

阅读与作文(英语初中版) 2013年12期


Ⅰ. 听力测试部分(略)

Ⅱ. 选择填空。(本题共15分,每小题1分)。

( )26. —Do you think predicting the future can be difficult?

—Yes, but some predictions have _________.

A. come true B. realized

C. discovered D. invented

( )27. —Sorry I have to go back at once because I have ________ my schoolbag on the playground.

—You are too careless.

A. forgot B. left

C. brought D. taken

( )28. —Could you please wait for me ________ more minutes?

—No problem.

A. a few B. a little

C. another D. much

( )29. —How long ________ you ________ Wuhan, Sally?

—Let me see. For about five years.

A. have; been to B. have; been in

C. have; gone to D. did; come to

( )30. —I am weak in English. I want you to give me some ________ on it.

—Youd better read more and listen more.

A. suggestion B. tip

C. advice D. information

( )31. —Now we can fly directly to Taiwan Island from Wuhan.

—Oh, thats an important ________ to all Chinese people.

A. accident B. event

C. plan D. program

( )32. —How are you ________ with your new classmates in your new school?

—Quite well. Some of them have become my best friends.

A. getting over B. getting in

C. getting on D. getting back

( )33. —Well have a basketball match this afternoon.


A. Yes, of course B. Never mind

C. Youre stronger D. Good luck

( )34. —You look very _________ now. Whats happened, Pierre?

—I failed in the math exam this time again.

A. frustrated B. excited

C. disappointedly D. worriedly

( )35. —The two girls hardly talk with each other now.

—But they ________ be very close friends.

A. get used to B. used to

C. are used to D. turned into

( )36. —I like soft music but I dont know what radio station to listen to.

—Wuhan Radio Station is very suitable. It often ________ very sweet songs.

A. makes B. does

C. sings D. plays

( )37. —Ma Ming, do you know why Chen Lu is absent today?

—She has to ________ her sick mother at home.

A. care about B. care for

C. take care D. take after

( )38. —Do you know ________ with Li Ming?

He has been absent from school for days.

—An accident happened to him.

A. what was the matter B. whats the matter

C. what the matter was D. what the matter is

( )39. —________ did you do with your old car?

—I gave it to my brother.

A. How B. What

C. Why D. Where

( )40. —Tom, work harder, ________ youll fall behind your classmates.

—Mom, I know.

A. but B. so

C. and D. or

Ⅲ. 完形填空。(本题共25分,每小题1分)


Bob always took the newspaper to Grandpa Whites home before going home. Grandpa Whites home was at the end of the road. Bob liked Grandpa White. He was often ________(41) for him near the front gate with sweets or a nice cake. ________(42), he often asked Bob about things he was doing—about what he was going to do for the summer and ________(43) he liked to do.

The thing that Bob didnt like about Grandpa was his never ending ________(44) about his boyhood in California. Bob ________(45) asked to hear about Grandpas boyhood, but he couldnt ________(46).

After Grandpas wife died in October, Bob could see that Grandpa was ________(47) than ever. He would often ________(48) Bob halfway along the road and walk along with him as he gave out the papers. Grandpa seemed to be free all day, and Bob often was late ________(49) his papers to his customers. Bob didnt want to _______(50) but the customers were unhappy.

( )41. A. waiting B. expecting C. dreaming D. exchanging

( )42. A. However B. Besides C. Therefore D. Except

( )43. A. how B. where C. which D. what

( )44. A. people B. school C. friends D. stories

( )45. A. never B. always C. sometimes D. usually

( )46. A. get on B. get along C. get away D. get in

( )47. A. lonelier B. sadder C. happier D. easier

( )48. A. take B. bring C. join D. attend

( )49. A. getting B. saving C. traveling D. moving

( )50. A. confuse B. complain C. explain D. concentrate


Pam was a high school girl. She was in Campus Life Club I _______(51) some years ago, and she was very _______(52). She used to call me two or three times a week. She usually called to _______(53) her problems and how sad she was. When she called me again, I said to her, “Pam, dont call me again, until youve _______(54) out a task Id like to give you.” I encouraged her to go to the local senior citizens [老年人的] house and do some things _______(55) the old people for one night.

