(1.中国林业科学研究院森林生态环境与保护研究所,国家林业局森林保护学重点实验室,北京 100091;2.沈阳农业大学林学院,沈阳 110866)
(1.中国林业科学研究院森林生态环境与保护研究所,国家林业局森林保护学重点实验室,北京 100091;2.沈阳农业大学林学院,沈阳 110866)
松材线虫; 松墨天牛; 媒介昆虫; 化学信号
松材线虫[Bursaphelenchusxylophilus(SteineretBuhrer)]是引起松材线虫病(松树萎蔫病)的病原物。该病被称为松树的“癌症”,对松林可造成毁灭性的危害。然而,松材线虫却不能自行传播,必须借助媒介昆虫天牛进行传播扩散[1]。松材线虫侵染感病的松树,在其上完成生活史,4龄幼虫能分化成繁殖型或分散型。繁殖型幼虫用阿拉伯数字表示(如J2, J3, J4),分散型幼虫用罗马字符表示(如JⅢ, JⅣ)。当食物和含水量充足时,松材线虫蜕皮为成虫,并通过分化成繁殖型来快速繁殖[2-3]。当被侵染的松树死亡后,食物和含水量不足时,松材线虫转化成分散型;位于木质部的分散型3龄幼虫(JⅢ)汇聚到天牛蛹室中,随后蜕皮发育成4龄幼虫(JⅣ)[4-5]。媒介昆虫天牛体内含有的特殊化学物质能促使松材线虫蜕皮发育成JⅣ,而这些化学物质与天牛成虫在蛹室内羽化的过程相偶联[6]。不取食的JⅣ通过外露在天牛体上的气门进入并附着在新羽化天牛成虫的气管中,松材线虫通过天牛成虫在健康松树上补充营养时咬食的伤口、或是在被害木上产卵时由成虫咬啮的产卵刻槽伤口处进入松树体内,从而随天牛进行传播[5]。可以说没有天牛的携带,松材线虫无法从一棵松树传播到另一棵松树上[1]。
1 松材线虫进入媒介天牛体内的化学生态学
2 松材线虫脱离天牛侵染新寄主树木的化学生态学
2.1 化学物质对松材线虫脱离行为的作用
2.2 松材线虫体内化学信号对松材线虫行为的调控作用
3 展望
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Zheng Yanan1,2,Yang Zhongqi1,Wang Xiaoyi1
(1.KeyLaboratoryofForestProtection,ResearchInstituteofForestEcology,EnvironmentandProtection,StateForestryAdministrationofChina,Beijing100091,China; 2.CollegeofForestry,ShenyangAgriculturalUniversity,Shenyang110866,China)
The pinewood nematodeBursaphelenchusxylophilus, the most important invasive species in pine forests of China, is transported to new pine hosts by beetle vector ofMonochamusalternatus.The fourth stage dispersal juvenile (JⅣ) ofB.xylophilusis a specialized life stage that must alter its response to a variety of chemical cues releasing by host trees and beetles over time to properly enter and exit its beetle vector.The research progress on chemical ecology ofB.xylophilustravelling and entering new hosts were reviewed in this paper.Chemicals, such as fatty acids, volatile terpenes, carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrocarbons may play important roles in nematode entrance and exit behavior fromM.alternatus.Besides, the intrinsic chemical cues play an important role in the transmigration ofB.xylophilusfrom beetle vectors to the healthy trees.
Bursaphelenchusxylophilus;Monochamusalternatus; vector; chemicals cues
: 2013-03-25
S 763.7
: ADOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0529-1542.2014.01.002
* 通信作者 Tel:010-62889502; E-mail:yangzhq@126.com