

质量与标准化 2014年6期



From Horn to Various Code——Encoding and standardization of Chinese Information Transmission



Each officer has his own six flags with 8.34-meter-long staff and 5-meter-long width.When the enemies reach the bank of moat the defending troops hit the drum 3 times and hang a flag.When the enemies climb up the rampart by half the defending troops keep hitting the drum.In night,the defending troops replace flags with torches.The number of torches equal to the flags.If the enemies retreat,the defending troops will hang equal number of flags but won't hit the drum.


One stands for horizontal stroke;two and three stand for vertical stroke;four and five stand for left-falling stroke;six stands for dot and right-falling stroke;seven stands for cross;and eight and nine stand for left and right hooks.


From oracle;inscriptions on ancient bronze objects; the lesser seal character;official script;regular script to Chinese characters in computer,Chinese characters have witnessed Chinese civilization development.Besides paper media,with the concept of standardization, Chinese people have developed encoding methods of Chinese characters for information transmission.


Beacon tower and horns were the general methods for information exchange in ancient battle field,which was the origin of encoding technology for information transmission.Even though ancient Chinese developed standards for the communication,the communication could not go beyond the limitation of seeing and hearing.


In 1925,with the introduction telegraph code in China,Shanghainese Wang Yunwu developed"four corner number code",which was the origin of Chinese character encoding method.Although the code was not suitable for computer input because of coincident code it inspired the concept,that is to say,we can encoding Chinese characters according to character pattern and font,which was the origin of modern information processing of Chinese characters.Telegraph code and four corner number code were the two achievements in Chinese standardization and digitization at that time.

进入20世纪80年代,随着《信息交换用汉字编码字符集基本集》(GB 2313-80)的发布,汉语言迈入信息化时代。在短短30年间,中国推出上千种汉字编码方法和数十种输入法,呈现出万“码”奔腾的局面。近年,更借助标准化的规范统一,形成了音码、形码、手写/语音等主流汉字输入法。“汉字信息处理与印刷革命”成为仅次于“两弹一星”的20世纪我国重大工程建设成就。

In 1980s,the publication of the Chinese national standards"Information technology-Chineseideograms coded character set basic set"(GB 2313-80)symbolized the informatization of Chinese character.In thirty years,Chinese people have developed thousands of encoding methods and dozens of Chinese input methods.In recent years,with the progress of standardization in Chinese character,the input methods have been integrated into major methods including tone codes;bar codes;handwriting and voice input. Chinese character information processing and revolution in printing were the greatest achievements second to"two bombs and one satellite"in the 20th century in China.


Recently,with the development oftechnology of massive datasets and speech recognition,Chinese character information processing witnessed the second development peak.Chinese speech recognition has been widely applied in smart phone operation system such as IOS and Android and,Chinese domain names become popular in internet.Chinese language and civilization are playing more and more important role in global village.With the resurrection of Chinese nation,we believe that Chinese character will make Chinese civilization rejuvenate in the information society.



国家级一流专业 汉语言文学
Genome and healthcare