

世界建筑导报 2014年3期

UNStudio,由Ben van Berkel和Caroline Bos于1988年创立,是荷兰一家专门从事建筑、城市发展及基建项目的建筑事务所。事务所的名称UNStudio为United Network Studio(联合网络工作室)的缩写,代表着工作室在进行业务运作过程中的协作属性。


UNStudio遵循网络式理念,建立了高度灵活的工作方式,可进行参数化设计,并与其他领域的业内权威专家合作。自事务所成立以来,通过国际合作,已经在公共建筑、基础设施、办公建筑、住宅、工业设计以及城市规划等众多领域拥有丰富经验。其中的关键项目有:梅赛德斯奔驰博物馆(德国,2006年);杭州大型混合使用项目——来福士广场(中国,2008-2014年);天安Galleria百货(韩国,2010年);水原市I’PARK城89栋住宅楼规划与建筑项目(韩国,2007-2012年);高雄大立精品百货(台湾,2008年);纽约州私人别墅VilLA NM(美国,2007年);莱利斯塔德的阿果拉剧院(荷兰,2007年);阿姆斯特丹伊拉斯谟斯大桥(荷兰,1996年)。







Ben van Berkel- 联合创始人/首席建筑师

Ben van Berkel在阿姆斯特丹的Rietveld学院以及伦敦的建筑联盟(AA)学习建筑,并于1987年获得AA荣誉证书。

1988年,他和Caroline Bos在阿姆斯特丹成立了一个建筑事务所。十年后,他们又成立了一个新公司:UNStudio。UNStudio遵循网络式理念,建立了高度灵活的工作方式,可进行参数化设计,并与其他领域的业内权威专家合作。

Ben van Berkel在世界上很多建筑院校演讲授课。2011年,Ben van Berkel在哈佛大学设计研究生院,被任命为丹下健三主席。他也是法兰克福am Main Staedelschule的一名概念设计教授。他的教学核心是建筑作品整合虚拟和材料的组织及工程包容性的做法结构。

Caroline Bos - 联合创始人/首席城市规划师

Caroline Bos 在英国伦敦学习艺术史并在乌得勒支大学主修城市规划专业。1988年,她与Ben van Berkel创立Van Berkel & Bos建筑事务所。UNStudio的建立为他们的理论和写作项目扩展到建筑实践创造了机会。

Caroline 刚刚从乌得勒支省大学地球科学院获得了城市区域规划的硕士学位。她曾在几个(国际)学校作为客座讲师,同时担任普林斯顿大学访问学者。在项目中,她专门从事内容开发和分析编程,在策划、投入分析、程序简化转变为适当位置上的组织模型等方面为项目做出贡献。


UNStudio的组织结构适应我们的目标,在具有挑战性的项目中成为一个灵活的合作伙伴。我们追求快速和高效的流程,并不断评估和更新我们的工作技巧。UNStudio的管理团队由联合创始人Ben van Berkel、Caroline Bos和董事Astrid Piber、Gerard Loozekoot 以及Harm Wassink组成。Hannes Pfau是UNStudio亚洲的董事。五位副董事(Nuno Almeida、Arjan Dingsté、Wouter de Jonge、Machteld Kors和Christian Veddeler)连同管理团队组成董事会负责事务所的日常和长期管理工作。





UNStudio的办公地点,一个位于阿姆斯特丹,另一个位于上海,都设在各自的城市中心,很容易联网协作。位于阿姆斯特丹市中心的UNStudio办公室已经扩大,占据了现有建筑的四层,内部色彩时尚,富有研究实验室气氛。在上海的办公室位于上海来福士广场办公楼第46层。办公空间的概念以及设计有利于项目工作团队的变更和重组。UNStudio亚洲和UNStudio阿姆斯特丹提供全方位的服务 - 从设计到实施 -并且拥有促进思想交流的多元文化基础。进一步交换促进UNStudio为建筑师们提供在两个办公室之间进一步交流的机会。两个不同办公室间保持着持续的联系,使两个办公室实际上如同一个整体。UNStudio有约140名雇员(包括长期和短期合同雇员),由两个创始人、三个合作伙伴和六个副董事负责。





Ben van Berkel

Caroline Bos

UNStudio, founded in 1988 by Ben van Berkel and Caroline Bos, is a Dutch architectural practice specializing in architecture, urban development and infrastructural projects. The name, UNStudio, stands for United Network Studio,referring to the collaborative nature of the practice.

