(1. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所生态网络观测与模拟重点实验室CERN综合研究中心, 北京 100101; 2. 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049; 3. 中国科学院西北高原生物研究所, 西宁 810001; 4. 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所, 沈阳 110016; 5. 中国科学院华南植物园, 广州 510650)
(1. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所生态网络观测与模拟重点实验室CERN综合研究中心, 北京 100101; 2. 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049; 3. 中国科学院西北高原生物研究所, 西宁 810001; 4. 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所, 沈阳 110016; 5. 中国科学院华南植物园, 广州 510650)
生态系统呼吸是陆地生态系统碳收支的重要组成部分,分析其组分间的相互关系对理解生态系统呼吸过程和精确评价生态系统碳收支具有重要意义,也是当前碳循环研究工作的一大难点。利用ChinaFLUX的长白山温带针阔混交林(CBS),鼎湖山亚热带常绿阔叶林(DHS)和海北灌丛草甸(HBGC)3个典型生态系统的通量观测数据,分析了经验统计方法在中国典型生态系统中的适用性及敏感性,揭示了生态系统呼吸各组分的动态变化特征及相互关系。结果表明:采用呼吸组分拆分方法所获结果与理论推测及实测数据大致相同,拆分结果对净初级生产力与总初级生产力比值(NPP/GPP)的变化较为敏感,NPP/GPP变化0.1时,自养呼吸在生态系统呼吸中的比例(Ra/RE)改变0.05。各生态系统中,生态系统呼吸及其组分在年内均表现出明显的单峰型变化特征,在夏季生长旺盛的时节达到最大值。异养呼吸与生态系统呼吸的比值(Rh/RE)也具有明显的季节变化,但在生态系统间表现出明显差异,CBS和HBGC分别表现出先增大后减小和先减小后增大的变化趋势,DHS则相对稳定,在0.5附近波动, Ra/RE的季节动态与Rh/RE相反。在年总量上,HBGC主要通过异养呼吸向大气排放CO2,异养呼吸占生态系统呼吸的60%,而CBS和DHS的自养呼吸和异养呼吸所占比重大致相似,异养呼吸占生态系统呼吸的49%。这说明,经验统计学模型可以用来进行生态系统呼吸组分的拆分,进而可以为生态系统碳循环过程的精细研究提供参考数据,但今后应加强NPP/GPP的测定,以提高生态系统呼吸拆分的精度。
生态系统呼吸(RE)是碳循环的重要分量[1],与气候变化间存在着正反馈效应[2- 3],不仅在当前全球碳收支中占有较大的比重,而且在未来还会呈现不断增大的趋势[4]。已有研究表明,全球的RE约为103 PgC a-1[5],占全球总初级生产力(GPP)总量(123 PgC a-1[6])的83.74%。
目前,拆分RE组分的方法有许多种。第1种是将箱式法与涡度相关系统观测相结合,分别获取土壤呼吸(Rs)和RE,实现RE组分的拆分[12- 14]。然而,基于箱式法获取的Rs包含了Ra和Rh,对Rs进行拆分也是一项艰巨的工作。第2种是利用生物量调查法获取生态系统净初级生产力(NPP),结合涡度相关观测结果估算Ra和Rh[15- 17],但生物量调查和涡度相关观测的时间尺度不一致,并且生物量调查法耗费大量的人力物力,难以获得持续的、高质量观测数据。第3种是基于过程机理模型模拟Ra和Rh,但该方法所需参数较多,结果也受到模型设计者对RE过程理解程度的限制[10]。基于同位素分馏比也可以实现对RE组分的拆分[18- 19],但所需仪器设备非常昂贵。Schwalm等[20]提出了基于通量观测数据的统计学拆分方法,并对其不确定性进行了分析。结果表明,该方法具有很好的稳定性,不同参数方案间没有明显差异,这为利用通量观测数据分析RE组分提供了新的技术途径。
1 研究地点与研究方法
1.1 站点介绍
表1 研究站点基本信息
CBS:长白山温带针阔混交林Changbai Mountains temperate conifer and broadleaf mixed forest;HBGC:海北灌丛草甸Haibei alpine Shrub;DHS:鼎湖山亚热带常绿阔叶林Dinghu Mountains subtropical evergreen broadleaf forest
3个生态系统均利用开路式涡度相关系统(OPEC)进行生态系统碳水通量观测,原始采样频率为10 Hz,通过数据采集器计算并储存30 min的通量数据。同时观测温度、湿度、降水、辐射等气象要素并计算30 min平均值储存[21- 24]。此外,辅以静态箱-气相色谱法测定土壤呼吸,每隔7—10 d测定1次[25- 27]。
1.2 数据处理
1.2.1 通量数据处理
采用ChinaFLUX通用数据处理流程对30 min通量数据进行处理[21],包括三次坐标旋转、WPL校正、储存项计算及降水剔除、阈值剔除和方差剔除等,并根据Reichstein等[28]的方法确定夜间u*临界值、实现夜间数据剔除、完成数据质量控制。利用非线性回归方法对碳通量数据进行插补,并将碳通量拆分为GPP和RE。
1.2.2 自养呼吸和异养呼吸的拆分
表2 不同θ值下的β范围
1.3 生态系统呼吸拆分结果的验证
1.4 数据统计
2 结果与分析
2.1 生态系统呼吸及其组分的季节动态
生态系统碳通量具有明显的季节变化特征[29- 31]。由于年际间生态系统的季节动态特征相似[32- 34],本文以2003年数据为例分析中国典型森林和草地生态系统碳通量的季节动态(图1)。
图1 2003年典型生态系统气温及碳通量的季节变化特征Fig.1 Seasonal dynamics of air temperature and carbon fluxes in typical ecosystems in 2003
