

深圳职业技术学院学报 2013年1期



1 四轮独立驱动独立转向电动汽车


4-Wheel Independent Drive and Independent Steering Electric Vehicle

4-wheel independent drive and independent steering electric vehicle adopts hub motor to drive cars. Four wheels on their own are four motors, so each wheel can drive the car individually. The driving system can make the car work in a state of front wheel drive, rear wheel drive, front wheel drive, one side drive and single wheel drive. 4-wheel independent drive and independent steering electric vehicle uses four independent steering motors to control the angles of four wheels steering individually. The steering system is characterized by steering functions such as lateral movement (fig. a), slope movement (fig. b), steering around the arbitrary set turning center (fig. c)and pivot steering (fig. d). This product has been granted three national patents.

2 煤矿人员定位及传感检测无线网络系统

首先,通过特殊设计的入井唯一性检测系统,在工人陆续串行下井的情况下,不仅能检测到一人携带多卡的情况,还拥有判别识别卡状态的功能;当标识卡不工作或电池电量不足时,该系统会实时告警,达到及时更换电池或标识卡的目的。其次,通过WIFI AP二合一分站搭建的无线WIFI网络,连通各煤矿及井下,集成基于TCP/IP 技术的本安手机等各种WIFI终端设备,不仅能实现井下无线语音通讯功能,提供不低于原有小灵通技术的电信级别的语音通话质量,还能对WIFI终端设备进行主动定位,增强井下人员及设备的管理性。与此同时,进入井下的工作人员必须随身携带标识卡,当持卡人员经过无线现场数据专网的覆盖范围时,将被系统识别。系统将自动采集有效识别距离内的标识卡的信息,无间断、即时地通过传输网络将相关数据传送至地面中心站,使中心站能及时动态掌握井下人员的分布及作业情况,进行精确的人员定位。系统不仅能实现常规的人员定位功能,而且还能通过设计的无线传感模块,把各种无线传感器的实时采集数据,按照标准格式通过无线现场数据专网向服务器实时传输。最后,坑道一旦发生安全事故,监控中心能在第一时间知道被困人员的基本情况,救险队可使用特殊定制的移动式读卡器,在10~30 m的范围内方便探测遇险人员的位置,便于进行安全高效的救护、救助工作。

Personnel Location and Wireless Sensor Network Used in Mines

This system is specially developed for wireless communication and wireless sensing in mines. Much improvement has been made characterized by easy operation in network development, high efficiency, low cost,high transmit rate, low power consumption, small volumes, etc., which makes it competitive in communication and management functions. The system can identify the number of ID card carried by miners, as they go through the checking gate one by one with only 3 meters distance, and information of the ID card can be recorded by the system in time. As the voltage of the battery used by the ID card become low, warning will be given reminding that the battery should be replaced. The network platform combined with WIFI and AP can ensure data communication and voice services in the mine. In this system, once miners carry an ID card, the system can identify their position and production information can be sent to monitoring center continuously in time. Finally, with the system, miners’ position can be located and communication can keep working normally should problems arise, making sure that rescue can be undertaken immediately and efficiently.

3 太阳能自动跟踪装置


Solar Automatic Tracking Device

The biaxial automatic tracking device developed by Prof. GAO makes it possible that the solar panel can maximize the solar radiation by adopting technologies such as PLC control, stepper motor control,electromechanical integration, software, electrical control and so on. Sunlight automatic tracking function by solar panels in solar photovoltaic system ensures its feasibility. Automatic reset function of “day” and “year”ensures its applicability. Functions such as overrun and leakage protection and other functions ensure its safety and reliability. The solar photovoltaic power generation system can be widely applied because it is not affected by either additional interference, or latitude and longitude. Characterized by features such as reasonable structure, advanced and well-developed technology, low risk, simple operation, easy operation, low cost, and high cost performance, it can be widely used for solar automatic tracking in the field of solar energy photovoltaic power generation, and can effectively improve the photoelectric conversion rate of the battery plate in solar photovoltaic power generation industry in the battery plate, and therefore holds out a broad market prospect.