Throughout more than 20 years of international project experience, UNStudio has continually expanded its capabilities through prolonged collaboration with an extended network of international consultants, partners, and advisors across the globe. This network, combined with our centrally located offices in Amsterdam and Shanghai, enables us to work efficiently anywhere in the world. With already over seventy projects in Asia, Europe, and North America, the studio continues to expand its global presence with recent commissions in among others China, South-Korea,Taiwan, Italy, Germany and the USA.

As a network practice, a highly flexible methodological approach has been developed which incorporates parametric designing and collaborations with leading specialists in other disciplines. The office has worked internationally since its inception and has produced a wide range of work ranging from public buildings,infrastructure, offices, residential, products, to urban master plans. Pivotal UNStudio projects within these fields include; the New Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart (DE 2006), the large scale mixed-use project Raffles City in Hangzhou (CN 2008-2014),the Galleria Department Store in Cheonan

(KR 2010), the urban and architectural plan for 89 residential towers of I’Park City in Suwon (KR 2007-2012), the Star Place department store in Kaoshiung (TW 2008),the private family house VilLA NM in Upstate New York (USA 2007), the Agora theater in Lelystad (NL 2007) and the Erasmus Bridge in Rotterdam (NL 1996).

Design Philosophy

UNStudio avoids preconceived choices of style, and develops an architecture that is derived from research in which questions of organizational structures take centre position. After developing a clear concept for a specific project, we test programmatic data within computer generated graphics and three-dimensional

models. Within these models elements such as routing, infrastructure, and program densities can be examined and incorporated. A coherent spatial and structural logic organisation is developed from these analyses from which the physical form of the building takes its shape.

UNStudio understands the changing role of architects. New production methods developed by the building industry, the current trans-national condition of architecture,

new design techniques and the changed, more functionally complex, nature of the architectural project itself have led us to develop new working strategies.

The practice favors an integral approach to architecture; a non-hierarchical,complex, generative and integral design process that takes on board all aspects of architecture. Time, use, circulation, construction and all other material and virtual systems and underlying values are studied, visualized, related to each other,and finally joined into an inclusive organizational structure. The shifting fields of engineering, urbanism and

infrastructure form some of the most important parameters of architecture. These fields exist concurrently in one project. The new integral visualization of a project challenges the imagination to also make that switch from construction to spatial effect to organization.

The office is interested in helping our clients develop an insight into a location, its problems and potentials. This insight then serves as a decision making tool

for those responsible for the planning of the location in question. The architecture we propose results from our continuous search for the balance between a processoriented approach with its unknown outcome and an enduring professional vision.


Ben van Berkel - Co-Founder / Principal Architect

Ben van Berkel studied architecture at the Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam and at the Architectural Association in London, receiving the AA Diploma with Honours in 1987.In 1988 he and Caroline Bos set up an architectural practice in Amsterdam.Ten years later they established a new firm: UNStudio. As a network practice, a highly flexible methodological approach has been developed which incorporates parametric designing and collaborations with leading specialists in other disciplines.Ben van Berkel has lectured and taught at many architectural schools around the world. In 2011 Ben van Berkel was appointed the Kenzo Tange Chair at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design. He is also Professor Conceptual Design at the Staedelschule in Frankfurt am Main. Central to his teaching is the inclusive approach of architectural works integrating virtual and material organization and engineering constructions.

