by Jesse Hunter
The world is suffering and crying out for help. There are people in need and violent atrocities on display everyday, in nations youve never heard of with seemingly unpronounceable names and incoherent dialects, making it somewhat easier for those of us at a distance to ignore. Unfortunately, there will never be a shortage of people in need, silently crying out for help. But there are more than a few generous people out there, whose small acts of kindness have helped those in need.
Its pretty common knowledge nowadays that there are millions of families below the poverty line, unable to afford an education for their children. But did you know that there are a growing number of innocent Nepalese children rotting away in prison for the crimes of their parents? Well, one young woman found out about it, is doing something about it, and you can read all about it in Pulling Children Out of Nepals Prisons.
With help, a little goes a long way, and going out of your way to help a child can end up saving thousands of children down the line. Read A Small Act, A Kenyan Miracle to see how receiving an education led one boy to dedicate his life and a whole charitable organization to his benefactor.
When you hear the term “people in need” you generally think of people who need money, food or shelter. But that shy teen in the corner could be desperately in need of unconditional support and encouragement. Letters to Complete Strangers follows a lonely girl who heals herself, and others, by writing kind words to people shes never met.
People who heal the world by giving back to society are still too few and far between, but as awareness grows so too does generosity. So spread the word, help where you can, and the world will be a better place.