4 多套数控系统控制组合机床的装置

机电工程学院朱仕学教授(主持研发的多套数控系统控制组合机床装置,实现了2套FANUC 0I MATE TC数控系统控制一台数控车床,同时进行长杆件两端加工的方法,掌握了多套数控系统如何协调控制一台数控车床的原理和方法,为多套数控系统联合控制组合数控机床提供了一个全新的案例。该装置可提高加工效率100%,实现4轴以上的多轴加工,加工精度提高30%以上,实现自动上、下料加工,可应用于多种专用途的多方工位加工的数控机床的控制。为多套 3、4轴数控系统组合控制多工位加工专用组合数控机床提供了市场。

Combination of Multiple Sets of CNC Machine Tool Control Device

Two FANUC 0I MATE TC CNC systems are developed to control the CNC lathe for pole piece ends processing. Methods, principles for numerical control system of several sets coordinating the control of a CNC lathe are presented, which offers a case study of CNC machine control.



Processing efficiency increased by 100 percent; More than 4-axis multi-axis machining realized: Precision increased by above 30%; Automatically raw materials processing; Applicable to a variety of special purpose CNC multi-station machine control. This device promises a broad market for combination of CNC machine tool combining several sets of 3, 4-axis CNC control system.

5 残疾人用爬楼轮椅


Stair-climbing Wheelchair for the Disabled

Two types of wheelchair are available for the disabled nowadays, traditional wheelchair and electric ones.Yet, both of them are only suitable for the flat road. As long as there is a slightly high bar, the wheelchairs can hardly pass through. In the case of going upstairs, they have no choice but to take the elevator. However,many residential buildings in China have no elevators. For seniors and disabled persons, it is indeed rather difficult to live in buildings without elevators. Therefore, an electric wheelchair that can climb stairs is developed. Characterized by ingenious design and simple structure including components such as wheelchair brackets, seats, handles,actuating device, rear-wheel & front-wheel parts, transmission parts, etc, the wheelchair can climb stairs easily.

6 便携式电能质量检测分析数据终端(PQS-430)

汽车与交通学院李正国博士(研发的PQS-430,遵循电能质量七项国家标准和电能质量监测设备通用要求的国家标准,集谐波分析、波形采样与电压骤升/骤降记录、闪变监测、电压不平衡度测量、波形的瞬态捕捉、事件记录、测量控制等多功能为一体,具备强大的数据处理能力。PQS-430外形精致美观,工业级大屏幕液晶触摸屏显示操控界面,方便用户查看数据和功能操作;采用高性能DSP搭载嵌入式实时操作系统,实现高速采样,可监测3回路电压和4回路电流,每周波512点采样,最高可达255次谐波分析,电压骤升/骤降满足国标GB/T 18481-2001和IEC61000-4-30标准;可支持长时闪变和短时闪变监测及闪变合格率统计;可测量电压、电流的不平衡度及矢量分析;波形瞬态捕捉最短时间可到40μs;具有时间顺序记录的功能,可记录事件发生的时间、类型、持续事件和典型值,时间分辨率为1ms,至少记录2048条,记录掉电不丢失;测量与计量部分可以测量三相的实时电参量和电能数据。同时,也可以记录谐波电能数据等功能,通讯接口采用高速以太网接口,可以方便的联机组网,也支持 USB主/从模式接口,便于数据移动存储。PQS-430专门针对电能质量专家,以及工作于各省市电力中试所、大中型科研机构和工矿企业配用电部门的电气设计人员而设计,它具有一般只有昂贵的电能质量记录仪才具备的功能,可广泛应用于配电系统的线路检测、由谐波引起的变压器和发电机故障检修等工作领域。

Portable Data Terminal of Electricity Quality Inspection (PQS-430)

With the development of information technology, requirements for electricity quality from end users are increasing. Poor electricity quality will affect electricity generation, transfer and consumption. So it is necessary to know the quality of electricity net with the help of special equipments. Currently two kinds of equipments are available, on-line equipment, and portable equipment, the latter of which is smaller and convenient for inspection place selection.

PQS-430 can meet seven national standards of electricity quality and general national standard of electricity quality inspection equipment. It integrated the functions of harmonic analysis, wave sampling,voltage record of sharp and increase and decrease, flicker inspection, measuring of voltage unbalance, wave real-time grasping, event record and measurement control with powerful data processing ability. PQS-430 is delicately made with large LCD touching screen for controlling and data checking, and high performance DSP operation system is installed into it which can inspect three voltage loops, four ammeter loops, and sample 512 points per wave, make 255 times harmonic analysis and meet the standard of GB/T18481-2001 and IEC61000-4-30;it can support short or long flicker inspection and make statistics of flicker passing rate; it can inspect the unbalance of voltage and ammeter, grasp wave within 40 us and record events in time line at 1 ms,events number up to 2048, and all data without losing when power off; it can inspect three-phase real-time electricity parameters and electricity energy data, even record harmonic electricity energy data; its communication port is Ethernet port which is convenient for computer net connection and USB connection for data transfer and store.

