

中国周刊 2014年1期


Chinas First Unmanned Probe Landed on the Moon

China successfully landed its first unmanned lunar probe on the moon, the latest milestone for the budding superpowers space ambitions. The probe includes the lander and a lunar rover called Yutu. The mission is the latest big success for the Chinese space program. Chinas leaders have lavished praise on the space effort, with Xi Jinping making high-profile appearances with program personnel.




America Paid Attention To Chinas Lunar Exploration

The Change 3 probe, named after a goddess in traditional Chinese mythology, landed on the moon, setting down a lunar rover called the "Jade Rabbit"."After the success of the Change 3 mission, the lunar exploration program will enter the third phase, with the main goal being to achieve unmanned automatic collection of samples and returning them to the earth. The U.S. Defense Department has highlighted Chinas increasing space capabilities, saying it was pursuing activities aimed at preventing its adversaries from using space-based assets during a crisis.




Chinese People Are Proud of Lunar Landing Exploration

Since the lunar explorations by the United States and Soviet Union in 1976, no third country has carried out lunar landing exploration. Change 3 marks the first in the past decades, which are pride of the Chinese people. Following the mission of Change 3, China will carry out Change 4 mission, and will achieve sample collection and returning for analysis within the next five years.




China Pursues More Than Just Scientific Goals

Change 3 is part of a much bigger space program that has launched several crewed missions into the earth orbit. China is in the process of building a space station, and has ambitions to send a crewed ship to the lunar surface. Chinas space mission is designed to show that China has become a modern, technologically advanced nation. Since the space race between America and the Soviet Union, grand space programs have been a signifier of national vigor.endprint




Yutu:Symbol Of Chinas Conquering the Moon

On the night of December 14, Change 3 landed on the moon successfully, and set down the land rover the next day. Alexander Larry, expert of Institute of Russian Science, said, “Many experts believe that China can only copy technology rather than carry out technological innovation. However, China proved itself that is not the fact. Its expected China will not only become the No.1 economic power, but also becomes the technological advancement pioneer.




Lunar Journey Lights Up China Dream.

Chinas Jade Rabbit rover vehicle drove onto the moons surface after the first lunar soft landing in nearly four decades, a huge advance in the countrys ambitious space program. The mission is seen as a symbol of Chinas rising global stature and technological advancement, as well as the Communist Partys success in reversing the fortunes of the once-impoverished nation. The lunar journey lights up the China Dream.




Chinese Enterprises Enter the West

Last year, Shuanghui Group acquired Smithfield Food Company. In 2012, Bright Food Group Acquired Weetabix. The Chinese governments strategy encourages its enterprises to invest abroad and explore the international market. The reasons for this strategy includes: firstly, finding the low-risk investment channel for Chinas huge foreign exchange reserve; secondly, insufficient domestic resource supply; thirdly, the internationalization of major enterprises will benefit Chinas building soft power.



BBC 12月9日

Chinas Patent Application Ranked First in the World

World Intellectual Property Organization, in its annual report, pointed out that the total number of global application went up by 9.2 percent in 2012, reaching 2.35 million cases, the highest growth rate in the past 18 years. Chinese citizens filed 560681 patent applications in 2012, ranking first in the world. Following China are Japan and America. WIPO Director General Francis Gurry said, “Generally speaking, patent application is consistent with economic conditions”.endprint


世界知识产权组织在其年度报告中指出,全球专利申请数量在2012年上升9.2%,达到235万件,是18年来增长速度最快的时期。中国公民2012年提出了560681件专利申请,成为世界第一。日本和美国分别居第二位和第三位。 世界知识产权组织总干事弗朗西斯·高锐说:“整体来说,专利申请通常与经济表现相吻合。”


More American Hotels Are Catering to Chinese Travelers

In hopes of appealing to Chinese travelers, some high-end hotels in Southern California are making big changes such as offering new menus, Chinese-language newspapers, slippers, teakettles and even monogrammed pillows in the room.The trend of catering to Chinese travelers is spreading across North America. Other businesses in the travel industry including theme parks, tour bus operators and shops have begun to cater to Chinese tourists by hiring translators or posting signs and pamphlets in Mandarin.




Chinas ADIZ: A Low-Risk Move

On November 23, Beijing announced the East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) would go into effect.The dissatisfaction caused by Chinas ADIZ mainly comes from Japan and the United States. Chinese policymakers may have realized that the more pushback, especially from the United States, the more Beijing could celebrate Western hypocrisy for domestic audiences. The East China Sea ADIZ does not appear to be a cavalier or highrisk move. Indeed, all signs point toward a deliberate, calculated action.




Chinese People Are Subject to Gauging Success by Material Belongings

A recent survey conducted by global research firm IPSOS across 20 countries, found that a whopping 71 percent of Chinese say they gauge their success by the things they own. Thats significantly higher than it was for every other country included in the survey. To some degree, the tendency to equate material goods with overall success seems to have surfaced from societal forces. China, India and Brazil, three of the worlds most noteworthy developing countries, were all among the likeliest to measure success by material belongings.




Should Beijing Raise Subway Fares?

In an attempt to boost municipal coffers, some members of Beijings local government have suggested raising the citys subway fares. Currently, passengers need to pay just 2 yuan per ride on the Beijing subway, regardless of destination. But amid a crushing flow of passengers, particularly during rush hour, some are suggesting a distance-based fare.The idea of raising fares largely met with scorn on Chinas Twitter-like Sina Weibo.




Mining the Moon Becomes a Serious Prospect
“嫦娥三号”两器互拍结束 月球车开始月面测试工作