3个生态系统的RE均表现出明显的单峰型变化,峰值均出现在7—8月份(图1),与气温的季节动态(图1)相似,这是因为,生态系统尺度上,气温的波动决定了RE的季节动态[35]。生态系统间,最大呼吸速率存在差异,CBS可以达到9.20 gC m-2d-1,DHS和HBGC明显小于CBS,均不足4 gC m-2d-1。这主要是生产力的差异引起的,生产力与RE存在着密切的耦合关系[35- 37]。
2.2 生态系统呼吸组分与生态系统呼吸比值(Rh/RE和Ra/RE)的季节动态
图2 2003年三个典型生态系统的生态系统呼吸组分在生态系统呼吸中所占比例(Rh/RE, Ra/RE)的季节动态特征Fig.2 Seasonal dynamics of the ratio of autotrophic respiration and heterotrophic respiration to ecosystem respiration (Ra/RE, Rh/RE) in typical ecosystems in 2003
2.3 生态系统呼吸及其组分的年总量
表3 典型生态系统的生态系统呼吸及其组分的年总量
3 讨论
3.1 生态系统呼吸拆分结果的不确定性
从图3可以看出,在CBS,Rh与Rs的比值为0.34(图3),这在之前研究结果[38- 39]的范围内,并与东北林区其他研究[40]相似。在DHS和HBGC,Rh与Rs间没有明显的关系。这是因为,在CBS,利用箱式法观测的Rs是生态系统呼吸的一部分(图3),可以反映RE的动态,但在DHS和HBGC,箱式法观测到的Rs几乎与该时段的RE相一致,这可能是由箱式法本身观测的误差引起的。
进一步整理了已发表文献的NPP数据,结合涡度相关观测的碳通量结果,估算RE及其组分年总量间的相互关系。在CBS,张娜等[41]模拟发现,1995年该生态系统Ra/RE高达0.82,高于本研究结果(表3),这可能是他们估算的NEP过高及NPP偏小导致的,NEP值高达392 gC m-2a-1[41],比涡度相关观测结果[34]高54%。在DHS,2003—2004年的NPP为970 gC m-2a-1[42],结合Yu等[34]的结果可以看到,这两年该生态系统的Ra/RE为52.33%,与本研究结果(表3)相似。
虽然Piao等[11]总结已有研究结果[1, 43- 44]发现,Ra与GPP的比值虽然表现出随着温度的增加先降低后增大,但具有较大的变异性,基于本研究的方法,CBS、DHS、HBGC的Ra/GPP分别为0.40、0.31、0.35,也在Piao等[11]的范围之内。
3.2 生态系统呼吸拆分结果对NPP/GPP的敏感性
表4 不同处理方案下θ值下的β范围
图4 2003年不同NPP/GPP的典型生态系统的生态系统呼吸组分在生态系统呼吸中所占比例(Rh/RE, Ra/RE)的季节动态特征Fig.4 Seasonal dynamics of the ratio of autotrophic respiration and heterotrophic respiration to ecosystem respiration (Ra/RE, Rh/RE) in typical ecosystems in 2003 with different NPP/GPP
Table5Theratioofautotrophicrespirationandheterotrophicrespirationtoecosystemrespiration(Ra/RE, Rh/RE)underdifferentdatatreatments
3.3 生态系统呼吸各组分间的相互关系
4 结论
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ZHU Xianjin1,2, YU Guirui1, *, WANG Qiufeng1, GAO Yanni1,2, ZHAO Xinquan3, HAN Shijie4, YAN Junhua5
Ecosystem respiration (RE), the release of carbon from an ecosystem into the atmosphere, is a key component of the terrestrial ecosystem carbon budget and plays an important role in the global carbon balance. Analyzing the interaction between RE components is essential to understand RE and to accurately evaluate the ecosystem carbon budget. There are many methods for separating RE into autotrophic respiration (Ra) and heterotrophic respiration (Rh), but each approach has disadvantages. Large RE data have obtained through long-term eddy covariance measurements, while the interaction between Ra and Rh is poorly documented, which inhibits the accurate assessment of global carbon budget. In this study, we used an empirical statistical method to separate RE into its two components and to examine component relationships and seasonal dynamics at three ChinaFLUX sites: 1) Changbaishan temperate mixed forest (CBS); 2) Dinghushan subtropical evergreen broad-leaf forest (DHS); and 3) Haibei shrub meadow (HBGC). The applicability and