PQS-430 is designed specially for electricity quality expert and technicians working in electricity transfer companies, works and research institutes, and it can be widely applied in electricity rout inspection, voltage transfer and alternator maintenance with full functions of valuable equipments.

7 太阳能植物生长调节装置


Solar Plant Growth Adjustment Device

Solar plant growth adjustment device mainly consists of solar power generation device, plant growth lights,and water circulation device. The plant growth light made of LED is designed based on spectra required by the growth of plants. The illumination time can be adjusted to control the growth cycle of plants. We can change the spectra of the LED to get the plant with desired quality. The charge-discharge of the storage cell, illumination time of the plant-growth light, management of water and fertilizer is controlled by micro-computer controller, to meet different needs. On rainy or cloudy days, the system will automatically switch its energy source to electric supply. The multi-layer spatial soilless cultural technology adopted in the system increases the space utilization and meanwhile minimizes the use of pesticides, thus improving the quality of vegetables and flowers. It is applicable for the growth of organic green vegetables, and the growth of plants like vegetables and flowers in balconies at home.?




8 Android物联网远程监控系统

电子与信息工程学院夏继媛老师(主持开发的 Android物联网远程监控系统,通过2.4G Zigbee无线Mesh网络、GPRS/3G和WiFi对LED灯及窗帘进行网络化智能管理,可实现对网络内单个或部分灯光亮度及窗帘开关的远程调节及场景控制,达到节能减排目的。遥控器、电脑、智能手机、平板电脑、触控板等可作为控制终端,通过监控软件,实现对LED灯和窗帘的远程智能化管理。 此控制系统最大优点是能使LED照明系统节能25%以上,并极大限度地延长LED灯具的使用寿命,减少人员维护成本。可应用于智能家居、路灯、商场、办公室、球场等大中型集中式灯光管理等领域。

Remote Control System of Android in the Internet of Things

Remote Control System can manage LED lights and curtains intelligently by 2.4G zigbee mesh network,internet, GPRS/3G and WiFi network for energy saving and emission reduction. Terminals such as remote control, PC, smart phone, MID, and touch panel can control all scenes or a part of LED lights and curtains. This solution can save energy by more than 25%, lengthen LED life, and cut down on resource consumption and lighting system management cost. The solution can be adopted for centralized lights management on the streets,in smart homes, malls, offices, courts and so on.

图1 Android物联网远程监控系统结构框图

图2 灯光远程监控系统结构框图

9 便携式眼调节力测量训练仪

目前临床上使用的眼调节力测量仪,存在造价高、测量粗糙、测量误差大、换算复杂等问题,限制了眼调节力测量仪的普及。电子与信息工程学院李滢滢老师(研发的便携式眼调节力测量训练仪,眼调节力自动测量仪测量精度可达 0.01mm,通过精密导轨和机械传动方式保证了视标测量过程中的匀速运动,解决了手动测量误差过大等问题,能迅速地对测量结果进行显示和诊断,并可依据专业人员的指导,对异常人群进行眼调节力恢复训练。该测量仪操作简便、便于携带,测量结果直观,测量过程具有高敏感性和可重复性。该设备适用于验光配镜,眼科医院及视觉训练中心,有利于科学验光中眼调节力测量的推广,有效改善医疗诊断资源不足的现状。其结构简单、成本低廉,具有较好的经济效益和社会效益。

Portable Ocular Accommodation Automatic Measuring Apparatus

The conventional manual Ocular Accommodation measuring device is characterized by high cost,inaccurate measurement, and complicated processing, which affected its popularity. The new apparatus presented here adopting engine driving and electronic sensor to ensure highly accurate, repeatable and reliable result. The measuring instrument is easy to operate and carry, with high sensitivity and reproducibility measuring process. The device is applicable for optometry, ophthalmology of hospitals and visual training center. Its simple structure, low cost, good economic and social benefits, can promise very broad prospects for its development.