Caroline Bos - Co-Founder / Principal Urban Planner

Caroline Bos studied History of Art in London, UK, and Urban Planning at the University of Utrecht, NL. In 1988 she founded Van Berkel & Bos Architectuurbureau with the architect Ben van Berkel. The establishment of UNStudio created the opportunity to extend their theoretical and writing projects to the practice of architecture.

Caroline recently completed a Master’s Degree in urban and regional planning, at the Geosciences Faculty of the University of Utrecht. She has taught at several(international) schools as a guest lecturer and as a visiting lecturer at Princeton University. Within projects she is specialized in content development and analytic programming and contributes her knowledge on planning, input on the analysis, and translation of the program brief into an Organizational Model suitable for the location.

Organizational Structure

UNStudio’s organisational structure accommodates our objective to be a flexible partner in challenging projects. We strive for quick and efficient processes, and we constantly evaluate and renew our working techniques. The management team of UNStudio consists of Co-Founders Ben van Berkel, Caroline Bos and the Directors Astrid Piber, Gerard Loozekoot and Harm Wassink. Hannes Pfau is the Director

of UNStudio Asia. A group of five Associate Directors (Nuno Almeida, Arjan Dingsté,Wouter de Jonge, Machteld Kors and Christian Veddeler) work together with the management team as the board of directors responsible for the daily and long term management of the office.

The expertise of UNStudio’s office personnel spans the gamut from technical and design professional architects to authorities in the fields of management and theory. The internal organizational core of the practice revolves around internal communication committees from which ideas and decisions permeate

outwards and are absorbed. In these platforms specialists in their respective fields and senior personnel continuously bring our processes of planning, finance,acquisition, public relations, quality and organization to the next level. This enables us to minimize communication lines and combine the experience and expertise gained from the various projects, alongside the content developed in the knowledge platforms.

UNStudio works as a part of a united network. A highly flexible methodological approach has been developed which incorporates parametric designing and collaborations with leading specialists in other disciplines. Drawing on the knowledge found in related fields facilitates the exploration of comprehensive strategies which combine programmatic requirements, construction and movement studies into an integrated design. With this network approach UNStudio can set-up multidisciplinary teams from early stages onwards in order to create an efficient and integrated working process. This dynamic nature of the practice enables the exploration of new territories and the adaptation to future challenges.


UNStudio’s office locations, one in Amsterdam the other in Shanghai, are both located within their respective city centres and are very well linked. The Amsterdam office has grown and currently occupies four floors of an existing building. Fitted out in a contemporary and colourful fashion it has the feeling of a research laboratory.The Shanghai office space is located on the 46th floor in the Raffles City Shanghai Office towers. The design and spatial concept for both office spaces facilitates studio production by allowing for the fluid organisation and re-organisation of work groups. Both UNStudio Asia and UNStudio Amsterdam provide a full scope of services - from design to execution - and have a multicultural basis which fosters the exchange of ideas. Further exchange is facilitated as UNStudio architects are offered opportunities to commute between both offices. Continual contact is maintained between both locations, allowing the two offices to virtually operate as one. UNStudio has an average workforce of 140 employees including permanent and short-term contracts and is headed by its two Founders, three Partners and six Associate Directors.


Since the founding of the practice, UNStudio has been developing design knowledge as a result of combining the designing and building of projects with an active participation in architectural theory. In 2008, following a continued interest in geometry, digital production, material effects and attainable design solutions, this communal knowledge led to the introduction of knowledge platforms to the studio.

Whilst the primary objective of our project teams is to deliver the ‘result’ of architectural thinking, the objective of the knowledge platforms is to distill knowledge from within the practice of architecture in order to propel design thinking and innovation. In line with our network philosophy, many studies are carried out by UNStudio’s knowledge platforms in collaboration with external experts, advisors,firms and educational institutions, leading to an exchange of knowledge and expertise which often - and necessarily - extends beyond the studio itself.

The internal organisation of UNStudio’s research branch also incorporates this network philosophy. It is arranged into four interlinked Knowledge Platforms, each exploring different types of knowledge and information.


设计事务所 芬兰PES建筑师事务所