
世界建筑导报 2013年5期


建筑物、城镇和城市,是我们生活中最强大、最具动感的元素,就像宗教、音乐、艺术或政治一样强大。然而,城市的内涵从来都不仅限于这些:它们是永久性的、公共的,既是一种符号,又是一种成就。我毫不怀疑,建筑和城市化是我们最伟大的成就。—— 泰瑞·法莱尔爵士

TFP Farrells是享誉国际的建筑设计公司,由举世闻名的建筑大师及城市规划专家泰瑞.法莱尔爵士(Sir Terry Farrell)所创立。对于项目的方方面面,从初始概念到项目竣工,我们都会付之以最高标准的建筑想象力和设计精华。



我们的两大办公室 — 伦敦和香港办公室,把愿景变为现实,诚向客户完成标志性建筑和总体规划。


除建筑项目外,TFP Farrells 在城市设计及规划方面也具备广泛的经验。目前,我们已在欧洲和东南亚各大城市完成了多项总体规划。其中不少作品获得国际设计认可与奖项,常见诸于全球的不同刊物。我们的建筑风格以创新的技术运用及概念思维为本,并通过透彻了解客户的需求和期望、项目的历史和环境、建筑使用者和享受者的需求而形成。



TFP Farrells 由泰瑞.法莱尔爵士引领,是享负盛名的国际建筑及城市设计事务所,在伦敦、香港、上海均设有办事处。我们在建筑设计、城市规划、旧城改造和规划等方面都拥有专门知识,向来备受赞誉。TFP Farrells 以建筑设计为主营业务,从初始设计到项目竣工,公司自始至终都为方案所有方面赋予最高水准的建筑构想和卓越设计。 公司对营造切实的公共领域怀有坚定的信念——这些空间存在于建筑之间,具有重要地位。在过去的40多年中,我们完成了多个项目,足以佐证公司拥有广泛且丰富的经验。

TFP Farrells 诚为多座城市提供高水准的建筑方案和总体规划,其各适其所的瞩目建筑及总体规划见于世界各地,从伦敦、里斯本、爱丁堡至香港、北京、首尔,以至悉尼、西雅图等。40多年来,TFP Farrells 一直引领潮流,引起各界就建筑设计及城市规划的激烈讨论。TFP Farrells曾羸得多项国际设计大奖,其作品也经常刊载于世界著名刊物上。

探索并了解世界城镇和城市是TFP Farrells的热切追求。核心问题在于城市设计与现存建筑之间的关系,这应是首先创造一个环境,然后从设计过程的精巧布局中,演化出建筑的形象。这从来不存在背景真空;一个环境中的民众、文化、历史和具体特性,一直都既是起点,又是终点;而建立一个新的总体规划或建筑物的行为又能改善或转变其所赖以形成的环境。


基于此,可持续的设计一直是 TFP Farrells工作议程中的关键元素。我们一方面会顾及延续人们对建筑的情感,另一方面也会考虑到建筑的实用功能与经济效益。我们集思广益,务求运用各种总体规划和城市设计策略,令我们的设计得以合理布局,能与自然环境浑然合一 —— 这比建筑设计本身更为重要。

可持续发展在于竭力减低发展对环境的影响,同时满足经济预期,并为居住者、邻里和本地区带来更广泛的社会效益。TFP Farrells了解英国政府在可持续设计方面给予积极支持,也意识到必须采用顶尖设计才可达至最佳效果。为此,我们将以对场所的敏感观察与反应为本,促成任何项目的设计大纲,在世界各地创建了多个工程。TFP Farrells早年的业务几乎全部集中在伦敦。由于我们在伦敦的表现出类拔萃,令我们声名大噪,并委以多项任务。在英国,甚至在其它国家主要城市中,我们成功地完成多个项目的设计。

我们通过尽善尽美的城市设计,确保泰瑞.法莱尔爵士对可持续性的孜孜追求得以贯穿整个设计过程;我们的设计标准常常高于设计说明书所要求。TFP Farrells 擅于将前景、承诺和倡仪融为一体,提供解决方案。在城市重建中,我们对现场、周边环境和历史的敏感应知与回应是我们尤其注重的部份。我们的总体规划策略一直以创新技术和破格概念为本,而这一思维正是基于我们对用地的分析,对客户目标、该地区的历史和环境的理解,以及对所有用户的需要和愿望的认识。

近年来,TFP Farrells参与诸多项目,这些项目都是我们留给子孙的遗产,具有可持续性。从传统意义上看,场地就是我们的客户。由于场所营造是我们总体规划设计过程的核心,我们总能够营造出一个美好的、与现存城市建筑唇齿相依的城市环境。


General lntroduction

“the people, culture, history and physical character of a place are always the starting and ending points as the act of creating a new masterplan or building,adds to and changes in some way, the very place it has grown out of.” - Sir Terry Farrells

TFP Farrells Limited is an international design based practice, founded by the world renowned architect and urbanist Sir Terry Farrell. We apply the highest standards of architectural imagination and design excellence to all aspects of a project, from initial concept to project completion.

