几十年前出版的英语词典给 Friday 下的定义是 the sixth day of the week,即“一周的第六天”,与汉语的“星期五”有差异。可是近些年出版的英语词典给Friday下的定义有了变化。例如:1. Monday is the first day of the working week. In turn, Friday is the fifth day of the working week. 星期一是一个工作周的第一天。依次类推,星期五是一个工作周的第五天。 Friday 名称的来历与金星有关。例如:2. Friday is originally translated from the Latin for“day of the Planet Venus”. Friday 原译自拉丁语“金星日”。 基督教国家有个宗教节日,叫做 Good Friday,译作“受难节”。例如:3. Good Friday is the Friday before Easter, which is a religious holiday observed primarily by Christians commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death. 受难节是复活节前的星期五,最初是基督徒纪念耶稣基督被钉在十字架上蒙难而设立的宗教节日。 因此,许多西方人认为星期五是“不祥之日”。例如:4. Friday has always been considered as an unlucky day in many Christian countries. 在许多基督教国家,星期五一直被认为是不祥之日。 如果星期五碰巧是一个月的13号,两个不吉利数字加在一起,构成了Black Friday (黑色星期五)。例如:5. In history there have been a number of unfortunate events that happened on a Friday the 13th and are known as Black Friday. 历史上曾有一些碰巧发生在星期五而且是13号的不幸事件,被称作“黑色星期五”。 现在西方国家,Black Friday 变成盛大的购物日,不再带有宗教色彩,而更具有商业气息。例如:6. Black Friday is the Friday following Thanksgiving Day in the United States (the fourth Thursday of November), often regarded as the beginning of the Christmas shopping season. “黑色星期五”是美国感恩节后紧跟的星期五(11月的第四个星期五),通常被看做是圣诞购物季的开端。▲(本栏目供稿:王逢鑫教授)