10 手持式红外热像仪


A Handheld Infrared Thermal Imager

An economical handheld infrared thermal imager is presented adopting uncooled Infrared Focal Plane Array (IRFPA) detectors and optical lens system to accumulate the thermal radiation energy from the detected object. Based on FPGA and SOC architecture system as well as advanced infrared technology,which ensures easier systems upgrading and low cost, and turns out high quality thermal imaging photos as well as infrared temperature measurement.The thermal imaging product can be used to display the relative heat levels of a given target area, and may be one of the predictive maintenance tools being widely used in commerce and industry. It can also be used widely in the fields such as thermography, building inspection, enhanced driver vision and military (thermal weapon sight) etc, and can be manufactured in large volume at a minimum cost.

红外摄像仪展示意图(Infrared Thermal Imager)


11 异步娱乐车


Yibu Fun Bicycle

Yibu fun bicycle is designed for riding in spacious place like parks, squares, etc. Bikes for single riding or double riding are available, which consists of bike frame, two large wheel diameter driving front wheel and small wheel diameter universal rear wheel. Riders use hands and feet simultaneously to make the bike move forward. Hands are used to shake rocker, and feet step on the pedal and drive rotation of the two front wheels through the first level of chain. For the beginners, it is hard to make the hands and feet completely to be in sync,so the ratio of chain transmission gear of wheels on both sides tends to be different, and two front wheels are prone to have speed difference. It is hard for initial drivers to control direction, so the bike always serpentines forward. But once you ride for a while, hands and feet become gradually coordinated, the rider can freely control the bike to go straight or turn left, even go back .The speed will also gradually be fast. If a seat and universal wheel in front of the two front wheels are added, two riders can ride face to face at the same time,with one cranking, and the other trending, controlling the direction. Single riding of Yibu fun bicycle can improve body coordination; Double riding can enhance the coordination. Riding will be more interesting and challenging if recreational competitions are involved.

12 新生儿护卫系统


Neonate Caring System

The Neonate Caring System presented here integrates functions of vital signs monitoring, infant incubator,infant radiant warmer, neonatal jaundice treatment, producing a full range of newborn care. In the system, you can realize vital signs monitoring, Blue-ray exposure control, incubator temperature curve control, alarm and automatically mediation when the temperature is too high or too low. Timing control of the Blue-ray exposure time can also be realized for treatment of jaundice. Meanwhile, timing care system can specify the interval of care time to make sure that nurses will attend newborns and reduce the complications of childbirth baby. The system has achieved information integration very perfectly, which is a great breakthrough both at home and abroad, and is listed as a Class III medical product. The cartoon design, user- friendly interface, and convenience makes human-computer interaction possible through a touch screen click.

13 便捷收放速滑鞋


Foldable Slalom Skates

The single row slalom skates on market are inconvenient for the shoes have to be taken off each time.Therefore, we have designed a slalom skates, which can be folded easily and performs the function of ordinary walking shoes and roller skates.

The “on” and “off” of wheels is solely mechanically controlled. The wheels will automatically open and re-locate in the center of shoes by simply pulling the switch when gliding. Similarly, the wheels would be positioned back and convert back to ordinary shoes by pulling the switch again while slightly pressing down with feet. The opening and folding operation is extremely easy by simply pulling the same switch, and will automatically lock, which makes it safe and reliable. This project won the first prize in the national vocational colleague students' works contest in 2012, and also won the first prize in the fifth national colleague students'mechanical innovation design competition.

14 HDMI Dongle

朱中一教授(研发的HDMI Dongle,其特点是通过在i.MX 6Quad ARM Cortex A9 MPCore平台上运行Android 4.0系统,移植XBMC应用,实现电视具有网络接入和内容共享功能。可用于升级目前已经在使用的、无上网功能的电视为互联网智能电视。基于 HDMI Dongle成本低、依赖资源少的特点,故对目前只能生产非智能电视的厂家和有升级已有电视的用户都有吸引力,市场容量应为千万级。能支持互联网功能、流媒体功能、DLNA功能和在线游戏功能的HDMI Dongle,价格通常在300元左右,一般毛利率在30%左右,有广阔的市场应用和推广价值。

HDMI Dongle

Based on Android 4.0 operated on i.MX 6Quad ARM Cortex A9 MPCore platform, HDMI Dongle was developed by adopting porting XBMC application to realize internet browsing, streaming media playing back,and media content sharing, which can upgrade TV to smart TV. Characterized by its resources-efficient nature and low cost, the price of HDMI dongle supporting internet browsing, streaming media playing back, DLNA,and online games fetches 300 RMB, with an gross profit of 30%.


Smartflower POP 一体式光伏系统
连通与提升系统的最后一块拼图 Audiolab 傲立 M-DAC mini