(辽宁师范大学 体育学院,辽宁 大连 116029)
(辽宁师范大学 体育学院,辽宁 大连 116029)
1 运动单位募集
2 运动单位放电率
3 运动单位的同步与协调
4 力量训练的中枢适应
5 结语
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Liang Chengjun
(School of Physical Education,Liaoning Normal University,Dalian, 116029,Liaoning,China)
The increasing muscle strength caused by strength training, which the neural system plays an important role, has become a focus in the research field of strength training. The author summarized research results on the character and mechanism of neural adaptation in muscle strength training, which is mainly from the aspects of motor recruitment, discharge rate, synchronization and neural center adaptation and so on. The major idea is to elucidate its present research situation. Size Principle was followed in motor recruitment, and the control strategies of different contraction form are different. The change of discharge rate of motor unit has effect on muscle strength, but with different opinion. The relationship between motor synchronization and muscle strength is not clear. Adaptation change caused by muscle strength training in central nervous system, and some issues needed to be further study because of restriction on research technique and method.
muscle;strength training;recruitment;discharge rate;neural adaptation