,就有以前和他一起曾在大学橄榄球队打球的美国友人捐赠了2万美金支持他的基金项目。这让麦卓文对之后球队的发展更加充满信心。

带领重庆码头工队从默默无闻到被人所知,麦卓文真正将一个爱好发展成了一项事业,而他的队友们也已将这个美国人看成了他们的精神支柱,“麦卓文成为我们的主教练,让我们真正了解了橄榄球。打一开始,他就无数次地告诉我们:‘我要把你们打造成中国最强的橄榄球队!’每一次,我都说,‘没错!!!’但我心里还是有些怀疑。…… 然后,在2013年,他又说,‘我要组建一个中国美式橄榄球联盟,在全中国打比赛!’这一次我还是想,‘这太难了,这么多城市,又都是业余球队。还要制定规则,筹集旅行经费,好多好多问题!’但他做到了。每一件事,他都做到了。他组织起了联赛,并带领我们夺得了全国冠军!”队员们都对他充满了敬意。


● 图片由受访者本人提供

Chongqing US Football Team’s Story Goes Hollywood

In April, 2014, the New Republic published an article about an American football team in Chongqing. The reporter, Christopher Beam traveled 10 times between Chongqing and the US to interview each member of the team, telling the story of this unlikely team.

Surprisingly, this seemingly ordinary urban sports article was read by a Hollywood producer, who became interested in the story. He was fascinated by the team’s organizer, Christopher McLaurin, and hopes to retell his story in an American Hollywood movie. As for McLaurin, this is far beyond his wildest expectations, with feelings of excitement, pride and emotions beyond words.

White House Intern Came to Chongqing

Christopher McLaurin grew up in Michigan, a typical young American, conf i dent and positive. He was a product of the American scholar/athletic system. In Catholic high school he was a star football player and at the University of Michigan played offensive end on the varsity football team in 2009. He then applied for a Fulbright scholarship, volunteered to go to South Africa to help orphans and to study the impact of social policy and the environment on children. He then earned his Master’s Degree in Social Policy and Planning from the London School of Economics with honors. Following his studies, he obtained a position as a White House intern in 2012, assisting presidential aides on medical care, subsistence allowances, education and other government programs.

Working in the White House made McLauren understand the government’s difficulties and the politics involved, but it also got him interested in China. “China and the United States have different systems and models, but at present, China’s influence in the world cannot be underestimated. It has developed into a powerful country with a different social system, which made me want to learn more about China.” In December, 2012, Christopher came to Chongqing on a Henry Luce scholarship and works in an investment company as a project manager in Chongqing, in charge of international affairs.

From the United States to China, from a governmental department to private enterprise, McLaurin brings fresh energy to a new profession. In his view, this is his style and he enjoys trying different experiences and exploring new areas.

Coach of the American Football Team in Chongqing

When McLaurin first learned there was a football team in Chongqing, the Dockers, he expressed great interest, “Thinking about playing American football in China made me very excited.” he said with a big smile. One day in 2012, McLaurin showed up at a practice. Since the team was made up of young people from Chongqing, they didn’t really know how to play, just tried to emulate what they had seen on TV. McLaurin, who had just arrived in Chongqing and wanted to make new friends, was immediately made head coach, despite some language and cultural barriers to overcome. It was a good thing the players were all young. Between their limited English and a lot of body language, with technical help from an interpreter, things quickly got on track. McLaurin urged the team to train and practice every day, with one strict attendance rule—team members who wanted to play must receive a certain amount of training.

As a coach, McLaurin is very strict, but his general attitude toward everything gained great respect from the players. The team gradually began to change, with more and more players from different countries joining the team. It has become an international team and the players are faster and stronger than ever. McLaurin began to travel all over China, formed the Chinese National Football League and organized a national championship game. McLaurin led the Dockers to play in different cities—Chengdu, Shanghai and Hong Kong. They emerged victorious, winning the national championship.

The China-US Gridiron Leaders Fellowship Program

In 2014 McLaurin and his friend, Zach Brown established the China Gridiron Leaders Fellowship Program in America, bringing American coaches with potential leadership to China. McLaurin has made the Dockers more popular and famous, has developed a hobby into a career and his teammates see him as the spirit of the team.

Now the Dockers are preparing for their next national competition. McLaurin is focusing on the team and the Fellowship Program, while also busy with his work. He has high expectations Hollywood studios can really make his team’s story into a movie, letting the whole world see Chongqing, see the Chongqing American football team’s story. As an American struggling in Chongqing, McLaurin has taught us; if you have a dream, you should protect it, work hard and pursue it until your dream comes true.


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