That night she ________(56) to some old people, walked with them and listened to their stories. When she was leaving, some of them asked, “When will you be back?” Well, she hadnt ________(57) to come back, but their _______ (58) caused her to tell them, “Uh, next week.” She did go back the following week—and every week after that through the rest of her high school life. _______ (59) I knew that shed become a doctor. Once she started to live for some people who needed her, Pam didnt call ________(60) any more.

Pam learned something when she began to help ________(61) than just caring about her own needs. Think about the joy you _______ (62) in giving to someone you love. Lifes golden _______(63) arent the ones that are about us—theyre about others! So, if youve been feeling _______(64), you need to find someone who needs you and help them. Your pain can become a powerful tool to understand and _______(65) someone who has the same pain.

( )51. A. made B. ran C. operated D. produced

( )52. A. alone B. successful C. lonely D. lucky

( )53. A. talk with B. talk over C. talk about D. talk into

( )54. A. carried B. done C. put D. finished

( )55. A. to B. on C. into D. for

( )56. A. watched B. read C. looked D. stayed

( )57. A. thought B. planned C. gone D. considered

( )58. A. expectation B. decision C. trouble D. sadness

( )59. A. Later B. Truly C. Really D. Strangely

( )60. A. many B. much C. little D. usually

( )61. A. another B. ourselves C. persons D. others

( )62. A. see B. offer C. collect D. experience

( )63. A. times B. moments C. events D. styles

( )64. A. up B along C. down D. on

( )65. A. tell B. order C. invite D. encourage

Ⅳ. 阅读理解。(本题共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)


Many people like sending and receiving text messages. But sending and receiving text messages when people are driving is not a good thing. This may make drivers less careful while driving. This is a new problem of young drivers in the US.

There are many things that can make people less careful when they are driving, but one of the biggest things may be cell phones, a survey said. The survey said 89% of young people said they had seen other young drivers talking on a cell phone while they were driving. The survey also found a new problem—sending and receiving text messages. The survey of one thousand young drivers found about half of them send and receive text messages while they are driving. But the survey didnt say the number of accidents caused[造成] by sending and receiving text messages while driving. It said this is because its a new problem.

The survey said this was not only a problem of young people. Adults[成年人] had this problem, too. Many people are worried about this problem. So some states are thinking about making a law[法律] about sending and receiving text messages while people are driving. Washington became the first state to make the law about this. The law says sending and receiving text messages while people are driving is against law. Now at least six other states are thinking about the same law.

( )66. From this passage we know ________.

A. sending and receiving text messages is very popular in America

B. only young people like sending text messages

C. young drivers are very careful in America

D. most accidents were caused by young people

( )67. Now ________ of the states have made a law against sending and receiving text messages while people are driving.

A. many B. very few

C. some D. none

( )68. We can infer from this passage _________.

A. sending and receiving text messages when people are driving is not a good thing

B. we know the number caused by young people

C. more states will make a law against sending and receiving text messages while driving

D. adults also like sending text messages more

( )69. It is clear that __________.

A. only 1000 use cell phones while driving

B. 89 percent of American people use cell phones while driving

C. 95 percent of American people have cell phones

D. most young people saw others using cell phones while driving

( )70. According to this passage __________.

A. young people shouldnt drive cars

B. using cell phones is not a good thing when driving

C. Now six states have made a law against using cell phones when driving

D. Washington has not made a law about it


Welcome to Visit Hanyang Animal Zoo

Would you like to see pandas from Sichun earthquake-hit area and big elephants from Yunnan and tigers from the northeast. The African giraffes are waiting for you. All clever monkeys are going to make you laugh. A lot of other animals you have never seen are waiting to welcome you.




Less than six:Free

Opening time:From January 1 to 31

Monday to Friday:9:00am-4:30pm, Saturday and Sunday:8:00am-5:30pm


Please dont throw rubbish anywhere.

Be careful of animals, Dont give food to animals or go too near to the animals.

( )71. From this passage we know ________.