Over four decades we have attracted critical acclaim and won many awards and honours. We have developed over this time an extensive, world-wide body of work,comprising government, civic and municipal buildings, corporate headquarters,art galleries, exhibition halls, museums, research centres, residential, commercial,leisure, retail, banks, industrial buildings, refurbishment, transportation and infrastructure projects.

We are acknowledged as pre-eminent urban designers and masterplanners and our strength lies in our ability to create a vision for a project, no matter how complex,from the client’s programme and the site’s context delivering a distinct solution and aesthetic that results in a real sense of ‘Place’.

Our two main of fices — London and Hong Kong deliver the vision to our clients across the globe with signature buildings and masterplans.

We are the architects, who has completed the KK100 in Shenzhen, China, which is the tallest building completed in the world in 201 1. The practice has designed a number of landmarks buildings including the award winning China National Petroleum Headquarters and Z15 Tower in Beijing, China; BEA Financial Tower and The Summit in Shanghai; and two major high speed rail termini in Beijing and Guangzhou, China. TFP Farrells has successfully completed some of the world’s most complex and ambitious projects in a wide range of sectors from concept to completion. We strive to achieve the highest quality in the design, management and execution of projects. W e achieve these objectives within the cost requirements through the process of quality assured design, which satisfies the aesthetic,functional, and programme requirements of the project.

In addition to architectural projects, TFP Farrells Limited has extensive experience in urban design and planning. Masterplans have been completed for a number of major city centre sites in Europe and South-East Asia. Many of our work have achieved international design recognition and awards, and the work of the Company is featured in publications throughout the world. Our architecture is founded on innovative technical and conceptual thinking, based on a complete understanding of the client’s requirements and aspirations; of the history and context of the project;and the needs of those who use and enjoy our buildings.

Our architecture expresses a great and enduring passion for urbanism. A fascination for cities, combined with a deep, intrinsic understanding of how they are structured and function, has always informed our architecture and given it qualities which single us out in the world. W e have never viewed our architectural task as the design of isolated objects in space. Our buildings are bold, eye-catching,generally spectacular, and they are one-of f structures crafted for a particular place with a great sensitivity to context and a unique urban role to play.


Led by Sir Terry Farrell, TFP Farrells is a firm of internationally recognised architects and urban designers with offices in London, Hong Kong and Shanghai. The company is renowned for its expertise in architecture, urban design, regeneration, and planning. TFP Farrells is a design-based practice that applies the highest standards of architectural imagination and design excellence to all aspects of a scheme, from initial design to project completion.The practice feels strongly about the creation of tangible civic realms – the vital spaces in between buildings. The large body of work generated by the office over forty years testifies to its wide-ranging experience.

TFP Farrells has a worldwide portfolio of high-profile building schemes and masterplans in cities as diverse as London, Hong Kong, Beijing, Seoul,Sydney, Seattle, Lisbon and Edinburgh. The practice has shaped the debate on architecture and urban design spanning four decades. Many of TFP Farrells projects have won international design awards and the company’s urban design work is often featured in publications worldwide.

Exploring and understanding the world’s towns and cities is our passionate commitment. The central concern has always been the relationship between urban design and built architecture; between creating first a place and then evolving an architectural face, which grows out of this deliberate sequencing of the design process. There is never a contextual vacuum; the people,culture, history and physical character of a place are always the starting and ending points as the act of creating a new masterplan or building adds to,and changes in some way, the very place it has grown out of.

For over four decades sustainability has been a core element of the TFP Farrells agenda, based upon a conviction that existing buildings are a resource and regeneration and re-use should always be considered before launching into new build.

Place-making and urban-design are primary foundation for the longevity of our built environment in terms of enduring in people’s affections as well as usefulness and economic benefit. Masterplanning and planning strategies from the broadest point of view of how we arrange our built and natural environments are critical and can be more fundamental overall than the buildings themselves. Within the wider social context TFP Farrells recognise that our schemes need to deliver solutions which meet the highest environmental standards.Sustainable development is about minimising environmental impact whilst meeting economic expectations and bringing wider social benefits to occupiers, neighbours and local areas. TFP Farrells recognise the UK government’s proactive stance with respect to sustainable design and are conscious of the need for best practice. Taking sensitivity to place as a key generator of the brief for any project as its foundation, the practice has carried out projects worldwide. In the early years of the practice, TFP Farrells work was almost entirely in London. Subsequently, TFP Farrells’ reputation,gained through its distinctive and innovative approach in London, led to numerous commissions and the successful delivery of projects in core cities throughout the UK and overseas.

Sir Terry Farrell’s personal commitment to sustainability through consummate urban design ensures that it is inured in the design process;often our own standards exceed the demands of the brief in respect of environmental issues.

TFP Farrells are renowned for delivering solutions through a combination of vision, commitment and advocacy. Urban regeneration, combined with sensitivity to site, context and history are particular concerns of the practice.Our masterplanning approach is founded on innovative technical and conceptual thinking based on analysis of the site, an understanding of the client’s objectives, the history and context of the area and recognition of the needs and aspirations of all users.

In recent years TFP Farrells has undertaken a number of projects which will form a substantial legacy for future generations. We have had no client in the conventional sense: the place has been our client. Because place-making is at the heart of our masterplan process, a fine new piece of urban environment that is intrinsically connected to the existing urban structure will always result.