sensitivity of this method in typical ecosystems of China were also evaluated. The method used in this study was based on the ratio of Ra to RE (Ra/RE). The range of Ra/RE was obtained by calculating two ratios: the ratio of RE to net ecosystem productivity (NEP) (RE/NEP) and that of net primary productivity (NPP) to gross primary productivity (GPP) (NPP/GPP). Within the range of Ra/RE, 1000 Ra/REs were randomly selected and the value of Ra/RE used in this study was set as the mean of the 1000 random Ra/REs. Ra and Rh were then calculated using Ra/RE and RE.
Our study showed that the RE separating method produced consistent results with those obtained through static chamber/gas chromatographic techniques at the same sites, as well as with biomass surveys and theoretical speculation. The interaction of RE components was sensitive to the variation of NPP/GPP: a ten-percent increase of NPP/GPP led to a five-percent decrease of Ra/RE. In all three ecosystems, RE and its components showed similar seasonal dynamics, with a single-peak pattern achieving its maximum midway through the growing season. The ratio of Rh to RE (Rh/RE) also showed different seasonal dynamic among the three ecosystems. In CBS, Rh/RE increased during the first half of the year, reached its peak during the growing season then decreased. However, Rh/RE in HBGC decreased during the first half of the year and increased again later in growing-season. In DHS, Rh/RE was relatively stable at approximately 0.5. Seasonal dynamics of Ra/RE were opposite to those in Rh/RE. The annual total Rh accounted for 60% of the RE in HBGC, suggesting that a large proportion of emitted carbon was released by Rh in this ecosystem. In CBS and DHS, Rh was only 49% of RE, indicating that the release of carbon through Ra and Rh was nearly the same in these two forest ecosystems. Results indicate that this statistical method, which requires detailed observations of NPP/GPP, can successfully separate RE into Rh and Ra and can provide necessary data for the detailed analysis of the ecosystem carbon cycle.
terrestrial ecosystem; ecosystem respiration; eddy covariance; carbon fluxes; autotrophic respiration; heterotrophic respiration
国家重点基础研究发展规划资助项目(2010CB833504); 国家自然科学基金资助项目(31061140359, 30590380); 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项资助项目(XDA05050601)
2012- 07- 13;
2013- 06- 21
*通讯作者Corresponding author.E-mail: yugr@igsnrr.ac.cn
朱先进,于贵瑞,王秋凤,高艳妮,赵新全,韩士杰,闫俊华.典型森林和草地生态系统呼吸各组分间的相互关系.生态学报,2013,33(21):6925- 6934.
Zhu X J, Yu G R, Wang Q F, Gao Y N, Zhao X Q, Han S J, Yan J H.The interaction between components of ecosystem respiration in typical forest and grassland ecosystems.Acta Ecologica Sinica,2013,33(21):6925- 6934.