A. we can see all the animals in Hanyang Animal Zoo the whole year

B. all the animals come from China

C. all the children have to pay to go into the zoo

D. the ticket price of adults is much higher than that of childrens

( )72. From this passage we can infer ________ is the most interesting animal.

A. pandas B. elephants

C. monkeys D. tigers

( )73. Now Mr. and Mrs. Morgan are going to the zoo with their two children. One is four and the other is ten.

How much will they pay for the tickets?

A. Twelve yuan. B. Fifteen yuan.

C. Eighteen yuan. D. Twenty yuan.

( )74. The opening time on Sunday lasts _________.

A. nine hours B. ten hours

C. eight and a half hours D. nine and a half hours

( )75. From this passage we can know _________.

A. we can feed food to the animals

B. it may be dangerous to go very close to the animals

C. we can throw rubbish in the zoo

D. giraffes come from America


The sun was warm. I was still really cold. “My dear,” Mommy said to me, “Please go on. Youre strong enough. Youre brave enough to live on!” “Dont worry,” I smiled. “Im OK, Mommy, Ill never give up.” Mommy smiled after hearing my words.

But how could I go on? I had spent all the money made by my parents for their whole lives. It was my illness that made my parents become old, but they were much sadder than I was. How could I still live in this family? How could I still live in the world?

In fact, we had no money to pay for my illness. I didnt know why they had to spend so much on my life. It was really not necessary. I wanted to stop.

I suddenly felt the wall coming to me. All was black. I passed out again. I didnt know how many times I had passed out and recovered. I hoped this was the last time. At that time, I thought of a song: “Mama, you give life to me, turned a baby into a lady; Mama, all I have to offer was a guarantee of you loving me…”

Goodbye was the saddest word Ive ever heard. I knew I shouldnt stop and must live on. My mommy was with me. “Baby, I will always love you!” I heard my mommys words. “Mommy, I wont stop. I will try my best to get well again!” I said.

( )76. The writer spent all her familys money because _________.

A. she went on with her further studies abroad

B. she lost her money

C. her family was very poor

D. she caught a very disease

( )77. “All was black” perhaps means “_________”.

A. It was a dark night B. The writer felt very sad

C. It was a sad night D. The writer almost lost her life again

( )78. Now we can infer from this passage _________.

A. the parents spent very much money on her daughter

B. the family has become very poor

C. the writer still live

D. the writer was a very sick person.

( )79. From this passage we can learn _________.

A. the writers mother is really an old woman

B. the writers parents spent so little money on their daughter

C. the writer wants to live on very much now

D. the writer has become well again

( )80. The best title of this passage can be _________.

A. I must live on for your love B. A very bad illness

C. A poor child D. A poor family

Ⅴ. 阅读理解填词。先阅读短文,在其后空白处写出各单词的正确形式,单词的第一个字母已给出(本题共10分,每小题1分)。

I want to be a designer[设计师] when I grow up. Ive always been very creative and I want to use this talent in my f________ (81) job. But I havent yet decided w________ (82) I want to design buildings or clothes!

Now I am 14 years old, and my city is c_________(83) very quickly. There are new beautiful buildings now that did not exist[存在] when I was 10 or even last year. These buildings make my city more b_________ (84), and the people happier, because they have nicer places to work, live or exercise. Also, I think the f________ (85) in China is changing very quickly. Girls feel very p_________(86) and happy when they are dressed in beautiful clothes. So if I can make people happier while d_________ (87)something I love, I think it is the best job.

Also, my parents want me to s_________ (88) as a designer. They told me that it was their dream job, too. They have shown me how to use different design programs on the c_________ (89), and Im already able to use flash and other programs. Its really i_________ (90). I can only use it at the weekend or during the holidays, when I dont have to study so much.


26-30 ABABC 31-35 BCDAB 36-40 DBBBD 41-45 ABDDA

46-50 CACAB 51-55 BCCAD 56-60 BBAAB 61-65 DDBCD

66-70 ABCDB 71-75 DCBDB 76-80 DDBCA 81. future

82. whether 83. changing 84. beautiful 85. fashion

86. pretty 87. doing 88. succeed 89. computer

90. interesting


Section B
Step 4
Let it goChris